
1 hadoop租约概述


// leaseManager是LeaseManager的实例


// 开启文件租约或者续约,这个过程中会使用rpc访问NameNodeRpcServer,
// 最终使用LeaseManager完成续约
beginFileLease(result.getFileId(), result);



HDFS文件是write-once-read-many, 并且不支持客户端的并行写操作。 HDFS提供了租约(Lease) 机制保证对HDFS文件的互斥操作来实现这个功能,

在HDFS中, 客户端写文件时需要先从租约管理器(LeaseManager) 申请一个租约,成功申请租约之后客户端就成为了租约持有者, 也就拥有了对该HDFS文件的独占权限,其他客户端在该租约有效时无法打开这个HDFS文件进行操作。 Namenode的租约管理器保存了HDFS文件与租约、 租约与租约持有者的对应关系, 租约管理器还会定期检查它维护的所有租约是否过期。 租约管理器会强制收回过期的租约, 所以租约持有者需要定期更新租约(renew), 维护对该文件的独占锁定。 当客户端完成了对文件的写操作, 关闭文件时, 必须在租约管理器中释放租。

2 LeaseManager


它不仅仅保存了HDFS中所有租约的信息, 提供租约的增、 删、 改、 查方法, 同时还维护了一个Monitor线程定期检查租约是否超时, 对于长时间没有更新租约的文件(超过硬限制时间) , LeaseManager会触发约恢复机制, 然后关闭文件。

在LeaseManager中使用数据结构leases、sortedLeases以及sortedLeasesByPath三个字段保存Namenode中的所有租约;使用Imthread字段保存租约检查线程;使用softLimit字段保存软限制时间(默认是60秒, 不可以配置) ; 使用hadrLimit字段保存硬限制时间(默认是20分钟, 可以配置)

2.1 变量与构造函数


private final FSNamesystem fsnamesystem;
// 软限制,默认60s
private long softLimit = HdfsConstants.LEASE_SOFTLIMIT_PERIOD;
// 硬限制,在构造函数中初始化为20min
private long hardLimit;
static final int INODE_FILTER_WORKER_COUNT_MAX = 4;
static final int INODE_FILTER_WORKER_TASK_MIN = 512;
// 租约持有者更新时间
private long lastHolderUpdateTime;
private String internalLeaseHolder;

// Used for handling lock-leases
// Mapping: leaseHolder -> Lease
// 排序map,key为租约持有这holder,value为租约
private final SortedMap<String, Lease> leases = new TreeMap<>();
// Set of: Lease,排序租约,根据租约的最后更新时间进行排序,
// 如果更新时间相同, 则按照租约持有者的字典序保存
private final NavigableSet<Lease> sortedLeases = new TreeSet<>(
    new Comparator<Lease>() {
        public int compare(Lease o1, Lease o2) {
            if (o1.getLastUpdate() != o2.getLastUpdate()) {
                return Long.signum(o1.getLastUpdate() - o2.getLastUpdate());
            } else {
                return o1.holder.compareTo(o2.holder);
// 根据inodeId->Lease保存租约
// INodeID -> Lease
private final TreeMap<Long, Lease> leasesById = new TreeMap<>();

// 租约检查线程
private Daemon lmthread;
private volatile boolean shouldRunMonitor;


LeaseManager(FSNamesystem fsnamesystem) {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    this.fsnamesystem = fsnamesystem;
    this.hardLimit = conf.getLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_LEASE_HARDLIMIT_KEY,
                                  DFSConfigKeys.DFS_LEASE_HARDLIMIT_DEFAULT) * 1000;
    // 更新内部租约的时间戳

2.2 添加租约

当客户端创建或者追加写入一个文件时,会添加一个租约到租约管理器上,调用LeaseManager.addLease()为该客户端在HDFS文件上添加一个租约。 addLease()方法有两个参数, 其中holder参数保存租约的持有者信息,inodeId 代表文件的id, addLease()方法的实现也非常简单, 先是通过getLease()方法构造租约, 然后在LeaseManager定义的leasesById中添加这个租约的信息。

