Redisson Try Lock


Redisson is a Java library for Redis, which provides an easy-to-use interface to interact with Redis and utilize its features. One of the useful features Redisson provides is the distributed lock, which allows multiple processes or threads to coordinate and synchronize their access to shared resources. In this article, we will explore the concept of Redisson Try Lock and how to use it in Java applications.

What is Redisson Try Lock?

A Try Lock is a lock that can be acquired by a thread or process if it is available, and it immediately returns a boolean value indicating whether the lock was acquired or not. Unlike the regular lock, the Try Lock does not block the thread or process if the lock is not available. Instead, it returns false, allowing the code to take alternative actions or retry later.

Redisson Try Lock is a distributed lock implementation provided by Redisson. It allows multiple instances of an application running on different nodes to coordinate and synchronize their access to shared resources. When a thread or process tries to acquire a Redisson Try Lock, it sends a request to the Redis server to acquire the lock. If the lock is available, the Redis server grants the lock to the requesting thread or process, and it returns true indicating a successful lock acquisition. If the lock is not available, the Redis server returns false indicating that the lock acquisition failed.

Code Example

To demonstrate the usage of Redisson Try Lock, let's consider a scenario where we have multiple threads accessing a shared resource concurrently. We want to ensure that only one thread can access the resource at a time to avoid any conflicts or race conditions.

First, we need to add the Redisson dependency to our project's build file. For example, if we are using Maven, we can add the following dependency to the pom.xml file:


Next, let's create a class called SharedResource that represents our shared resource:

public class SharedResource {

    private static RedissonClient redissonClient = Redisson.create();

    private static RLock lock = redissonClient.getLock("shared_resource_lock");

    public void accessSharedResource() {
        boolean isLocked = lock.tryLock();
        try {
            if (isLocked) {
                // Perform operations on the shared resource
            } else {
                // Handle the case when the lock is not available
        } finally {
            if (isLocked) {

In the accessSharedResource method, we try to acquire the lock using tryLock method. If the lock is acquired, we can perform our operations on the shared resource. Otherwise, we can handle the case when the lock is not available. Finally, we release the lock using the unlock method in the finally block to ensure that the lock is always released, even in case of exceptions.

State Diagram

The following is a state diagram illustrating the possible states and transitions for a Redisson Try Lock:

    [*] --> Unlocked
    Unlocked --> Locked : tryLock() returns true
    Unlocked --> Unlocked : tryLock() returns false
    Locked --> Unlocked : unlock()
    Locked --> Locked : tryLock() returns false

Comparison with Regular Lock

Let's compare Redisson Try Lock with the regular lock to understand their differences and use cases:

Redisson Try Lock Regular Lock
Blocking Behavior Non-blocking Blocking
Return Value Boolean (true if lock acquired) Void (waits until lock is acquired)
Lock Acquisition Immediately returns if lock is available Waits until lock is available
Fault Tolerance Yes No
Distributed Lock Yes No
Lock Release Explicitly unlocked Automatically unlocked when code block completes
Use Cases Optimistic concurrency control Synchronization between threads or processes

Redisson Try Lock is useful in scenarios where we want a non-blocking lock acquisition. It allows the code to take alternative actions or retry later if the lock is not available. Regular locks, on the other hand, block the thread or process until the lock is acquired, which may lead to performance issues or deadlocks if not used carefully.


Redisson Try Lock provides an efficient way to coordinate and synchronize access to shared resources in distributed systems. It allows multiple threads or processes to acquire a lock without blocking, and it immediately returns a boolean value indicating whether the lock was acquired or not. This feature enables optimistic concurrency control and provides fault tolerance in case of network failures or timeouts.

In this article, we explored the concept of Redisson Try Lock and demonstrated its usage in Java applications. We compared it with the regular lock to understand their differences and use cases. Redisson Try Lock is a powerful tool that can help us build scalable and fault-tolerant distributed systems.