1 winApp

1.1 简单介绍

按理所有手动对windows应用程序都可以用python语言来实现, 本节只介绍一些入门级的基础操作,这块功能,就个人理解而言,觉得比之前的logging、telnet、web的操作都复杂一点,因为windows应用程序本身就比较复杂,较难找到统一的一套标准操作流程。

1.1.1 准备工作

[1].    spyxx.exe:





[2].    安装pip

说明:见3 环境搭建


[3].    pywinauton

安装:pip install pywinauto


[4].    Wireshark


说明:本节中1.2所示的对wireshark操作的软件。不同版本的wireshark的窗口的一些属性变化挺大的,本节的demo脚本只是对wireshark 32位 1.2.4有用,供参考。

1.2 快速入门


1 import os
 2 import time
 3 from pywinauto import Application
 4 import win32api
 5 import win32gui
 7 os.system("taskkill /F /IM  wireshark.exe")
 9 win32api.WinExec(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wireshark\wireshark.exe", 1)  #starting
10 time.sleep(3)
12 topHandle = win32gui.FindWindow("gdkWindowToplevel", "The Wireshark Network Analyzer")  #get handle of top windows
14 topApp = Application(backend='uia').connect(handle=topHandle)   #relate to Application by handle
16 topApp.Dialog.type_keys("^I")    #send ctrl+I to show the avaliable capture interfaces...
17 time.sleep(2)
19 #will show new dialpg window to select interface option.
20 dilagHandle = win32gui.FindWindow("gdkWindowToplevel","Wireshark: Capture Interfaces")
21 dilagApp = Application(backend='uia').connect(handle=dilagHandle)
22 dilagApp.WiresharkCaptureInterfaces.wiresharkexe10.click_input(button="left")   # click the start button of second line
24 time.sleep(10)   #start capture .... 10 seconds.
26 topApp.Dialog.type_keys("^E")   #send ctrl+E to dialg to stop capture
27 topApp.Dialog.type_keys("^+S")  #send ctrl+shift+S to dialg to save capture as file...
29 dilagHandle = win32gui.FindWindow( None, "Wireshark: Save file as")
30 dilagApp = Application(backend='uia').connect(handle=dilagHandle)
31 dilagApp.top_window().child_window(title="文件名(N):", control_type="Edit").set_edit_text(u'C:\\Users\\20002106\Desktop\\temp\\7.pcap')
32 dilagApp.top_window().child_window(title="保存(S)", control_type="Button").click()
34 topApp.Dialog.type_keys("^Q")   #send ctrl+Q to quit capture




pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_pywinauto点击menuitem

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Wireshark_02

1.3 代码解释

1.3.1 导入库文件


import win32gui
import win32api

from pywinauto.application import Application
from pywinauto.application import WindowSpecification
from pywinauto import actionlogger
from pywinauto import Application

1.3.2 启动应用程序

import win32api

win32api.WinExec(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wireshark\wireshark.exe", 1)

1.3.3 获取top窗口


topHandle = win32gui.FindWindow("gdkWindowToplevel", "The Wireshark Network Analyzer")

1.3.4 关联某一个Application



topApp = Application(backend='uia').connect(handle=topHandle)




        """Connect to an already running process


        The action is performed according to only one of parameters


        :param process: a process ID of the target

        :param handle: a window handle of the target

        :param path: a path used to launch the target

        :param timeout: a timeout for process start (relevant if path is specified)


        .. seealso::


           :func:`pywinauto.findwindows.find_elements` - the keyword arguments that

           are also can be used instead of **process**, **handle** or **path**




topApp = Application(backend='uia').start(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wireshark\Wireshark-gtk.exe")



    Application.start(cmd_line, timeout=None, retry_interval=None,

              create_new_console=False, wait_for_idle=True, work_dir=None):

        """Start the application as specified by cmd_line"""