这个方法是同步[synchronized ]的方法

   * Adds (or re-adds) the lease for the specified file.
synchronized Lease addLease(String holder, long inodeId) {
    // 获取租约
    Lease lease = getLease(holder);
    // 如果租约不存在,则重新创建,而后添加到sortedLeases和leases中
    // 如果租约已存在,则对其进行更新
    if (lease == null) {
        lease = new Lease(holder);
        leases.put(holder, lease);
    } else {
    leasesById.put(inodeId, lease);
    // 往该租约管理的文件中将增加的这个文件加入其中
    return lease;


2.3 检查租约


INodeFile checkLease(INodesInPath iip, String holder, long fileId)
    throws LeaseExpiredException, FileNotFoundException {
    String src = iip.getPath();
    INode inode = iip.getLastINode();
    assert hasReadLock();
    // HDFS文件不存在, 则抛出异常
    if (inode == null) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist: "
                                        + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder));
    // INode是一个目录, 则抛出异常
    if (!inode.isFile()) {
        throw new LeaseExpiredException("INode is not a regular file: "
                                        + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder));
    final INodeFile file = inode.asFile();
    //文件不处于构建中状态, 则抛出异常
    if (!file.isUnderConstruction()) {
        throw new LeaseExpiredException("File is not open for writing: "
                                        + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder));
    // No further modification is allowed on a deleted file.
    // A file is considered deleted, if it is not in the inodeMap or is marked
    // as deleted in the snapshot feature.
    // 文件已被删除,抛出异常
    if (isFileDeleted(file)) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("File is deleted: "
                                        + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder));
    // 获取文件的租约持有者
    final String owner = file.getFileUnderConstructionFeature().getClientName();
    // 如果当前租约持有者和文件返回的持有者不相等,则抛出异常
    if (holder != null && !owner.equals(holder)) {
        throw new LeaseExpiredException("Client (=" + holder
                                        + ") is not the lease owner (=" + owner + ": "
                                        + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder));
    return file;


/** Check the leases beginning from the oldest.
   *  @return true is sync is needed.
synchronized boolean checkLeases() {
    boolean needSync = false;
    assert fsnamesystem.hasWriteLock();

    long start = monotonicNow();

    // 因为sortedLeases 使用了优先级队列,时间最久的租约Lease就在第一个.
    // 所以只需要判断第一个租约是否满足过期条件
    // 如果租约没有超过硬限制时间, 则直接返回, 因为后面的租约并不需要判断
    while(!sortedLeases.isEmpty() &&
          && !isMaxLockHoldToReleaseLease(start)) {
        // 获取时间上看最老的lease
        Lease leaseToCheck = sortedLeases.first();
        LOG.info("{} has expired hard limit", leaseToCheck);

        // 记录租约超时的租约,后续删除
        final List<Long> removing = new ArrayList<>();
        // need to create a copy of the oldest lease files, because
        // internalReleaseLease() removes files corresponding to empty files,
        // i.e. it needs to modify the collection being iterated over
        // causing ConcurrentModificationException
        Collection<Long> files = leaseToCheck.getFiles();
        Long[] leaseINodeIds = files.toArray(new Long[files.size()]);
        // 获取文件系统根目录
        FSDirectory fsd = fsnamesystem.getFSDirectory();
        String p = null;
        // 获取内部租约持有者
        String newHolder = getInternalLeaseHolder();
        // 遍历租约中的所有文件
        for(Long id : leaseINodeIds) {
            try {
                // 获取INodeFile文件所在的路径
                INodesInPath iip = INodesInPath.fromINode(fsd.getInode(id));
                p = iip.getPath();
                // Sanity check to make sure the path is correct
                if (!p.startsWith("/")) {
                    throw new IOException("Invalid path in the lease " + p);
                final INodeFile lastINode = iip.getLastINode().asFile();
                // 文件是否已经删除
                if (fsnamesystem.isFileDeleted(lastINode)) {
                    // INode referred by the lease could have been deleted.
                boolean completed = false;
                try {
                    completed = fsnamesystem.internalReleaseLease(
                        leaseToCheck, p, iip, newHolder);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    LOG.warn("Cannot release the path {} in the lease {}. It will be "
                             + "retried.", p, leaseToCheck, e);
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    if (completed) {
                        LOG.debug("Lease recovery for inode {} is complete. File closed"
                                  + ".", id);
                    } else {
                        LOG.debug("Started block recovery {} lease {}", p, leaseToCheck);
                // If a lease recovery happened, we need to sync later.
                if (!needSync && !completed) {
                    needSync = true;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.warn("Removing lease with an invalid path: {},{}", p,
                         leaseToCheck, e);
            if (isMaxLockHoldToReleaseLease(start)) {
                LOG.debug("Breaking out of checkLeases after {} ms.",

