Redis ZADD with Expiry Time

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. One common operation in Redis is adding elements to a sorted set using ZADD. In this article, we will explore how to use ZADD to add elements with an expiry time in Redis.

Introduction to ZADD

ZADD is a Redis command used to add one or more members to a sorted set, or update the score of an existing member. The syntax of ZADD is as follows:

ZADD key [NX|XX] [CH] [INCR] score member [score member ...]
  • key: The key of the sorted set.
  • NX|XX: Optional flags that indicate whether to only update elements that already exist or only add new elements, respectively.
  • CH: Optional flag that indicates whether to return the number of elements changed.
  • INCR: Optional flag that indicates whether to increment the score of member if it already exists.
  • score: The score of the member being added.
  • member: The value of the member being added.

Adding Expiry Time to Sorted Sets

While Redis does not provide a built-in way to set expiry time on individual elements in a sorted set, we can achieve this functionality by using a combination of ZADD and other Redis commands. One common approach is to use a sorted set to store the expiry time of each member.

Here's an example of how we can add elements with an expiry time using a sorted set in Redis:

ZADD key score member
ZADD expiry_key expiry_timestamp member

In the above code snippet:

  • key is the key of the sorted set where we store the members.
  • score is the score of the member being added to the sorted set.
  • member is the value of the member being added.
  • expiry_key is the key of the sorted set where we store the expiry timestamps of the members.
  • expiry_timestamp is the timestamp when the member should expire.

To retrieve elements from the sorted set based on their expiry time, we can use Redis commands like ZRANGEBYSCORE and ZREMRANGEBYSCORE:

ZRANGEBYSCORE expiry_key -inf +inf
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key -inf expiry_timestamp

Example: Adding Elements with Expiry Time

Let's walk through an example of adding elements with an expiry time in Redis. Suppose we have a sorted set called users where we want to store user IDs with an expiry time of 24 hours. Here's how we can achieve this:

ZADD users 1634567890 alice
ZADD user_expiry 16345678902400 alice

In this example:

  • We add a user with ID alice to the users sorted set.
  • We add an expiry timestamp of 24 hours for alice to the user_expiry sorted set.


In this article, we learned how to use ZADD to add elements with an expiry time in Redis. By combining sorted sets and expiry timestamps, we can effectively set expiry times for individual elements in a sorted set. This approach allows us to implement time-based eviction strategies and manage data expiration in Redis efficiently.

Redis provides a powerful set of commands that enable developers to build high-performance, scalable applications. By leveraging features like ZADD and sorted sets, we can create sophisticated data structures and implement advanced data management techniques in Redis.

    title Redis ZADD with Expiry Time
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    section Learn Redis
    Introduction : 2023-10-15, 2d
    ZADD Operation : 2023-10-17, 3d
    Adding Expiry Time : 2023-10-20, 2d
    Example : 2023-10-23, 2d
    Conclusion : 2023-10-25, 1d

By following the examples and concepts shared in this article, developers can harness the power of Redis to efficiently manage data with expiry times in sorted sets. Redis' versatility and performance make it an excellent choice for applications that require fast and scalable data storage.