Android Studio Markdown


Android Studio is one of the most popular integrated development environments (IDE) for developing Android applications. It provides various features and tools to enhance the development process. In this article, we will explore how to use Markdown in Android Studio for better documentation and code readability.

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to write formatted text using a plain text editor. It is widely used for creating documentation, README files, and even blog posts. Markdown files have a .md or .markdown extension.

Markdown in Android Studio

Android Studio has built-in support for Markdown files. You can create Markdown files, preview them, and even generate HTML or other formats from them.

Creating a Markdown File

To create a Markdown file in Android Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the directory where you want to create the file.
  2. Go to New -> File.
  3. Enter the file name with the .md or .markdown extension.

Editing Markdown Files

Once you have created a Markdown file, you can start editing it. Android Studio provides syntax highlighting, code completion, and other useful features to make editing Markdown files easier.

For example, you can use code blocks to highlight code snippets:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Previewing Markdown Files

Android Studio allows you to preview Markdown files within the IDE. To enable the preview, open the Markdown file and click on the Preview tab at the top-right corner of the editor window. This will show a side-by-side preview of the Markdown file and the rendered HTML.

Generating HTML from Markdown

Android Studio also provides a feature to generate HTML or other formats from Markdown files. To generate HTML from a Markdown file, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Markdown file.
  2. Go to Markdown -> Generate HTML.

Android Studio will create an HTML file with the same name as the Markdown file in the same directory.

Markdown Syntax

Markdown provides a simple and intuitive syntax for formatting text. Let's explore some commonly used syntax elements:


You can create headers using # symbols. The number of # symbols determines the header level.

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3


You can emphasize text by wrapping it with * or _ symbols.

This is *italic* text.
This is _italic_ text.

This is **bold** text.
This is __bold__ text.


Markdown supports both ordered and unordered lists.

Unordered List:

- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3

Ordered List:

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Item 3

Links and Images

You can create links and insert images in Markdown files.




![Android Logo](


Tables can be created using the following syntax:

| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
|   Cell   |   Cell   |   Cell   |
|   Cell   |   Cell   |   Cell   |
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Cell Cell Cell
Cell Cell Cell

Sequence Diagrams

You can create sequence diagrams using the Mermaid syntax in Markdown files.

    participant A
    participant B
    A->>B: Message
    B->>A: Reply


Markdown is a powerful tool for creating well-formatted and organized documentation. Android Studio's support for Markdown makes it easier for developers to write and document their code. By using Markdown, you can enhance the readability and understandability of your code. Try using Markdown in Android Studio for your next project and experience the benefits yourself.

By following the syntax examples and utilizing the features of Android Studio, you can create clear and concise documentation for your Android applications.

Happy coding!