        // 移除已经超时的租约
        for(Long id : removing) {
            removeLease(leaseToCheck, id);

    return needSync;

2.4 更新租约

当客户端打开了一个文件用于写或者追加写操作时, LeaseManager会保存这个客户端在该文件上的租约。 客户端会启动一个LeaseRenewer定期更新租约, 以防止租约过期。

租约更新操作是由FSNamesystem.renewLease()响应的, 这个方法最终会调LeaseManager.renewLease()方法。 renewLease()方法会首先从sortedLeases字段中移除这个租约, 然后更新这个租约的最后更新时间, 再重新加入sortedLeases中。 这么做的原因是, sortedLeases是一个以最后更新时间排序的集合, 所以每次更新租约后, sortedLeases中的顺序也需要重新改变。

   * Renew the lease(s) held by the given client
   * FSNamesystem#renewLease方法
void renewLease(String holder) throws IOException {
    try {
        checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot renew lease for " + holder);
        // 调用租约管理器中的更新租约操作
    } finally {

   * Renew the lease(s) held by the given client
synchronized void renewLease(String holder) {
synchronized void renewLease(Lease lease) {
    // 先将租约移除,而后更新租约的时间戳,最后又将租约添加到sortedLeases中
    if (lease != null) {

2.5 删除租约


2.5.1 关闭文件

Namenode关闭构建中的HDFS文件时, 会调用FSNamesystem.finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction()方法将INode从构建状态转换成非构建状态, 同时由于客户端已经完成了文件的写操作, 所以需要从LeaseManager中删除该文件的租约, 这里调用了removeLease()方法删除租约。

void finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(String src, INodeFile pendingFile,
                                        int latestSnapshot, boolean allowCommittedBlock) throws IOException {
    assert hasWriteLock();

    FileUnderConstructionFeature uc = pendingFile.getFileUnderConstructionFeature();
    if (uc == null) {
        throw new IOException("Cannot finalize file " + src
                              + " because it is not under construction");


    // The file is no longer pending.
    // Create permanent INode, update blocks. No need to replace the inode here
    // since we just remove the uc feature from pendingFile
                               allowCommittedBlock? numCommittedAllowed: 0,

    // 调用removeLease
    leaseManager.removeLease(uc.getClientName(), pendingFile);

    // close file and persist block allocations for this file
    closeFile(src, pendingFile);


2.5.2 目录树删除

在进行目录树的删除操作时, 对于已经打开的文件, 如果客户端从文件系统目录树中移出该HDFS文件, 则会调用FSNamesystem.removeLeasesAndINodes()方法从LeaseManager中删除租约。

   * Remove leases and inodes related to a given path
   * @param removedUCFiles INodes whose leases need to be released
   * @param removedINodes Containing the list of inodes to be removed from
   *                      inodesMap
   * @param acquireINodeMapLock Whether to acquire the lock for inode removal
void removeLeasesAndINodes(List<Long> removedUCFiles,
                           List<INode> removedINodes,
                           final boolean acquireINodeMapLock) {
    assert hasWriteLock();
    for(long i : removedUCFiles) {
    // remove inodes from inodesMap
    if (removedINodes != null) {
        if (acquireINodeMapLock) {
        try {
        } finally {
            if (acquireINodeMapLock) {

2.5.3 LeaseManager#removeLease


synchronized void removeLease(long inodeId) {
    final Lease lease = leasesById.get(inodeId);
    if (lease != null) {
        removeLease(lease, inodeId);

   * Remove the specified lease and src.
private synchronized void removeLease(Lease lease, long inodeId) {
    if (!lease.removeFile(inodeId)) {
        LOG.debug("inode {} not found in lease.files (={})", inodeId, lease);

    if (!lease.hasFiles()) {
        if (!sortedLeases.remove(lease)) {
            LOG.error("{} not found in sortedLeases", lease);

