MySQL read_timeout

MySQL read timeout refers to the amount of time that MySQL server waits for a client connection to send a packet after it has started reading from the network. This timeout value is essential for preventing idle connections from consuming server resources.

By default, the MySQL read timeout is set to 28800 seconds (8 hours). However, in certain scenarios, it may be necessary to adjust this value to optimize the behavior of your database.

Understanding the MySQL Read Timeout

The read timeout value is crucial for controlling the behavior of client connections. When a client connects to a MySQL server, it needs to send queries and receive results. If the client is idle for an extended period, it may keep the connection open, consuming server resources unnecessarily.

The read timeout value determines how long the server waits for a client connection to send a packet after it has started reading from the network. If no packets are received within this timeout, the server assumes that the client is no longer active and closes the connection.

It is important to note that the read timeout only applies to the time between packets. If a connection is actively transmitting data, the timeout is reset after each packet.

Configuring the MySQL Read Timeout

To configure the MySQL read timeout, you can modify the read_timeout variable in the MySQL configuration file or dynamically adjust it using SQL commands.

Modifying the MySQL Configuration File

To modify the MySQL configuration file, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the MySQL configuration file. This file is typically named my.cnf or my.ini and is located in the MySQL installation directory.
  2. Open the configuration file in a text editor.
  3. Locate the [mysqld] section and add or modify the read_timeout variable. For example, to set the read timeout to 600 seconds, add the following line:
read_timeout = 600
  1. Save the configuration file and restart the MySQL server for the changes to take effect.

Adjusting the Read Timeout Dynamically

Alternatively, you can adjust the read timeout dynamically using SQL commands. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the MySQL server using a MySQL client.
  2. Execute the following SQL command to set the read timeout to 600 seconds:
SET GLOBAL read_timeout = 600;

The read timeout is now updated for all client connections.

Handling Read Timeout Errors

When the read timeout is triggered, the MySQL server closes the client connection and sends an error message back to the client. Typically, the error message indicates a "Lost connection to MySQL server" or a similar connection-related error.

To handle read timeout errors in your application, you can implement error handling mechanisms to reconnect to the database or gracefully handle the error.


The MySQL read timeout is a crucial configuration parameter that determines how long the server waits for a client connection to send a packet after it has started reading from the network. By adjusting the read timeout value, you can optimize the behavior of your database and prevent idle connections from consuming server resources.

Remember to balance your read timeout settings based on the expected workload of your application. Setting the timeout too low may result in frequent disconnections, while setting it too high may result in the server resources being tied up by idle connections.

Through proper configuration and monitoring, you can ensure a healthy and efficient MySQL server that meets the needs of your application.