Ceph作为Linux PB级分布式文件系统,因其灵活智能可配置, 在软件定义存储的大潮中,越来越受到iass方案提供商的注意。



openstack cinder io不稳定 openstack cinder ceph_git


CEPH存储集群中的层次结构也可见上图,主要是先文件条带化为obj, obj通过hash函数映射到PG(上图中Pool就是PG的容器),PG通过CRUSH算法均匀映射到OSD,OSD基于文件系统,比如xfs,ext4等等。

本文中将只使用三个osd(官方推荐是至少两个, 一个无法应对故障), 三个监视器(主要负责接受数据上报, 提供cluster map, 至少要三个, 一个不好容灾,奇数个可确保PAXOS算法能确定一批监视器里哪个版本的集群运行图是最新的) , 只放了一个mds,  这样的搭配基本是测试环境下最小的配置了,ceph很强调它的扩展性, 所以越多越好, 越能体现其优势

本文使用的系统环境: redhat6.5 四台机器 规划如下:

1. mds 装一个mds 一个mon, 一个osd  
2. osd 装一个mon, 一个osd  
3. mon 装 一个mon, 一个osd  
4. client 上安装openstack all-in-one,管理节点

三台机器组成ceph存储集群,hostname分别为mds,osd,mon,下文将都是使用这些短的hostname代表节点,其中在这三台机器上都部署monitor和对象存储osd,在mds上部署metadata服务器mds,另外一台机器作为openstack all-in-one环境节点 hostname:client

采用ceph-deploy来部署安装ceph, 这个类似与我们部署openstack用的chef。非常方便。

第一步:  在管理节点上修改/etc/hosts,ceph-deploy 后面的节点参数必须使用hostname,为了能够解析hostname,需要配置/etc/hosts,为下面粘贴部分的后四行。

1. [root@client ceph ]# cat /etc/hosts  
2. localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4  
3. ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6  
4. mds  
5. osd  
6. mon  
7. client


1. [root@client install]# ssh-keygen  
2. [root@client install]# ssh-copy-id mds  
3. [root@client install]# ssh-copy-id ods  
4. [root@client install]# ssh-copy-id mon

第三步:在client上添加yum源文件ceph.repo 使用最新版本 firefly, 本地环境是redhat 6.5, 所以baseurl中用rhel6, 本机为64位系统,后面的目录也使用的x86_64, 如下

第四步: 安装ceph

1. [root@client~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo  
2. [Ceph]  
3. name=Cephpackages
4. gpgkey=https://ceph.com/git/?p=ceph.git;a=blob_plain;f=keys/release.asc  
5. enabled=1
6. baseurl=http://ceph.com/rpm-firefly/rhel6/x86_64  
7. priority=1
8. gpgcheck=1
9. type=rpm-md  
10. [ceph-source]  
11. name=Cephsource
12. gpgkey=https://ceph.com/git/?p=ceph.git;a=blob_plain;f=keys/release.asc  
13. enabled=1
14. baseurl=http://ceph.com/rpm-firefly/rhel6/SRPMS  
15. priority=1
16. gpgcheck=1
17. type=rpm-md  
18. [Ceph-noarch]  
19. name=Cephnoarch
20. gpgkey=https://ceph.com/git/?p=ceph.git;a=blob_plain;f=keys/release.asc  
21. enabled=1
22. baseurl=http://ceph.com/rpm-firefly/rhel6/noarch  
23. priority=1
24. gpgcheck=1
25. type=rpm-md

1. [root@client~]# yum -y install ceph-deploy



1. [root@client ~]# mkdir ceph  
2. [root@client ~]# cd ceph

建立一个集群包含mds osd mon

1. [root@client ceph]# ceph-deploy new mds mon osd # 必须使用hostname


1. [root@client ceph]# ceph-deploy install mds mon osd


1. [root@client ceph]# ceph-deploy mon create mds mon osd



Note: 做这个时候,这个如果

mds mon osd上防火墙开着, 会收集不到,建议关掉,不然就要通过 iptables设置相关rule,

不关报的错是:[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][WARNIN]Unable to find /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mds/ceph.keyring