1.3.5 遍历top窗口




from pywinauto.application import WindowSpecification

import win32gui

def traverse_func(hwnd):
    criteria = {}
    criteria['backend'] = "uia"
criteria['handle'] = hwnd

topHandle = win32gui.FindWindow("gdkWindowToplevel", "The Wireshark Network Analyzer")



pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_pywinauto点击menuitem_03

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Network_04

1 C:\Users\20002106\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe "D:/auto test/Together_v0.2/suite/case/show_how/debug.py"
  2 Control Identifiers:
  4 Dialog - 'The Wireshark Network Analyzer'    (L266, T192, R757, B702)
  5 ['Dialog', 'The Wireshark Network Analyzer', 'The Wireshark Network AnalyzerDialog']
  6 child_window(title="The Wireshark Network Analyzer", control_type="Window")
  7    | 
  8    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L673, T672, R678, B693)
  9    | ['wireshark.exe', 'wireshark.exePane', 'Pane', 'wireshark.exe0', 'wireshark.exe1', 'wireshark.exePane0', 'wireshark.exePane1', 'Pane0', 'Pane1']
 10    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 11    | 
 12    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L540, T672, R545, B693)
 13    | ['wireshark.exe2', 'wireshark.exePane2', 'Pane2']
 14    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 15    | 
 16    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L691, T249, R717, B275)
 17    | ['wireshark.exe3', 'wireshark.exePane3', 'Pane3']
 18    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 19    | 
 20    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L693, T282, R718, B307)
 21    | ['wireshark.exe4', 'wireshark.exePane4', 'Pane4']
 22    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 23    | 
 24    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L318, T282, R693, B307)
 25    | ['wireshark.exe5', 'wireshark.exePane5', 'Pane5']
 26    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 27    |    | 
 28    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L320, T284, R691, B305)
 29    |    | ['wireshark.exe6', 'wireshark.exePane6', 'Pane6']
 30    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 31    | 
 32    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L665, T249, R691, B275)
 33    | ['wireshark.exe7', 'wireshark.exePane7', 'Pane7']
 34    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 35    | 
 36    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L639, T249, R665, B275)
 37    | ['wireshark.exe8', 'wireshark.exePane8', 'Pane8']
 38    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 39    | 
 40    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L613, T249, R639, B275)
 41    | ['wireshark.exe9', 'wireshark.exePane9', 'Pane9']
 42    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 43    | 
 44    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L731, T312, R748, B653)
 45    | ['wireshark.exe10', 'wireshark.exePane10', 'Pane10']
 46    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 47    | 
 48    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L678, T672, R748, B693)
 49    | ['wireshark.exe11', 'wireshark.exePane11', 'Pane11']
 50    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 51    |    | 
 52    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L732, T675, R750, B693)
 53    |    | ['wireshark.exe12', 'wireshark.exePane12', 'Pane12']
 54    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 55    | 
 56    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L275, T672, R289, B693)
 57    | ['wireshark.exe13', 'wireshark.exePane13', 'Pane13']
 58    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 59    | 
 60    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L275, T654, R730, B671)
 61    | ['wireshark.exe14', 'wireshark.exePane14', 'Pane14']
 62    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 63    | 
 64    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L275, T312, R730, B653)
 65    | ['wireshark.exe15', 'wireshark.exePane15', 'Pane15']
 66    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 67    |    | 
 68    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L277, T314, R728, B651)
 69    |    | ['wireshark.exe16', 'wireshark.exePane16', 'Pane16']
 70    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 71    |    |    | 
 72    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L277, T314, R1654, B859)
 73    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe17', 'wireshark.exePane17', 'Pane17']
 74    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 75    |    |    |    | 
 76    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L1364, T408, R1644, B849)
 77    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe18', 'wireshark.exePane18', 'Pane18']
 78    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 79    |    |    |    |    | 
 80    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L1374, T571, R1634, B618)
 81    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe19', 'wireshark.exePane19', 'Pane19']
 82    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 83    |    |    |    |    | 
 84    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L1374, T509, R1634, B556)
 85    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe20', 'wireshark.exePane20', 'Pane20']
 86    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 87    |    |    |    |    | 
 88    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L1374, T447, R1634, B494)
 89    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe21', 'wireshark.exePane21', 'Pane21']
 90    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 91    |    |    |    |    | 
 92    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L1364, T408, R1644, B432)
 93    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe22', 'wireshark.exePane22', 'Pane22']
 94    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 95    |    |    |    | 
 96    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L649, T408, R1354, B849)
 97    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe23', 'wireshark.exePane23', 'Pane23']
 98    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
 99    |    |    |    |    | 
100    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T765, R1344, B812)
101    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe24', 'wireshark.exePane24', 'Pane24']
102    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
103    |    |    |    |    | 
