Title: Implementation of "mysql point" as Not a Keyword

Introduction: In this article, I will guide you on how to implement "mysql point" as not a keyword. This is a common question among beginners who are unaware that "mysql point" is not a reserved keyword in MySQL. I will provide you with step-by-step instructions and the necessary code to achieve this.

Process Overview: To implement "mysql point" as not a keyword, we will follow the following steps:

  1. Create a new MySQL table with a column named "point":
  2. Use backticks (`) to escape the column name "point" in SQL queries.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Create a new MySQL table First, let's create a new MySQL table with a column named "point". You can use the following SQL command:

CREATE TABLE my_table (
  `point` VARCHAR(255)


  • The above SQL command creates a table named "my_table" with two columns: "id" and "point".
  • The "id" column is an auto-incrementing primary key.
  • The "point" column is defined as a VARCHAR(255).

Step 2: Escaping the column name When using SQL queries involving the "point" column, we need to escape the column name using backticks (`). Here's an example of a SELECT query:

SELECT `point` FROM my_table;


  • The backticks (`) are used to escape the column name "point" in the SELECT query.
  • This ensures that the query is executed correctly and "point" is not treated as a keyword.

Step 3: Use the escaped column name in other queries Similarly, when performing other SQL operations such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, make sure to use the escaped column name. Here's an example of an INSERT query:

INSERT INTO my_table (`point`) VALUES ('Sample Value');


  • The backticks (`) are used to escape the column name "point" in the INSERT query.
  • This ensures that the value is inserted correctly into the "point" column without any conflicts or errors.

Class Diagram:

  class MySQLTable{
    - id: INT
    - point: VARCHAR(255)
    + insertValue(value: String): void
    + selectValue(): String

Journey Diagram:

  title Implementation of "mysql point" as Not a Keyword
  section Create Table
    MySQLTable->>MySQL: CREATE TABLE my_table
  section Escape Column Name
    MySQLTable->>MySQL: SELECT `point` FROM my_table
  section Use Escaped Column Name
    MySQLTable->>MySQL: INSERT INTO my_table (`point`) VALUES ('Sample Value')

Conclusion: In this article, we have learned how to implement "mysql point" as not a keyword in MySQL. By creating a table with a column named "point" and using backticks (`) to escape the column name in SQL queries, we can successfully avoid conflicts with reserved keywords. Remember to use the escaped column name in all queries involving the "point" column. Happy coding!