Spring Boot Repackage Source File Must Not Be Null

![Class Diagram](mermaid classDiagram class SpringBootRepackage { +repackageMavenProject(MavenProject project, Resource jarFile) } class Resource { +getFile() } class MavenProject { +getDependencies() } )


When working with Spring Boot, you may come across the error message "spring boot repackage source file must not be null". This error occurs when Spring Boot is unable to find the source file that needs to be repackaged into a JAR file. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this error and provide a solution.

Understanding the Error

To understand the error message, we first need to understand what Spring Boot's repackage process does. When you build a Spring Boot application, it generates an executable JAR file that contains all the necessary dependencies and resources. This JAR file can be easily executed without any additional setup.

During the repackage process, Spring Boot locates the source files, dependencies, and resources of your application and combines them into a single JAR file. If any of these source files are missing or null, the repackage process fails, resulting in the error message "spring boot repackage source file must not be null".

Common Causes of the Error

  1. Missing or incorrect configuration: The error can occur if the configuration for locating source files is missing or incorrect. Spring Boot looks for the source files in the src/main/java directory by default. If your source files are located in a different directory, you need to specify the correct configuration.

  2. Missing dependencies: If your application relies on external dependencies that are not present or incorrectly configured, the repackage process will fail. Make sure all the necessary dependencies are included in your project's dependencies section.

  3. Incorrect Maven project configuration: If you are using Maven as your build tool, ensure that the project is correctly configured. Check the pom.xml file for any missing or incorrect configurations that might be causing the error.


To resolve the "spring boot repackage source file must not be null" error, follow these steps:

  1. Check the project structure: Ensure that your source files are located in the correct directory (src/main/java by default). If your source files are in a different directory, you need to configure Spring Boot to look for them in the correct location.

  2. Verify dependencies: Make sure that all the necessary dependencies are included in your project's pom.xml file. You can use the mvn dependency:tree command to check the dependency tree and ensure that all the required dependencies are present.

  3. Clean and rebuild the project: Sometimes, the error can be caused by a corrupted build. Try cleaning and rebuilding the project to resolve any build-related issues.

  4. Update Spring Boot version: If you are using an older version of Spring Boot, try updating to the latest version. It is possible that the error you are experiencing has already been fixed in a newer release.

Code Example

Here is an example of a Spring Boot application class that can trigger the "spring boot repackage source file must not be null" error:

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

To fix this error, make sure that your source files are located in the correct directory and that all the necessary dependencies are included in your project's pom.xml file.


The "spring boot repackage source file must not be null" error occurs when Spring Boot is unable to find the source files that need to be repackaged into a JAR file. This error can be caused by missing or incorrect configuration, missing dependencies, or incorrect Maven project configuration. By following the steps provided in this article, you should be able to resolve the error and successfully repackage your Spring Boot application. Remember to double-check your project structure, dependencies, and configuration to ensure a smooth repackage process.