104    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T734, R1344, B755)
105    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe25', 'wireshark.exePane25', 'Pane25']
106    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
107    |    |    |    |    | 
108    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T712, R1344, B733)
109    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe26', 'wireshark.exePane26', 'Pane26']
110    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
111    |    |    |    |    | 
112    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T690, R1344, B711)
113    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe27', 'wireshark.exePane27', 'Pane27']
114    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
115    |    |    |    |    | 
116    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T668, R1344, B689)
117    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe28', 'wireshark.exePane28', 'Pane28']
118    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
119    |    |    |    |    | 
120    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T646, R1344, B667)
121    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe29', 'wireshark.exePane29', 'Pane29']
122    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
123    |    |    |    |    | 
124    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T624, R1344, B645)
125    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe30', 'wireshark.exePane30', 'Pane30']
126    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
127    |    |    |    |    | 
128    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T602, R1344, B623)
129    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe31', 'wireshark.exePane31', 'Pane31']
130    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
131    |    |    |    |    | 
132    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T580, R1344, B601)
133    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe32', 'wireshark.exePane32', 'Pane32']
134    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
135    |    |    |    |    | 
136    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T558, R1344, B579)
137    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe33', 'wireshark.exePane33', 'Pane33']
138    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
139    |    |    |    |    | 
140    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T536, R1344, B557)
141    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe34', 'wireshark.exePane34', 'Pane34']
142    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
143    |    |    |    |    | 
144    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L659, T447, R1344, B494)
145    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe35', 'wireshark.exePane35', 'Pane35']
146    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
147    |    |    |    |    | 
148    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L649, T408, R1354, B432)
149    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe36', 'wireshark.exePane36', 'Pane36']
150    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
151    |    |    |    | 
152    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L287, T660, R639, B849)
153    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe37', 'wireshark.exePane37', 'Pane37']
154    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
155    |    |    |    |    | 
156    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L297, T761, R629, B808)
157    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe38', 'wireshark.exePane38', 'Pane38']
158    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
159    |    |    |    |    | 
160    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L297, T699, R629, B746)
161    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe39', 'wireshark.exePane39', 'Pane39']
162    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
163    |    |    |    |    | 
164    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L287, T660, R639, B684)
165    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe40', 'wireshark.exePane40', 'Pane40']
166    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
167    |    |    |    | 
168    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L287, T408, R639, B650)
169    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe41', 'wireshark.exePane41', 'Pane41']
170    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
171    |    |    |    |    | 
172    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L297, T584, R629, B631)
173    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe42', 'wireshark.exePane42', 'Pane42']
174    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
175    |    |    |    |    | 
176    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L297, T556, R629, B573)
177    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe43', 'wireshark.exePane43', 'Pane43']
178    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
179    |    |    |    |    | 
180    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L297, T537, R629, B554)
181    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe44', 'wireshark.exePane44', 'Pane44']
182    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
183    |    |    |    |    | 
184    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L297, T447, R629, B494)
185    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe45', 'wireshark.exePane45', 'Pane45']
186    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
187    |    |    |    |    | 
188    |    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L287, T408, R639, B432)
189    |    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe46', 'wireshark.exePane46', 'Pane46']
190    |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
191    |    |    |    | 
192    |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L277, T314, R1654, B398)
193    |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exe47', 'wireshark.exePane47', 'Pane47']
194    |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
195    | 
196    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L277, T281, R318, B308)
197    | ['wireshark.exe48', 'wireshark.exePane48', 'Pane48']
198    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
199    | 
200    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L721, T249, R746, B275)
201    | ['wireshark.exe49', 'wireshark.exePane49', 'Pane49']
202    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
