"SQL SERVER STUFF" is a powerful T-SQL function in SQL Server that allows you to concatenate multiple rows of data into a single string. It is commonly used when you need to aggregate values from multiple rows into a single row.


In SQL Server, the "STUFF" function is used to replace a sequence of characters in a string with another sequence of characters, starting at a specified position and for a specified length. This function is particularly useful when you want to concatenate multiple rows of data into a single string.

The syntax of the "STUFF" function is as follows:

STUFF ( character_expression , start , length , replaceWith_expression )
  • character_expression: This is the input string from which characters will be replaced.
  • start: This is the starting position from where the replacement will begin.
  • length: This is the number of characters to be replaced.
  • replaceWith_expression: This is the string that will replace the characters.


Let's consider a scenario where we have a table called "Employees" with the following structure:

EmployeeID FirstName LastName
1 John Doe
2 Jane Smith
3 Michael Johnson

Example 1: Concatenating First Names

Suppose we want to concatenate all the first names into a single string, separated by commas. We can achieve this using the "STUFF" function along with the "FOR XML PATH" clause.

SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + FirstName FROM Employees FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '') AS ConcatenatedFirstNames

The above query will return the following result:

John, Jane, Michael

In the above query, the subquery (SELECT ', ' + FirstName FROM Employees FOR XML PATH('')) concatenates all the first names into a single string, separated by commas. The outer "STUFF" function then replaces the first two characters (", ") with an empty string, effectively removing the leading comma and space.

Example 2: Concatenating Last Names

Now, let's say we want to concatenate all the last names into a single string, but this time we want to include the employee IDs as well, separated by a hyphen. We can modify the previous query to achieve this.

SELECT STUFF((SELECT ' - ' + CAST(EmployeeID AS VARCHAR) + ' ' + LastName FROM Employees FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 3, '') AS ConcatenatedLastNames

The above query will return the following result:

1 Doe, 2 Smith, 3 Johnson

In this query, we concatenate the employee ID, last name, and a hyphen for each row. The outer "STUFF" function replaces the first three characters (" - ") with an empty string, removing the leading hyphen and space.


The "SQL SERVER STUFF" function is a powerful tool that allows you to concatenate multiple rows of data into a single string. It is particularly useful when you need to aggregate values from multiple rows into a single row. By using the "STUFF" function along with the "FOR XML PATH" clause, you can easily achieve this concatenation.