Ubuntu ACPI BIOS Error Bug: Understanding and Fixing

When using Ubuntu on certain laptops or desktops, you may encounter an ACPI BIOS error during boot. This error can be frustrating and may even prevent your system from starting up properly. In this article, we will explore what ACPI BIOS errors are, why they occur, and how you can potentially fix them.

Understanding ACPI and BIOS

ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is a standard developed by Intel, Microsoft, and Toshiba to allow operating systems to control power management and configure hardware devices. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is firmware that initializes hardware during the boot process.

ACPI BIOS errors typically occur when there is a conflict between how the operating system expects hardware to behave based on ACPI tables and how the BIOS actually handles the hardware. This can result in errors during boot and may cause system instability.

Common Causes of ACPI BIOS Errors

There are several common reasons why ACPI BIOS errors may occur:

  • Outdated BIOS: If your system's BIOS is outdated, it may not fully support ACPI standards, leading to errors.
  • Incorrect ACPI configuration: Incorrect ACPI configuration settings in the BIOS can cause conflicts with the operating system.
  • Hardware compatibility issues: Some hardware components may not fully support ACPI standards, causing errors.
  • Software bugs: Occasionally, ACPI BIOS errors may be caused by software bugs in the operating system or drivers.

Identifying ACPI BIOS Errors

When encountering an ACPI BIOS error, you may see messages such as "ACPI BIOS Error (bug)" or "ACPI Error: AE_NOT_FOUND." These errors are typically displayed during the boot process and may prevent your system from starting up properly.

To diagnose ACPI BIOS errors, you can check system logs for error messages or use tools like dmesg and journalctl to view kernel log messages.

$ dmesg | grep ACPI
$ journalctl -b | grep ACPI

Fixing ACPI BIOS Errors

Update BIOS

One of the most effective ways to address ACPI BIOS errors is to update your system's BIOS to the latest version provided by the manufacturer. This can ensure that your BIOS fully supports ACPI standards and reduces the likelihood of errors.

Adjust ACPI Settings

Some BIOS configurations allow you to adjust ACPI settings. You can try disabling certain ACPI features or changing power management settings to see if it resolves the error. Be cautious when making changes to BIOS settings, as incorrect configurations can potentially cause other issues.

Update Kernel and Drivers

Updating your Ubuntu kernel and drivers to the latest versions can also help resolve ACPI BIOS errors. Newer kernel versions may include bug fixes related to ACPI, improving compatibility with your system's hardware.

Seek Professional Help

If you are unable to resolve ACPI BIOS errors on your own, it may be necessary to seek assistance from a professional technician or contact the manufacturer of your hardware for support.

Class Diagram

    class ACPI {
        - error: string
        + displayError()
    class BIOS {
        - version: string
        + update()
    class OperatingSystem {
        - name: string
        + boot()
    ACPI <-- OperatingSystem : has
    BIOS <-- OperatingSystem : has

Journey Diagram

    title ACPI BIOS Error Journey
    section Boot Process
        OperatingSystem->ACPI: Check for errors
        OperatingSystem->BIOS: Check for compatibility
    section Error Handling
        ACPI->OperatingSystem: Display error message
        BIOS->OperatingSystem: Update firmware
    section Resolution
        OperatingSystem->BIOS: Update firmware
        OperatingSystem->ACPI: Adjust settings


ACPI BIOS errors can be a frustrating obstacle to overcome when using Ubuntu, but with a better understanding of the underlying causes and potential solutions, you can work towards resolving these issues. By updating your BIOS, adjusting ACPI settings, and keeping your system up-to-date, you can potentially mitigate ACPI BIOS errors and enjoy a more stable computing experience. Remember to always proceed with caution when making changes to BIOS settings and seek professional help if needed.