203    | 
204    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L587, T249, R613, B275)
205    | ['wireshark.exe50', 'wireshark.exePane50', 'Pane50']
206    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
207    | 
208    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L561, T249, R587, B275)
209    | ['wireshark.exe51', 'wireshark.exePane51', 'Pane51']
210    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
211    | 
212    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L523, T249, R549, B275)
213    | ['wireshark.exe52', 'wireshark.exePane52', 'Pane52']
214    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
215    | 
216    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L497, T249, R523, B275)
217    | ['wireshark.exe53', 'wireshark.exePane53', 'Pane53']
218    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
219    | 
220    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L471, T249, R497, B275)
221    | ['wireshark.exe54', 'wireshark.exePane54', 'Pane54']
222    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
223    | 
224    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L445, T249, R471, B275)
225    | ['wireshark.exe55', 'wireshark.exePane55', 'Pane55']
226    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
227    | 
228    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L419, T249, R445, B275)
229    | ['wireshark.exe56', 'wireshark.exePane56', 'Pane56']
230    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
231    | 
232    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L381, T249, R407, B275)
233    | ['wireshark.exe57', 'wireshark.exePane57', 'Pane57']
234    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
235    | 
236    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L355, T249, R381, B275)
237    | ['wireshark.exe58', 'wireshark.exePane58', 'Pane58']
238    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
239    | 
240    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L329, T249, R355, B275)
241    | ['wireshark.exe59', 'wireshark.exePane59', 'Pane59']
242    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
243    | 
244    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L303, T249, R329, B275)
245    | ['wireshark.exe60', 'wireshark.exePane60', 'Pane60']
246    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
247    | 
248    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L277, T249, R303, B275)
249    | ['wireshark.exe61', 'wireshark.exePane61', 'Pane61']
250    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
251    | 
252    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L275, T223, R748, B246)
253    | ['wireshark.exe62', 'wireshark.exePane62', 'Pane62']
254    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
255    |    | 
256    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L719, T223, R760, B246)
257    |    | ['wireshark.exe63', 'wireshark.exePane63', 'Pane63']
258    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
259    |    | 
260    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L673, T223, R719, B246)
261    |    | ['wireshark.exe64', 'wireshark.exePane64', 'Pane64']
262    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
263    |    | 
264    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L599, T223, R673, B246)
265    |    | ['wireshark.exe65', 'wireshark.exePane65', 'Pane65']
266    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
267    |    | 
268    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L535, T223, R599, B246)
269    |    | ['wireshark.exe66', 'wireshark.exePane66', 'Pane66']
270    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
271    |    | 
272    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L477, T223, R535, B246)
273    |    | ['wireshark.exe67', 'wireshark.exePane67', 'Pane67']
274    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
275    |    | 
276    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L417, T223, R477, B246)
277    |    | ['wireshark.exe68', 'wireshark.exePane68', 'Pane68']
278    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
279    |    | 
280    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L386, T223, R417, B246)
281    |    | ['wireshark.exe69', 'wireshark.exePane69', 'Pane69']
282    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
283    |    | 
284    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L345, T223, R386, B246)
285    |    | ['wireshark.exe70', 'wireshark.exePane70', 'Pane70']
286    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
287    |    | 
288    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L309, T223, R345, B246)
289    |    | ['wireshark.exe71', 'wireshark.exePane71', 'Pane71']
290    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
291    |    | 
292    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L276, T223, R309, B246)
293    |    | ['wireshark.exe72', 'wireshark.exePane72', 'Pane72']
294    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
295    | 
296    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L275, T247, R748, B277)
297    | ['wireshark.exe73', 'wireshark.exePane73', 'Pane73']
298    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
299    | 
300    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L275, T279, R748, B310)
301    | ['wireshark.exe74', 'wireshark.exePane74', 'Pane74']
302    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")
303    | 
304    | TitleBar - 'None'    (L290, T195, R749, B222)
305    | ['', 'TitleBar']
306    |    | 
307    |    | Menu - '系统'    (L274, T200, R295, B221)
308    |    | ['Menu', '系统', '系统Menu', '系统0', '系统1']
309    |    | child_window(title="系统", control_type="MenuBar")
310    |    |    | 
311    |    |    | MenuItem - '系统'    (L274, T200, R295, B221)
312    |    |    | ['系统2', '系统MenuItem', 'MenuItem']
313    |    |    | child_window(title="系统", control_type="MenuItem")
314    |    | 
315    |    | Button - '最小化'    (L646, T193, R675, B213)
316    |    | ['最小化Button', 'Button', '最小化', 'Button0', 'Button1']
317    |    | child_window(title="最小化", control_type="Button")
318    |    | 
319    |    | Button - '最大化'    (L675, T193, R702, B213)
320    |    | ['最大化Button', 'Button2', '最大化']
321    |    | child_window(title="最大化", control_type="Button")
322    |    | 
323    |    | Button - '关闭'    (L702, T193, R751, B213)
324    |    | ['关闭', 'Button3', '关闭Button']
325    |    | child_window(title="关闭", control_type="Button")
327 Process finished with exit code 0