   * Remove the lease for the specified holder and src
synchronized void removeLease(String holder, INodeFile src) {
    Lease lease = getLease(holder);
    if (lease != null) {
        removeLease(lease, src.getId());
    } else {
        LOG.warn("Removing non-existent lease! holder={} src={}", holder, src

synchronized void removeAllLeases() {

2.6 租约恢复

对于HDFS文件的租约恢复操作是通过调用FSNamesystem.intemalReleaseLease()实现的, 这个方法用于将一个已经打开的文件进行租约恢复并关闭。 如果成功关闭了文件internalReleaseLease()方法会返回true;如果仅触发了租约恢复操作, 则返回false。 我们知道租约恢复是针对已经打开的构建中的文件的, 所以internalReleaseLease()会判断文件中所有数据块的状态, 对于异常的状态则直接抛出异常。 在checkLeases()方法中, 对于调FSNamesystem.internalReleaseLease()方法时抛出异常的租约, 则直接调用removeLease()方法删除。

当文件处于构建状态时, 有三种情况可以直接关闭文件, 并返回true。

  • 这个文件所拥有的所有数据块都处于COMPLETED状态, 也就是客户端还没有来得及关闭文件和释放租约就出现了故障, 这时internalReleaseLease()可以直接调用finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction()方法关闭文件并删除租约。
  • 文件的最后一个数据块处于提交状态( COMMITTED) , 并且该数据块至少有一个有效的副本, 这时可以直接调用finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction()方法关闭文件并删除租约。
  • 文件的最后一个数据块处于构建中状态, 但这个数据块的长度为0, 且当前没有Datanode汇报接收了这个数据块, 这种情况很可能是客户端向数据流管道中写数据前发生了故障, 这时可以将最后一个未写入数据的数据块删除, 之后调用finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction()方法关闭文件并删除租约。


这个数据块已经写入了数据时, 则构造一个新的时间戳作为recoveryld, 调用initializeBlockRecovery()触发租约恢复, 更新当前文件的租约持有者为“HDFS_NameNode”。

   * Move a file that is being written to be immutable.
   * @param src The filename
   * @param lease The lease for the client creating the file
   * @param recoveryLeaseHolder reassign lease to this holder if the last block
   *        needs recovery; keep current holder if null.
   * @throws AlreadyBeingCreatedException if file is waiting to achieve minimal
   *         replication;<br>
   *         RecoveryInProgressException if lease recovery is in progress.<br>
   *         IOException in case of an error.
   * @return true  if file has been successfully finalized and closed or 
   *         false if block recovery has been initiated. Since the lease owner
   *         has been changed and logged, caller should call logSync().
boolean internalReleaseLease(Lease lease, String src, INodesInPath iip,
                             String recoveryLeaseHolder) throws IOException {
    LOG.info("Recovering " + lease + ", src=" + src);
    assert !isInSafeMode();
    assert hasWriteLock();

    final INodeFile pendingFile = iip.getLastINode().asFile();
    int nrBlocks = pendingFile.numBlocks();
    BlockInfo[] blocks = pendingFile.getBlocks();

    int nrCompleteBlocks;
    BlockInfo curBlock = null;
    for(nrCompleteBlocks = 0; nrCompleteBlocks < nrBlocks; nrCompleteBlocks++) {
        curBlock = blocks[nrCompleteBlocks];
        assert blockManager.hasMinStorage(curBlock) :
        "A COMPLETE block is not minimally replicated in " + src;

    // If there are no incomplete blocks associated with this file,
    // then reap lease immediately and close the file.
    if(nrCompleteBlocks == nrBlocks) {
        finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(src, pendingFile,
                                           iip.getLatestSnapshotId(), false);
        NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("BLOCK*" +
                                     " internalReleaseLease: All existing blocks are COMPLETE," +
                                     " lease removed, file " + src + " closed.");
        return true;  // closed!

