OpenStack Keystone Queens

OpenStack Keystone is an identity service that provides authentication, authorization, and service discovery for OpenStack services. It is a crucial component of the OpenStack cloud computing platform. In this article, we will explore the features and usage of Keystone in the Queens release.

Introduction to OpenStack Keystone

OpenStack Keystone is a central component of the OpenStack architecture that provides a single point of authentication and authorization for all OpenStack services. It ensures secure access to resources and manages user credentials, roles, and permissions.

Keystone is designed to be highly scalable and fault-tolerant. It can integrate with various identity backends, including LDAP, SQL databases, and external identity providers like Active Directory or OAuth2.0.

Keystone Architecture

To understand how Keystone works, let's take a look at its architecture.

![Keystone Architecture](

The key components of Keystone are:

  1. Identity Provider: Responsible for storing and managing user credentials and information.
  2. Authentication: Authenticates users and issues authentication tokens.
  3. Authorization: Enforces access control policies and grants permissions to authenticated users.
  4. Service Catalog: Provides a list of available services and endpoints to the users.
  5. Policy Engine: Defines access control rules and governs authorization decisions.

Installation and Configuration

To install Keystone, you can use the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install keystone

Once installed, you need to configure Keystone by editing the /etc/keystone/keystone.conf file:

connection = mysql+pymysql://keystone:KEYSTONE_DBPASS@controller/keystone

provider = fernet

Next, initialize the Keystone database:

$ sudo keystone-manage db_sync

Finally, start the Keystone service:

$ sudo service keystone start

Using Keystone

To interact with Keystone, you can use the OpenStack command-line client or the Keystone API.

First, you need to authenticate and obtain an authentication token:

$ openstack --os-auth-url http://controller:5000/v3 --os-identity-api-version 3 --os-project-domain-id default --os-project-name admin --os-username admin --os-user-domain-id default --os-password ADMIN_PASS token issue

This command will return an authentication token that you can use for subsequent API calls.

Next, you can perform various operations, such as creating projects, users, and roles, and assigning roles to users.

To create a new project:

$ openstack --os-auth-url http://controller:5000/v3 --os-project-domain-id default --os-user-domain-id default --os-project-name admin --os-username admin --os-password ADMIN_PASS project create --description "My Project" myproject

To create a new user:

$ openstack --os-auth-url http://controller:5000/v3 --os-project-domain-id default --os-user-domain-id default --os-project-name admin --os-username admin --os-password ADMIN_PASS user create --project myproject --password USER_PASS myuser

To assign a role to a user:

$ openstack --os-auth-url http://controller:5000/v3 --os-project-domain-id default --os-user-domain-id default --os-project-name admin --os-username admin --os-password ADMIN_PASS role add --project myproject --user myuser myrole


OpenStack Keystone is a critical component of the OpenStack platform that provides identity and access management services. In this article, we explored the features and usage of Keystone in the Queens release. We discussed its architecture, installation, configuration, and usage.

Keystone simplifies the management of authentication and authorization for OpenStack services, ensuring secure access to resources. It offers scalability, fault tolerance, and support for multiple identity backends. With Keystone, you can easily manage users, projects, roles, and permissions within your OpenStack cloud.

With the knowledge gained from this article, you can start leveraging Keystone to enhance the security and manageability of your OpenStack deployment.

    title Authentication and Authorization with Keystone
    section User Registration
        User Registration -> User Approval: Submit registration form
        User Approval -> Admin Approval: Approve user registration
        Admin Approval -->|Approved| User Registration: Notify successful approval
        Admin Approval -->|Rejected| User Registration: Notify rejection
    section User Login
        User Login -> Keystone: Provide credentials for authentication
        Keystone -->|Successful authentication| User Login: Return authentication token
        Keystone -->|Failed authentication| User Login: Return error message
    section Resource Access
        User Login -> Keystone: Provide authentication token for authorization
        Keystone -->|Valid token| Resource Access: Grant access to requested resources
        Keystone -->|Invalid token| Resource Access: Deny access to requested resources
    User ||--o{ Project : has
    User ||--o{ Role : has
    Project ||--o{ Role : has
    Role ||--o{ Policy : has
    IdentityProvider ||--o{ User : has
    IdentityProvider ||--o{ Project