    WindowSpecification.print_control_identifiers(depth=None, filename=None):


        Prints the 'identifiers'


        Prints identifiers for the control and for its descendants to

        a depth of **depth** (the whole subtree if **None**).


        .. note:: The identifiers printed by this method have been made

               unique. So if you have 2 edit boxes, they won't both have "Edit"

               listed in their identifiers. In fact the first one can be

               referred to as "Edit", "Edit0", "Edit1" and the 2nd should be

               referred to as "Edit2".



该窗口及其所有子窗口下的控制句柄、标题和类名. 如下这段code是从Simon Brunning的个人网站上得来的。

1 # Programmer : Simon Brunning - simon@brunningonline.net
 2 # Date       : 25 June 2003
 3 # Copyright  : Released to the public domain. Provided as-is, with no warranty.
 4 import win32gui
 5 def _windowEnumerationHandler(hwnd, resultList):
 6     '''Pass to win32gui.EnumWindows() to generate list of window handle,
 7     window text, window class tuples.'''
 8     resultList.append((hwnd,
 9                        win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd),
10                        win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd)))
12 def dumpWindow(hwnd):
13     '''Dump all controls from a window into a nested list
14     Useful during development, allowing to you discover the structure of the
15     contents of a window, showing the text and class of all contained controls.
17     Arguments:      The window handle of the top level window to dump.
19     Returns         A nested list of controls. Each entry consists of the
20                     control's hwnd, its text, its class, and its sub-controls,
21                     if any.
23     Usage example:  replaceDialog = findTopWindow(wantedText='Replace')
24                     pprint.pprint(dumpWindow(replaceDialog))
25     '''
26     windows = []
27     try:
28         win32gui.EnumChildWindows(hwnd,_windowEnumerationHandler, windows)
29     except win32gui.error:
30         # No child windows
31         return
32     windows = [list(window) for window in windows]
33     for window in windows:
34         childHwnd, windowText, windowClass = window
35         window_content = dumpWindow(childHwnd)
36         if window_content:
37             window.append(window_content)
38     return windows
41 #获取top窗口句柄
42 topHandle = win32gui.FindWindow("gdkWindowToplevel", "The Wireshark Network Analyzer")
44 res = dumpWindow(topHandle)
45 print(res)


pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_pywinauto点击menuitem_03

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Network_04

1 C:\Users\20002106\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe "D:/auto test/Together_v0.2/suite/case/show_how/debug.py"
2 [[1183342, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4064782, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875536, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43781728, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [55709570, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[22351234, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [22351234, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9506312, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [3345970, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19992220, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [55315584, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [13569536, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[14356024, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [14356024, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [16319934, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [8064598, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17173902, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[1838544, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[6819324, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[3018238, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1641994, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [58330526, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [26151942, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49614360, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [3018238, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1641994, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [58330526, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [26151942, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49614360, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [6819324, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[3018238, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1641994, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [58330526, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [26151942, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49614360, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [3018238, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1641994, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [58330526, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [26151942, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49614360, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [1838544, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[6819324, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[3018238, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1641994, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [58330526, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [26151942, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49614360, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [3018238, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1641994, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [58330526, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [26151942, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49614360, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [6819324, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[3018238, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1641994, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [58330526, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [26151942, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49614360, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [3018238, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [18746872, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4326734, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65538986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [30870278, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1641994, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [36704044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [22875690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19074528, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [397030, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [109383190, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6556986, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [24382370, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17892828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2493690, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49548828, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48696318, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [43846428, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [21367960, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [58330526, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [21761542, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2166378, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2624904, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [26151942, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [48696230, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [9047492, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [14945600, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5114712, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [28707614, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49614360, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [31918884, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [4591400, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [17173144, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [3215228, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5246772, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [921462, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [15273674, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1707718, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [23793234, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [32903044, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49024548, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [47779426, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [7081604, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [18222932, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [1183476, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [46272020, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [19468152, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [50400846, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [32509060, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6622164, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [2296898, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [11144866, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5246858, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [49810992, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild', [[33557978, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6163500, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5770630, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65736272, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [97914624, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [3542946, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [20123550, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [7999180, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48631252, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [38735296, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]], [33557978, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [6163500, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [5770630, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [65736272, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [97914624, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [3542946, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [20123550, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [7999180, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [48631252, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [38735296, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [59248144, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild'], [10096344, 'wireshark.exe', 'gdkWindowChild']]
4 Process finished with exit code 0


