Docker Socket Explained

Docker is a popular containerization platform that allows you to package and run applications in isolated environments called containers. It provides a simple and efficient way to deploy and manage applications across different operating systems and infrastructure.

When working with Docker, you may come across the term "docker.socket" or a line like Requires=docker.socket in various systemd service files. In this article, we will explore what the docker.socket is and how it is used.

What is docker.socket?

In Linux systems, systemd is a system and service manager that provides a consistent way to manage daemons and services. It uses unit files to define and control services, sockets, and other system resources.

A socket is a special type of file that acts as an endpoint for inter-process communication (IPC) between processes running on the same system or different systems. It allows processes to send and receive data to and from each other.

The docker.socket is a systemd socket unit file that is used to listen for incoming Docker commands. It acts as a communication endpoint for the Docker daemon (dockerd) and Docker clients (docker CLI) to interact with each other.

How does docker.socket work?

Let's take a closer look at the docker.socket file. Here is an example of what it might look like:

Description=Docker Socket for the API



In this example, the ListenStream directive specifies the Unix socket file /var/run/docker.sock, which is the default location for the Docker socket file. The SocketMode directive sets the file permissions to 0660, allowing read and write access for the owner and group, and read-only access for others. The SocketUser and SocketGroup directives define the user and group ownership for the socket file.

The PartOf directive in the [Unit] section ensures that the docker.socket unit is started and stopped with the docker.service. This means that whenever the Docker service is started or stopped, the socket will also be started or stopped accordingly.

The WantedBy directive in the [Install] section specifies that the docker.socket unit should be enabled and started when the is activated. The is a special target unit that represents all the sockets activated by systemd.

Communication between Docker daemon and clients

When the docker.socket is activated, it starts listening for incoming connections on the specified socket file (/var/run/docker.sock in our example). Whenever a Docker client wants to interact with the Docker daemon, it sends the API requests to this socket.

For example, when you run a command like docker ps, the Docker client sends the request to the socket file. The Docker daemon, which is continuously listening to the socket, receives the request and processes it accordingly. The response is then sent back to the client through the same socket.

This communication mechanism allows Docker clients to control and manage containers, images, networks, and other Docker resources by sending API requests to the Docker daemon.


The docker.socket is a systemd socket unit file that acts as a communication endpoint for Docker clients to interact with the Docker daemon. It listens for incoming Docker commands on a Unix socket file (/var/run/docker.sock by default) and allows Docker clients to manage containers and other resources.

Understanding how the docker.socket works can help you troubleshoot Docker-related issues and customize the Docker configuration to suit your needs.

Class Diagram

    class DockerDaemon {

    class DockerClient {

    DockerClient --|> DockerDaemon

In the above class diagram, the DockerDaemon class represents the Docker daemon, which receives and processes requests from the DockerClient class. The DockerClient class is responsible for sending requests to the daemon and waiting for the response.

Remember, the docker.socket is an essential component of Docker's architecture, enabling communication between clients and the daemon. So next time you see Requires=docker.socket in a systemd service file, you'll know it's responsible for establishing this communication channel.