最近发现了个有意思的东西,MongoDB Charts ,它是MongoDB官方提供的 用于图表展示MongoDB数据的 效果图:

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1.什么是MongoDB Charts

MongoDB Charts最强大的功能之一是其内置的 聚合功能。聚合允许您通过各种指标处理收集数据,并执行平均值和标准差等计算,以进一步了解您的数据。 并且它提供了Embed Chart 功能 方便嵌入到你自己Web程序中

2.安装和运行MongoDB Charts

安装过程步骤挺多的,但是对着官方教程一步步来 还是很简单的 官方MongoDB Charts 安装文档: https://docs.mongodb.com/charts/onprem/installation/

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2.1 准备环境
  • Mac/Linux 系统
  • Docker version 18.09.1
  • MongoDB shell version v4.2.0

由于MongoDB Charts需要使用Docker安装,所以需要有Dokcer环境

2.2 创建一个目录存储图表配置
mkdir mongodb-chartscd mongodb-charts
mkdir mongodb-charts
cd mongodb-charts

2.3 下载MongoDB Charts  Docker Compose file

https://www.mongodb.com/download-center/charts Dokcer Compose file: https://www.mongodb.com/download-center/chart

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version: '3.3'services:  charts:    image: quay.io/mongodb/charts:19.12.1    hostname: charts    ports:      # host:container port mapping. If you want MongoDB Charts to be      # reachable on a different port on the docker host, change this      # to :80, e.g. 8888:80.      - 80:80      - 443:443    volumes:      - keys:/mongodb-charts/volumes/keys      - logs:/mongodb-charts/volumes/logs      - db-certs:/mongodb-charts/volumes/db-certs      - web-certs:/mongodb-charts/volumes/web-certs    environment:      # The presence of following 2 environment variables will enable HTTPS on Charts server.      # All HTTP requests will be redirected to HTTPS as well.      # To enable HTTPS, upload your certificate and key file to the web-certs volume,      # uncomment the following lines and replace with the names of your certificate and key file.      # CHARTS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_FILE: charts-https.crt      # CHARTS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE: charts-https.key      # This environment variable controls the built-in support widget and      # metrics collection in MongoDB Charts. To disable both, set the value      # to "off". The default is "on".      CHARTS_SUPPORT_WIDGET_AND_METRICS: 'on'      # Directory where you can upload SSL certificates (.pem format) which      # should be considered trusted self-signed or root certificates when      # Charts is accessing MongoDB servers with ?ssl=true      SSL_CERT_DIR: /mongodb-charts/volumes/db-certs    networks:      - backend    secrets:      - charts-mongodb-urinetworks:  backend:volumes:  keys:  logs:  db-certs:  web-certs:secrets:  charts-mongodb-uri:    external: true
version: '3.3'

    image: quay.io/mongodb/charts:19.12.1
    hostname: charts
      # host:container port mapping. If you want MongoDB Charts to be
      # reachable on a different port on the docker host, change this
      # to :80, e.g. 8888:80.
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
      - keys:/mongodb-charts/volumes/keys
      - logs:/mongodb-charts/volumes/logs
      - db-certs:/mongodb-charts/volumes/db-certs
      - web-certs:/mongodb-charts/volumes/web-certs
      # The presence of following 2 environment variables will enable HTTPS on Charts server.
      # All HTTP requests will be redirected to HTTPS as well.
      # To enable HTTPS, upload your certificate and key file to the web-certs volume,
      # uncomment the following lines and replace with the names of your certificate and key file.
      # CHARTS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_FILE: charts-https.crt
      # CHARTS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE: charts-https.key

      # This environment variable controls the built-in support widget and
      # metrics collection in MongoDB Charts. To disable both, set the value
      # to "off". The default is "on".
      # Directory where you can upload SSL certificates (.pem format) which
      # should be considered trusted self-signed or root certificates when
      # Charts is accessing MongoDB servers with ?ssl=true
      SSL_CERT_DIR: /mongodb-charts/volumes/db-certs
      - backend
      - charts-mongodb-uri



    external: true

2.4 Enable Docker Swarm mode
docker swarm init

2.5 拉取MongoDB Charts image 镜像

对应你下载的 Docker Compose file 版本                   

docker pull quay.io/mongodb/charts:19.12.1

2.6 测试连接到 MongoDB 数据库


docker run --rm quay.io/mongodb/charts:19.12.1 charts-cli test-connection 'mongodb://:@host.docker.internal'

我的mongo在本地  注意这里不能使用 localhost,要使用 host.dokcer.internal                   

docker run --rm quay.io/mongodb/charts:19.12.1 charts-cli test-connection 'mongodb://host.docker.internal'


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2.7 创建一个Docker secret 为MongoDB Charts


echo "" | docker secret create charts-mongodb-uri -


echo "mongodb://host.docker,internal" | docker secret create charts-mongodb-uri -

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2.8 运行MongoDB Charts 容器
docker stack deploy -c charts-docker-swarm-19.12.1.yml mongodb-charts

2.9 查看运行状态

docker service ls

2.10 创建 MongoDB Charts  访问 Users账号

MAC/Linux 官方案例:                

docker exec -it \  $(docker container ls --filter name=_charts -q) \  charts-cli add-user --first-name "" --last-name "" \  --email "" --password "" \  --role ""
docker exec -it \
  $(docker container ls --filter name=_charts -q) \
  charts-cli add-user --first-name "" --last-name "" \
  --email "" --password "" \
  --role ""

Windows 官方案例                

docker exec -it `  $(docker container ls --filter name=_charts -q) `  charts-cli add-user --first-name "" --last-name "" `  --email "" --password "" `  --role ""
docker exec -it `
  $(docker container ls --filter name=_charts -q) `
  charts-cli add-user --first-name "" --last-name "" `
  --email "" --password "" `
  --role ""

就是输入 登录的账号 密码 以及权限等

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如果输入错误 会有提示 而且很详细

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2.11 直接访问 Compose file  里配置的端口

默认 - 80:80 端口 直接访问 localhost:80

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至此 MongoDB Charts 已经安装并且成功运行了,下面开始讲解 如何使用 MongoDB Charts 去创建图表等

3. MongoDB Charts 使用

3.1 首先先关联一个 MongoDB 数据源

注意:地址  mongodb://host.docker.internal  不是 mongodb://localhost:27017  

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3.2 选择一个MongoDB数据库

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3.3 在Dashboard 一栏New Dashboard

输入 Title 和 描述

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3.4 新增一个Chart

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3.4.1 选择一个Collections

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3.4.2 选择Chart Type


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3.4.3 需求:根据订单状态 去统计图表

拖拽你要分组得 字段 并且按id 进行count计算 并且可以添加过滤条件 以及一些自定义的设置(如 图表里显示的label)

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4.  Embed Chart 导出你的图表 嵌入到自己的Web环境

4.1 保存你设置好的图表后

选择Embed Chart

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4.2 开启匿名访问图表 并且复制 Embed Code


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4.3 创建HTML 文件




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5. 总结

本篇主要讲解 MongoDB Charts 的安装以及如何运行它 ,并且简单介绍了一下 如何使用 MongoDB Charts 去绘制一个图表,最后讲解了 如何导出你的图表并且嵌入到自己的HTML 页面中去 , 对着官方文档一步步来就可以了 还是很简单的 加油吧!   

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