1.3.6 调用一个窗体


比如按照1.3.5 (一) 方法进行遍历

dilagHandle = win32gui.FindWindow("gdkWindowToplevel","Wireshark: Capture Interfaces")




Control Identifiers:


Dialog - 'Wireshark: Capture Interfaces'    (L60, T148, R679, B331)

['Wireshark: Capture Interfaces', 'Dialog', 'Wireshark: Capture InterfacesDialog']

child_window(title="Wireshark: Capture Interfaces", control_type="Window")


   | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L68, T178, R671, B323)

   | ['wireshark.exePane', 'wireshark.exe', 'Pane', 'wireshark.exePane0', 'wireshark.exePane1', 'wireshark.exe0', 'wireshark.exe1', 'Pane0', 'Pane1']

   | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")

   |    |

   |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L70, T180, R669, B321)

   |    | ['wireshark.exePane2', 'wireshark.exe2', 'Pane2']

   |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")

   |    |    |

   |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L70, T180, R669, B321)

   |    |    | ['wireshark.exePane3', 'wireshark.exe3', 'Pane3']

   |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")

   |    |    |    |

   |    |    |    | Pane - 'wireshark.exe'    (L508, T245, R547, B272)

   |    |    |    | ['wireshark.exePane10', 'wireshark.exe10', 'Pane10']

   |    |    |    | child_window(title="wireshark.exe", control_type="Pane")


可看到该top窗口下,有一个标题为” Wireshark: Capture Interfaces”的子窗口,可使用如下方法定位该子窗口。


dilagApp = Application(backend='uia').connect(handle=dilagHandle)

dilagApp["Wireshark: Capture Interfaces"] #方法一

dilagApp.WiresharkCaptureInterfaces #方法二

1.3.7 调用一个控件


1:控件的标题 title

2:控件的类名 friendly class

3:控件的标题加类名 title + friendly class



Top窗口的标题为"Wireshark: Capture Interfaces",top窗口下有一个标题为” Wireshark: Capture Interfaces”的子窗口, 子窗口下边有个控件标题为” wireshark.exe”,类型为” Pane”,且编号为10,则可以通过如下方式定位该控件:dilagApp.WiresharkCaptureInterfaces['wireshark.exePane10'

dilagApp.WiresharkCaptureInterfaces['wireshark.exe10'] dilagApp.WiresharkCaptureInterfaces['Pane10'] dilagApp.WiresharkCaptureInterfaces.wiresharkexePane10 dilagApp.WiresharkCaptureInterfaces.wiresharkexe10 dilagApp.WiresharkCaptureInterfaces.Pane10

1.3.8 控件信息查看



topHandle = win32gui.FindWindow("gdkWindowToplevel", "The Wireshark Network Analyzer")
topApp = Application(backend='uia').connect(handle=topHandle)
control = topApp["The Wireshark Network Analyzer"].wiresharkexe43
print(control.get_properties()) #Return the properties of the control as a dictionary.print(control.friendly_class_name()) #Return the friendly class name for the control ==> Paneprint(control.window_text()) #Window text of the element ==> wireshark.exeprint(control.class_name()) #Return the class name of the elenemt ==> gdkWindowChildprint(control.is_visible()) #Whether the element is visible or not ==> Trueprint(control.is_enabled()) #Whether the element is enabled or not ==> Trueprint(control.rectangle()) #Return the rectangle of element ==> (L88, T145, R459, B166)print(control.writable_props) #Return the list of the default properties to be written. ==>

1.3.9 控件基本操作












#给控件发送组合键, “^I”就是发送ctrl+I的意思。
topApp = Application(backend='uia').connect(handle=topHandle)#relate to Application by handletopApp.Dialog.type_keys("^I")















left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)

win32api.SetCursorPos((left + 40, top + 80))

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0)

win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0)



pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Network_07



pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Wireshark_08



pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Network_09



pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_pywinauto点击menuitem_10


dilagApp.top_window().child_window(title="文件名(N):", control_type="Edit").set_edit_text(u'C:\\Users\\20002106\Desktop\\temp\\7.pcap')


