Jenkins Kubernetes Pipeline Kubeconfig

Jenkins is a popular open-source automation server that allows developers to automate the building, testing, and deployment of software. Kubernetes, on the other hand, is an open-source container orchestration platform that enables organizations to manage and scale containerized applications. In this article, we will explore how to integrate Jenkins with Kubernetes using a pipeline and kubeconfig.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Jenkins installed and configured
  • A running Kubernetes cluster
  • Jenkins Kubernetes plugin installed

Pipeline Configuration

To configure the Jenkins pipeline, you need to define a Jenkinsfile. This file contains the instructions for Jenkins on how to build, test, and deploy your application. Here's an example Jenkinsfile that demonstrates how to use a kubeconfig to interact with Kubernetes:

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                // Build your application here

        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                // Run your tests here

        stage('Deploy') {
            steps {
                script {
                    // Set the kubeconfig file path
                    def kubeconfig = readFile('kubeconfig')

                    // Configure kubectl with the kubeconfig
                    sh "kubectl --kubeconfig=${kubeconfig} apply -f deployment.yaml"

In the above example, we have defined three stages: Build, Test, and Deploy. In the Deploy stage, we read the kubeconfig file from the Jenkins workspace and use it to configure kubectl. We then apply the deployment configuration defined in deployment.yaml to deploy the application to Kubernetes.

kubeconfig File

The kubeconfig file is used to authenticate and authorize access to a Kubernetes cluster. It contains information such as the cluster's API server address, credentials, and other cluster-specific configurations. Here's an example kubeconfig file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- name: my-cluster
    certificate-authority-data: <CA_CERTIFICATE>
- name: my-user
    client-certificate-data: <CLIENT_CERTIFICATE>
    client-key-data: <CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY>
- name: my-context
    cluster: my-cluster
    user: my-user
current-context: my-context

In the above example, we have defined a cluster named my-cluster with the API server address and a user namedmy-userwith their corresponding client certificate and private key. Thecontextssection defines the context to use, which includes the cluster and user. Thecurrent-context` specifies the default context to use.

Jenkins Secret

Since the kubeconfig file contains sensitive information, such as private keys and certificates, it is recommended to store it securely. Jenkins provides a way to store and manage secrets using the Jenkins Credentials plugin. Follow these steps to create a Jenkins secret for the kubeconfig file:

  1. In the Jenkins dashboard, go to "Credentials" > "System" > "Global credentials (unrestricted)".
  2. Click "Add Credentials".
  3. Fill in the necessary information, such as the secret file path, ID, and description.
  4. Click "OK" to save the secret.

Pipeline Integration

To integrate the Jenkins pipeline with the kubeconfig secret, you need to update the Jenkinsfile. Here's an updated version of the Deploy stage that references the kubeconfig secret:

stage('Deploy') {
    steps {
        withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'kubeconfig-secret', variable: 'kubeconfig')]) {
            script {
                sh "kubectl --kubeconfig=${kubeconfig} apply -f deployment.yaml"

In the above example, we use the withCredentials block to access the kubeconfig secret. We then pass the kubeconfig variable to the kubectl command to deploy the application.

Gantt Chart

The following Gantt chart represents the stages of the Jenkins pipeline and their respective durations:

    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    axisFormat  %m-%d
    title Jenkins Pipeline Stages

    section Build
    Build Application   :done, 2022-10-01, 7d

    section Test
    Run Unit Tests      :done, 2022-10-08, 3d
    Run Integration Tests   :done, 2022-10-11, 5d

    section Deploy
    Deploy to Kubernetes   :done, 2022-10-16, 2d


Integrating Jenkins with Kubernetes using a pipeline and kubeconfig allows developers to automate the deployment of their applications to a Kubernetes cluster. By leveraging the power of Jenkins and Kubernetes together, organizations can streamline their development, testing, and deployment processes, leading to faster and more efficient software delivery.