    // Only the last and the penultimate blocks may be in non COMPLETE state.
    // If the penultimate block is not COMPLETE, then it must be COMMITTED.
    if(nrCompleteBlocks < nrBlocks - 2 ||
       nrCompleteBlocks == nrBlocks - 2 &&
       curBlock != null &&
       curBlock.getBlockUCState() != BlockUCState.COMMITTED) {
        final String message = "DIR* NameSystem.internalReleaseLease: "
            + "attempt to release a create lock on "
            + src + " but file is already closed.";
        throw new IOException(message);

    // The last block is not COMPLETE, and
    // that the penultimate block if exists is either COMPLETE or COMMITTED
    final BlockInfo lastBlock = pendingFile.getLastBlock();
    BlockUCState lastBlockState = lastBlock.getBlockUCState();
    BlockInfo penultimateBlock = pendingFile.getPenultimateBlock();

    // If penultimate block doesn't exist then its minReplication is met
    boolean penultimateBlockMinStorage = penultimateBlock == null ||

    switch(lastBlockState) {
        case COMPLETE:
            assert false : "Already checked that the last block is incomplete";
        case COMMITTED:
            // Close file if committed blocks are minimally replicated
            if(penultimateBlockMinStorage &&
               blockManager.hasMinStorage(lastBlock)) {
                finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(src, pendingFile,
                                                   iip.getLatestSnapshotId(), false);
                NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("BLOCK*" +
                                             " internalReleaseLease: Committed blocks are minimally" +
                                             " replicated, lease removed, file" + src + " closed.");
                return true;  // closed!
            // Cannot close file right now, since some blocks 
            // are not yet minimally replicated.
            // This may potentially cause infinite loop in lease recovery
            // if there are no valid replicas on data-nodes.
            String message = "DIR* NameSystem.internalReleaseLease: " +
                "Failed to release lease for file " + src +
                ". Committed blocks are waiting to be minimally replicated." +
                " Try again later.";
            throw new AlreadyBeingCreatedException(message);
        case UNDER_RECOVERY:
            BlockUnderConstructionFeature uc =
            // determine if last block was intended to be truncated
            BlockInfo recoveryBlock = uc.getTruncateBlock();
            boolean truncateRecovery = recoveryBlock != null;
            boolean copyOnTruncate = truncateRecovery &&
                recoveryBlock.getBlockId() != lastBlock.getBlockId();
            assert !copyOnTruncate ||
                recoveryBlock.getBlockId() < lastBlock.getBlockId() &&
                recoveryBlock.getGenerationStamp() < lastBlock.getGenerationStamp() &&
                recoveryBlock.getNumBytes() > lastBlock.getNumBytes() :
            "wrong recoveryBlock";

            // setup the last block locations from the blockManager if not known
            if (uc.getNumExpectedLocations() == 0) {
                uc.setExpectedLocations(lastBlock, blockManager.getStorages(lastBlock),

            if (uc.getNumExpectedLocations() == 0 && lastBlock.getNumBytes() == 0) {
                // There is no datanode reported to this block.
                // may be client have crashed before writing data to pipeline.
                // This blocks doesn't need any recovery.
                // We can remove this block and close the file.
                finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(src, pendingFile,
                                                   iip.getLatestSnapshotId(), false);
                NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("BLOCK* internalReleaseLease: "
                                             + "Removed empty last block and closed file " + src);
                return true;
            // Start recovery of the last block for this file
            // Only do so if there is no ongoing recovery for this block,
            // or the previous recovery for this block timed out.
            if (blockManager.addBlockRecoveryAttempt(lastBlock)) {
                long blockRecoveryId = nextGenerationStamp(
                if(copyOnTruncate) {
                } else if(truncateRecovery) {
                uc.initializeBlockRecovery(lastBlock, blockRecoveryId, true);

                // Cannot close file right now, since the last block requires recovery.
                // This may potentially cause infinite loop in lease recovery
                // if there are no valid replicas on data-nodes.
                    "DIR* NameSystem.internalReleaseLease: " +
                    "File " + src + " has not been closed." +
                    " Lease recovery is in progress. " +
                    "RecoveryId = " + blockRecoveryId + " for block " + lastBlock);
            lease = reassignLease(lease, src, recoveryLeaseHolder, pendingFile);
    return false;