1.3.10 结束应用程序

os.system("taskkill /F /IM  wireshark.exe")

1.4 Reference

[1].          http://pywinauto.github.io

A.3 win32_control

A.3.1 Button

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_pywinauto点击menuitem_03

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Network_04

1 class ButtonWrapper(hwndwrapper.HwndWrapper)
 3     friendlyclassname = "Button"
 5     def get_check_state(self):
 6         """
 7         Return the check state of the checkbox
 9         The check state is represented by an integer
10         0 - unchecked
11         1 - checked
12         2 - indeterminate
14         The following constants are defined in the win32defines module
15         BST_UNCHECKED = 0
16         BST_CHECKED = 1
17         BST_INDETERMINATE = 2
18         """
20     def check(self):
21         """Check a checkbox"""
23     def uncheck(self):
24         """Uncheck a checkbox"""
26     def check_by_click(self):
27         """Check the CheckBox control by click() method"""
29     def uncheck_by_click(self):
30         """Uncheck the CheckBox control by click() method"""
32     def check_by_click_input(self):
33         """Check the CheckBox control by click_input() method"""
35     def uncheck_by_click_input(self):
36         """Uncheck the CheckBox control by click_input() method"""


A.3.2 ComboBox

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_pywinauto点击menuitem_03

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Network_04

1 class ComboBoxWrapper(hwndwrapper.HwndWrapper):
 3     friendlyclassname = "ComboBox"
 5     def item_count(self):
 6         """Return the number of items in the combobox"""
 8     def selected_index(self):
 9         """Return the selected index"""
11     def selected_text(self):
12         """Return the selected text"""
14     def item_data(self, item):
15         """Returns the item data associated with the item if any"""
17     def item_texts(self):
18         """Return the text of the items of the combobox"""
20     def texts(self):
21         """Return the text of the items in the combobox"""
23     def get_properties(self):
24         """Return the properties of the control as a dictionary"""
26     def select(self, item):
27         """Select the ComboBox item
29         item can be either a 0 based index of the item to select
30         or it can be the string that you want to select
31         """


A.3.3 ListBox

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_pywinauto点击menuitem_03

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Network_04

1 class ListBoxWrapper(hwndwrapper.HwndWrapper)
 3     friendlyclassname = "ListBox"
 5     def is_single_selection(self):
 6         """Check whether the listbox has single selection mode."""
 8     def selected_indices(self):
 9         """The currently selected indices of the listbox"""
11     def item_count(self):
12         """Return the number of items in the ListBox"""
14     def item_data(self, i):
15         """Return the item_data if any associted with the item"""
17     def item_texts(self):
18         """Return the text of the items of the listbox"""
20     def item_rect(self, item):
21         """Return the rect of the item"""
23     def texts(self):
24         """Return the texts of the control"""
26     def select(self, item, select=True):
27         """Select the ListBox item
29         item can be either a 0 based index of the item to select
30         or it can be the string that you want to select
31         """
33     def set_item_focus(self, item):
34         """Set the ListBox focus to the item at index"""
36     def get_item_focus(self):
37         """Retrun the index of current selection in a ListBox"""


A.3.4 Edit

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_pywinauto点击menuitem_03

pywinauto点击menuitem pywinauto 中文教程_Network_04

1 class EditWrapper(hwndwrapper.HwndWrapper):
 3     friendlyclassname = "Edit"
 5     def line_count(self):
 6         """Return how many lines there are in the Edit"""
 8     def line_length(self, line_index):
 9         """Return how many characters there are in the line"""
11     def get_line(self, line_index):
12         """Return the line specified"""
14     def texts(self):
15         """Get the text of the edit control"""
17     def text_block(self):
18         """Get the text of the edit control"""
20     def selection_indices(self):
21         """The start and end indices of the current selection"""
23     def set_window_text(self, text, append = False):
24         """Override set_window_text for edit controls because it should not be
25         used for Edit controls.
27         Edit Controls should either use set_edit_text() or type_keys() to modify
28         the contents of the edit control."""
30     def set_edit_text(self, text, pos_start = None, pos_end = None):
31         """Set the text of the edit control"""
33     def select(self, start = 0, end = None):
34         """Set the edit selection of the edit control"""