1. [root@client ceph]# ceph-deploy gatherkeys mds #用其中一个节点即可  
2. [root@client ceph]# ls  
3. ceph.bootstrap-mds.keyring  ceph.bootstrap-osd.keyring  ceph.client.admin.keyring  ceph.conf  ceph.log  ceph.mon.keyring  
4. 建立osd,默认是基于xfs文件系统,并激活。

1. [root@client ceph]# ceph-deploy osd prepare mds:/opt/ceph mds:/opt/cephmon:/opt/ceph  
2. [root@client ceph]# ceph-deploy osd activate mds:/opt/ceph mds:/opt/cephmon:/opt/ceph



1. [root@client ceph]# ceph-deploy mds create mds


* 如果到此位止,我们仅想把这个文件系统mount到client端,我们需要安装ceph-fuse

1. [root@client ceph]# yum -y install ceph-fuse  
2. [root@client ceph]#  
3. [root@client ceph]# ceph-fuse -m /mnt/ceph  
4. ceph-fuse[24569]:starting ceph client  
5. ceph-fuse[24569]:starting fuse  
6. [root@client ceph]# df  
7. Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use%Mounted on  
8. /dev/mapper/vg_client-lv_root 18069936 2791420 14360604 17% /  
9. tmpfs 812188 4 812184 1%/dev/shm  
10. /dev/vda1 495844 34541 435703 8% /boot  
11. /etc/swift/data/drives/images/swift.img 1038336 32976 1005360 4% /etc/swift/data/drives/sdb1  
12. ceph-fuse 54304768 25591808 28712960 48%/mnt/ceph #这一行

第五步: 整合到nova,glance 和cinder的使用上

1. [root@client ceph]# yum install ceph  
2. [root@client ceph]# rados mkpool volumes  
3. [root@client ceph]# rados mkpool images  
4. [root@client ceph]# ceph osd pool set volumes size 3  
5. [root@client ceph]# ceph osd pool set images size 3   
6. [root@client ceph]# ceph osd lspools  
7. 0data,1 metadata,2 rbd,4 volumes,5 images,


1. [root@client ceph]# ceph auth get-or-create client.volumes mon 'allow r' osd 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=volumes,allow rx pool=images' -o /etc/ceph/client.volumes.keyring  
2. [root@client ceph]# ceph auth get-or-create client.images mon 'allow r' osd 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=images' -o /etc/ceph/client.images.keyring

在ceph.conf 中加上后面的几行。

1. [root@clientceph]# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf  
2. [global]  
3. auth_service_required= cephx
4. filestore_xattr_use_omap= true
5. auth_client_required= cephx
6. auth_cluster_required= cephx
7. mon_host=,,  
8. mon_initial_members= mds, osd, mon  
9. fsid= 3493ee7b-ce67-47ce-9ce1-f5d6b219a709  
11. [client.volumes] #此行开始是加的  
12. keyring= /etc/ceph/client.volumes.keyring  
13. [client.images]  
14. keyring= /etc/ceph/client.images.keyring


glance image upload的时候会报如下错

Requestreturned failure status.

500Internal Server Error

GL-F9EE247Failed to upload image 1c3d2523-9752-4644-89c2-b066428144fd



问题: qemu版本问题,必须能支持rbd格式的,因为libvirt就是通过qemu相关命令与ceph存储交互,可通过"qemu-img–help”察看。

qemu-img version 0.12.1,

Supported formats: raw cow qcow vdi vmdk cloop dmg bochs vpc vvfat qcow2 qedvhdx parallels nbd blkdebug host_cdrom host_floppy host_device filegluster gluster gluster gluster


为了集成nova, 先做如下给libvirt创建密钥的操作,这个密钥在qemu执行创建image命令时会使用到,应在nova-compute服务运行的节点上执行如下操作。本文使用all-in-one,所以直接在client节点执行

