
  • 1、创建一个SDS的方法
  • 2、SDS的的字符串存储空间有五种类型
  • 3、其他real Object


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/* Create an empty (zero length) sds string. Even in this case the string
 * always has an implicit null term.
sds sdsempty(void) {
    return sdsnewlen("",0);

/* Create a new sds string starting from a null terminated C string.
sds sdsnew(const char *init) {
    size_t initlen = (init == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(init);
    return sdsnewlen(init, initlen);
sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen) {
    return _sdsnewlen(init, initlen, 0);
sds sdstrynewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen) {
    return _sdsnewlen(init, initlen, 1);


/* Create a new sds string with the content specified by the 'init' pointer
 * and 'initlen'.使用“init”指针和“initlen”指定的内容创建一个新的sds字符串
 * If NULL is used for 'init' the string is initialized with zero bytes.
 * If SDS_NOINIT is used, the buffer is left uninitialized;
 * The string is always null-termined (all the sds strings are, always) so
 * even if you create an sds string with:
 * mystring = sdsnewlen("abc",3);
 * You can print the string with printf() as there is an implicit \0 at the
 * end of the string. However the string is binary safe and can contain
 * \0 characters in the middle, as the length is stored in the sds header.
 *您可以使用printf()打印字符串,因为字符串末尾有一个隐式\0 但是,字符串是二进制安全的,并且可以在中间包含0个字符,因为长度存储在SDS报头中。
sds _sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen, int trymalloc) {
    void *sh;
    sds s;
    char type = sdsReqType(initlen);
    /* Empty strings are usually created in order to append. Use type 8
     * since type 5 is not good at this. */
    if (type == SDS_TYPE_5 && initlen == 0) type = SDS_TYPE_8;
    int hdrlen = sdsHdrSize(type);
    unsigned char *fp; /* flags pointer. */
    size_t usable;

    assert(initlen + hdrlen + 1 > initlen); /* Catch size_t overflow */
    sh = trymalloc?
        s_trymalloc_usable(hdrlen+initlen+1, &usable) :
        s_malloc_usable(hdrlen+initlen+1, &usable);
    if (sh == NULL) return NULL;
    if (init==SDS_NOINIT)
        init = NULL;
    else if (!init)
        memset(sh, 0, hdrlen+initlen+1);
    s = (char*)sh+hdrlen;
    fp = ((unsigned char*)s)-1;
    usable = usable-hdrlen-1;
    if (usable > sdsTypeMaxSize(type))
        usable = sdsTypeMaxSize(type);
    switch(type) {
        case SDS_TYPE_5: {
            *fp = type | (initlen << SDS_TYPE_BITS);
        case SDS_TYPE_8: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = usable;
            *fp = type;
        case SDS_TYPE_16: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = usable;
            *fp = type;
        case SDS_TYPE_32: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = usable;
            *fp = type;
        case SDS_TYPE_64: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = usable;
            *fp = type;
    if (initlen && init)
        memcpy(s, init, initlen);
    s[initlen] = '\0';
    return s;


sh = trymalloc?
        s_trymalloc_usable(hdrlen+initlen+1, &usable) :
        s_malloc_usable(hdrlen+initlen+1, &usable);

相当于执行了不同的方法,1调用的是s_trymalloc_usable,0调用的是s_malloc_usable,下面是这两个方法的内部源码,通过注释知道s_trymalloc_usable 更加友好

#define s_malloc_usable zmalloc_usable
#define s_trymalloc_usable ztrymalloc_usable
/* Allocate memory or panic.
 * '*usable' is set to the usable size if non NULL.
void *zmalloc_usable(size_t size, size_t *usable) {
    void *ptr = ztrymalloc_usable(size, usable);
    if (!ptr) zmalloc_oom_handler(size);
    return ptr;

