安装Spark on CDH6

Apache Spark is a powerful open-source distributed computing system that provides fast and general-purpose data processing capabilities. Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH) is a popular Hadoop distribution that includes various Apache projects, including Spark. In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing Spark on CDH6.

Step 1: Prepare your environment

Before installing Spark on CDH6, you need to ensure that your environment meets the following requirements:

  • CDH6 cluster is up and running
  • Hadoop and YARN services are running
  • Spark is compatible with the version of CDH6 you are using

Step 2: Download Spark

You can download the latest version of Spark from the official Apache Spark website or use the package available in the CDH6 repository.

# Download Spark from the official Apache Spark website
tar -zxvf spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2.tgz

Step 3: Configure Spark

After downloading Spark, you need to configure it to work with your CDH6 cluster. Update the spark-defaults.conf file to point to your HDFS namenode and resource manager.

# Update spark-defaults.conf file
echo "spark.master yarn" >> spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2/conf/spark-defaults.conf
echo "spark.driver.memory 4g" >> spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2/conf/spark-defaults.conf
echo "spark.executor.memory 2g" >> spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2/conf/spark-defaults.conf
echo "spark.eventLog.enabled true" >> spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2/conf/spark-defaults.conf
echo "spark.eventLog.dir hdfs://<namenode>:8020/user/spark/applicationHistory" >> spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2/conf/spark-defaults.conf

Step 4: Start Spark

Once Spark is configured, you can start the Spark History Server and submit Spark applications to your CDH6 cluster.

# Start Spark History Server

# Submit a Spark application
./spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2/bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --master yarn --deploy-mode client --driver-memory 1g --executor-memory 1g --executor-cores 1 ./examples/jars/spark-examples_2.12-3.1.2.jar

Step 5: Verify the installation

You can verify the installation by checking the Spark Web UI and Spark History Server UI, which should be accessible at http://<spark-history-server>:18080 and http://<spark-history-server>:18081, respectively.


In this article, we have discussed the steps to install Spark on CDH6. By following these steps, you can leverage the power of Spark for your data processing and analytics tasks within the CDH6 environment. Spark provides a flexible and scalable platform for processing large datasets efficiently, making it an essential tool for modern data-driven applications.