YARN Kill Attempt: Understanding How to Kill Jobs on YARN

Apache Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is a resource management platform responsible for managing resources in a Hadoop cluster. It allows multiple data processing engines to run on the same cluster, enabling efficient utilization of resources. However, sometimes it may be necessary to kill a job running on YARN due to various reasons such as job failure, resource contention, or simply the need to prioritize other jobs.

In this article, we will explore the process of killing a job on YARN, commonly known as a "YARN kill attempt". We will discuss how to identify the job to be killed, the steps involved in killing the job, and provide code examples to demonstrate the process.

Identifying the Job to Kill

Before attempting to kill a job on YARN, it is important to identify the job ID of the job that needs to be terminated. The job ID can be obtained from the YARN ResourceManager web UI or by using the YARN CLI commands. Once the job ID is known, we can proceed with killing the job.

Steps to Kill a Job on YARN

The process of killing a job on YARN involves the following steps:

  1. Connect to the YARN ResourceManager using the ResourceManager web UI or YARN CLI.
  2. Identify the job ID of the job that needs to be killed.
  3. Execute the yarn application -kill <applicationId> command to terminate the job.

Below is an example of how to kill a job on YARN using the YARN CLI:

yarn application -kill application_12345_0001

In this command, application_12345_0001 is the job ID of the job that we want to terminate. By executing this command, the job will be killed and its resources will be released back to the cluster.

Code Example

Here is a code example demonstrating how to kill a job on YARN using Python and the subprocess module:

import subprocess

def kill_yarn_job(application_id):
    command = f"yarn application -kill {application_id}"
    subprocess.run(command, shell=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    application_id = "application_12345_0001"

In this code snippet, we define a function kill_yarn_job that takes the application_id as an argument and constructs the yarn application -kill command to kill the job. We then call this function with the desired application_id to terminate the job.

Gantt Chart

Below is a Gantt chart illustrating the process of killing a job on YARN:

    title YARN Kill Attempt
    section Identify Job: 10:00, 30m
    Identify Job: 10:00, 10m
    section Kill Job: 10:30, 30m
    Kill Job: 10:30, 10m


In conclusion, killing a job on YARN, also known as a "YARN kill attempt", is a straightforward process that involves identifying the job to be terminated and executing the appropriate command. By following the steps outlined in this article and using the provided code examples, users can effectively manage and prioritize jobs on a YARN cluster.

Remember, it is essential to ensure that the job being killed is no longer needed and that its termination will not cause any adverse effects on the cluster's performance. Properly managing jobs on YARN will help optimize resource utilization and improve the overall efficiency of the Hadoop cluster.