/* Try allocating memory, and return NULL if failed.
 * '*usable' is set to the usable size if non NULL.
void *ztrymalloc_usable(size_t size, size_t *usable) {
    void *ptr = malloc(MALLOC_MIN_SIZE(size)+PREFIX_SIZE);

    if (!ptr) return NULL;
    size = zmalloc_size(ptr);
    if (usable) *usable = size;
    return ptr;
    *((size_t*)ptr) = size;
    if (usable) *usable = size;
    return (char*)ptr+PREFIX_SIZE;




static inline char sdsReqType(size_t string_size) {
    if (string_size < 1<<5)
        return SDS_TYPE_5;
    if (string_size < 1<<8)
        return SDS_TYPE_8;
    if (string_size < 1<<16)
        return SDS_TYPE_16;
    if (string_size < 1ll<<32)
        return SDS_TYPE_32;
    return SDS_TYPE_64;
    return SDS_TYPE_32;


static inline int sdsHdrSize(char type) {
    switch(type&SDS_TYPE_MASK) {
        case SDS_TYPE_5:
            return sizeof(struct sdshdr5);
        case SDS_TYPE_8:
            return sizeof(struct sdshdr8);
        case SDS_TYPE_16:
            return sizeof(struct sdshdr16);
        case SDS_TYPE_32:
            return sizeof(struct sdshdr32);
        case SDS_TYPE_64:
            return sizeof(struct sdshdr64);
    return 0;


typedef char *sds;

/* Note: sdshdr5 is never used, we just access the flags byte directly.
 * However is here to document the layout of type 5 SDS strings. 
 注意:sdshdr5从未使用过,我们只是直接访问标志字节。但是这里是为了记录类型5 SDS字符串的布局
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr5 {
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, and 5 msb of string length */
    char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr8 {
    uint8_t len; /* used */
    uint8_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */
    char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr16 {
    uint16_t len; /* used */
    uint16_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */
    char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr32 {
    uint32_t len; /* used */
    uint32_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */
    char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr64 {
    uint64_t len; /* used */
    uint64_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */
    char buf[];

3、其他real Object

redis中有string list zset hash set,但是底层到底是用什么存储?

RedisDeskstop创建文件夹 redis创建key_#define_02

/* The actual Redis Object 
像通过API set 一个key-value 的String,type就是OBJ_STRING,但是实际存储的可能是raw也有可能是embstr*/
#define OBJ_STRING 0    /* String object. */
#define OBJ_LIST 1      /* List object. */
#define OBJ_SET 2       /* Set object. */
#define OBJ_ZSET 3      /* Sorted set object. */
#define OBJ_HASH 4      /* Hash object. */


/* Objects encoding. Some kind of objects like Strings and Hashes can be
 * internally represented in multiple ways. The 'encoding' field of the object
 * is set to one of this fields for this object.
#define OBJ_ENCODING_RAW 0     /* Raw representation 简单动态字符串*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_INT 1     /* Encoded as integer  整数*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_HT 2      /* Encoded as hash table 哈希表*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPMAP 3  /* Encoded as zipmap 是一个连续的key value集合*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST 4 /* No longer used: old list encoding. 不再使用:旧列表编码*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST 5 /* Encoded as ziplist ziplist是由一系列特殊编码的连续内存块组成的顺序存储结构,
                                类似于数组,ziplist在内存中是连续存储的,但是不同于数组,为了节省内存 ziplist的每个元素所占的内存大小可以不同*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_INTSET 6  /* Encoded as intset intset是一个由整数组成的有序集合,从而便于在上面进行二分查找,用于快速地判断一个元素是否属于这个集合*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST 7  /* Encoded as skiplist 跳跃表(skiplist)是一种随机化的数据*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR 8  /* Embedded sds string encoding embstr编码的简单动态字符串*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_QUICKLIST 9 /* Encoded as linked list of ziplists 编码为 ziplists 的链表*/
#define OBJ_ENCODING_STREAM 10 /* Encoded as a radix tree of listpacks */


RedisDeskstop创建文件夹 redis创建key_redis_03