Hadoop: Understanding Datanode, Namenode, and Resourcemanager

Hadoop is a widely used open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of big data. It consists of several components, including Datanode, Namenode, and Resourcemanager. In this article, we will explore these components and their roles in the Hadoop ecosystem.

Components of Hadoop


A Datanode is a node in a Hadoop cluster that stores data in the form of blocks. It is responsible for storing, retrieving, and replicating data based on instructions from the Namenode. Datanodes are the workhorses of a Hadoop cluster, handling the actual data storage and processing tasks.

public class DataNode {
    // Code for handling data storage and retrieval

### Namenode

The Namenode is the master node in a Hadoop cluster that manages the metadata of the stored data. It keeps track of which blocks are stored on which Datanodes and coordinates data replication and recovery. The Namenode does not store the actual data; it only stores metadata information.

public class NameNode {
    // Code for managing metadata and data replication

### Resourcemanager

The Resourcemanager is another master node in a Hadoop cluster that manages the allocation of resources to different applications running on the cluster. It keeps track of available resources and schedules tasks based on the resource requirements of each application. The Resourcemanager works in conjunction with NodeManagers running on individual nodes in the cluster.

public class ResourceManager {
    // Code for resource allocation and task scheduling

## Hadoop Architecture

To better understand the relationship between Datanode, Namenode, and Resourcemanager, let's visualize the Hadoop architecture using an Entity-Relationship diagram.

    Datanode ||--o| Namenode : Stores data
    Namenode ||--o| Resourcemanager : Manages metadata
    Resourcemanager ||--o| Datanode : Allocates resources

In this diagram, we can see the interactions between the different components of Hadoop. The Datanode stores data, the Namenode manages metadata, and the Resourcemanager allocates resources to different applications running on the cluster.


In conclusion, Datanode, Namenode, and Resourcemanager are essential components of the Hadoop ecosystem. Understanding their roles and interactions is crucial for ensuring efficient data storage, processing, and resource allocation in a Hadoop cluster. By leveraging the capabilities of these components, organizations can harness the power of big data to drive insights and innovations.

Remember, in the world of big data, Hadoop is the key to unlocking the potential of massive datasets. So make sure you familiarize yourself with Datanode, Namenode, and Resourcemanager to make the most of your Hadoop deployments. Happy Hadooping!