Please check signingConfigs in root project

"Please check signingConfigs in root project" is a common error message that you may encounter when working with Android Studio. In this article, we will explore what this error means and how to resolve it with code examples and explanations.

Understanding signingConfigs in Android Studio

In Android development, signing your application is an essential step before releasing it to the public. It ensures that your app is authentic and comes from a trusted source. Android Studio provides a convenient way to manage signing configurations through the signingConfigs section in the root build.gradle file.

The signingConfigs block allows you to specify different signing configurations for different build types and flavors. Each configuration contains information such as the keystore file location, keystore password, key alias, and key password. These configurations are used to sign the APK during the build process.

Common error: "Please check signingConfigs in root project"

The error message "Please check signingConfigs in root project" typically occurs when there is an issue with the signing configurations defined in the build.gradle file. This error can have several causes, such as:

  1. Missing or incorrect signing configuration: The signingConfigs block may be missing or improperly defined for the specific build type or flavor being built.
  2. Incorrect keystore file or password: The specified keystore file may not exist or have an incorrect password.
  3. Mismatched key alias or password: The key alias or password specified in the signing configuration may not match the actual values in the keystore.

Fixing the error with code examples

To fix the "Please check signingConfigs in root project" error, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the root build.gradle file of your Android project.

  2. Locate the signingConfigs block within the android section. If it doesn't exist, you need to add it.

    android {
        signingConfigs {
            release {
                storeFile file("path/to/keystore.jks")
                storePassword "your-keystore-password"
                keyAlias "your-key-alias"
                keyPassword "your-key-password"

    Make sure to replace the placeholder values with the actual path to your keystore file, keystore password, key alias, and key password.

  3. Check if the signingConfigs block is correctly defined for each build type or flavor. For example, if you have a release build type, ensure that it has a corresponding signing configuration defined.

    android {
        buildTypes {
            release {
                signingConfig signingConfigs.release
  4. Verify that the keystore file exists in the specified location and that the password, alias, and key password are correct. If necessary, regenerate the keystore or update the values in the signing configuration accordingly.

Once you have made the necessary changes to your build.gradle file, sync your project with Gradle by clicking the "Sync Now" button in Android Studio. This will ensure that the changes take effect.

Example Gantt chart

Here is an example Gantt chart that represents the different stages of the Android application build process:

    title Android Application Build Process
    dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
    section Initialization
    Setup: 2022-01-01, 2d
    section Building
    Compile: 2022-01-03, 1d
    Sign: 2022-01-04, 1d
    section Packaging
    Package: 2022-01-05, 1d
    section Finalizing
    Install: 2022-01-06, 1d
    Publish: 2022-01-07, 1d

The Gantt chart provides a visual representation of the different stages involved in building an Android application, including initialization, building, packaging, and finalizing.


The "Please check signingConfigs in root project" error message indicates that there is an issue with the signing configurations defined in the build.gradle file. By ensuring that the signingConfigs block is correctly defined, and the keystore file and passwords are accurate, you can resolve this error and successfully sign your Android application.

Remember to always double-check the values specified in the signingConfigs block and verify that the keystore file exists in the expected location. By following these steps and using the provided code examples, you can overcome this error and continue with your Android development journey.