1. [root@client ~]#ceph auth get-key client.volumes | ssh client tee client.volumes.key #ssh后紧跟的是本机的hostname  
2. [root@client ~]# cat > secret.xml << EOF
3. <secret ephemeral = 'no' private = 'no'>
4. <usage type = 'ceph'>
5. <name>client.volumes secret</name>
6. </usage>
7. </secret>
8. EOF  
9. [root@client ~]# sudo virsh secret-define --file secret.xml  
10. Secret ce31d8b1-62b5-1561-a489-be305336520a created  
12. [root@client ~]# sudo virsh secret-set-value --secret ce31d8b1-62b5-1561-a489-be305336520a --base64 $(cat client.volumes.key) &&rm client.volumes.key secret.xml  
13. Secret value set  
15. rm:是否删除普通文件 "client.volumes.key"?y  
16. rm:是否删除普通文件 "secret.xml"?y



1. default_store = rbd
2. show_image_direct_url = True
3. bd_store_user = images
4. rbd_store_pool = images

1. volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver  
2. rbd_pool=volumes
3. rbd_user=volumes
4. rbd_secret_uuid=ce31d8b1-62b5-1561-a489-be305336520a


1. images_type=rbd
2. images_rbd_pool=volumes
3. rbd_user=volumes
4. rbd_secret_uuid=ce31d8b1-62b5-1561-a489-be305336520a

接着重启glance-api, cinder-volume,nova-compute

1. [root@clientceph]# service openstack-glance-api restart  
2. Stoppingopenstack-glance-api: [ OK ]  
3. Startingopenstack-glance-api: [ OK ]  
4. [root@clientceph]# glance image-create --disk-format qcow2 --is-public True --container-format bare --file cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-disk.img --name cirros  
5. +------------------+--------------------------------------+  
6. |Property | Value |  
7. +------------------+--------------------------------------+  
8. |checksum | d972013792949d0d3ba628fbe8685bce |  
9. |container_format | bare |  
10. |created_at | 2014-06-24T08:49:43 |  
11. |deleted | False |  
12. |deleted_at | None |  
13. |disk_format | qcow2 |  
14. |id | 77b79879-addb-4a22-b750-7f0ef51ec154 |  
15. |is_public | True |  
16. |min_disk | 0 |  
17. |min_ram | 0 |  
18. |name | cirros |  
19. |owner | f17fbd28fa184a39830f14a2e01a3b70 |  
20. |protected | False |  
21. |size | 13147648 |  
22. |status | active |  
23. |updated_at | 2014-06-24T08:50:01 |  
24. |virtual_size | None |  
25. +------------------+--------------------------------------+  
26. [root@clientceph]# glance index  
27. ID Name DiskFormat Container Format Size  
28. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- --------------  
29. 77b79879-addb-4a22-b750-7f0ef51ec154cirros qcow2 bare 13147648  
31. [root@client ceph]# service openstack-cinder-volume restart  
32. Stopping openstack-cinder-volume:                          [  OK  ]  
33. Starting openstack-cinder-volume:                          [  OK  ]  
34. [root@client ceph]# cinder create –display-name test-ceph 1  
35. [root@client ceph]# cinder list  
36. +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+  
37. | ID | Status | Display Name | Size| Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |  
38. +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+  
39. |1cc908d0-bbe9-4008-a10f-80cf1aa53afb | available | test-ceph | 1 | None | false | |  
40. +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+----------+-------------+  
41. [root@client ceph]# service openstack-nova-compute restart  
42. Stopping openstack-nova-compute:                          [  OK  ]  
43. Starting openstack-nova-compute:                          [  OK  ]  
44. [root@client ceph]# nova boot --image image1 --flavor 1 xiao-new    
45. [root@client ceph]# nova list  
46. +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------------+  
47. | ID                                   | Name      | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks            |  
48. +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------------+  
49. | f6b04300-2d60-47d3-a65b-2d4ce32eeced | xiao-new | ACTIVE  | -   | Running     | net_local= |  
50. +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------------+