Apache Commons JXPath

Apache Commons JXPath is a powerful library that allows developers to navigate and manipulate Java object graphs. It provides a simple yet expressive syntax for accessing and modifying properties of Java objects, regardless of their underlying structure.


Imagine you have a complex object graph representing a travel itinerary, which includes destinations, flights, hotels, and activities. With Apache Commons JXPath, you can easily navigate through this graph and retrieve specific information or update it.


To include Apache Commons JXPath in your project, you can add the following Maven dependency to your pom.xml file:


Alternatively, you can download the JAR file directly from the Apache Commons website and add it to your project's classpath.

Getting Started

Let's start by creating a simple travel itinerary object graph using Java classes. We'll have a TravelItinerary class that contains a list of Destination objects, each of which has a name and a list of Flight objects.

public class TravelItinerary {
    private List<Destination> destinations;

    // getter and setter for destinations

public class Destination {
    private String name;
    private List<Flight> flights;

    // getter and setter for name and flights

public class Flight {
    private String flightNumber;
    private String airline;

    // getter and setter for flightNumber and airline

Now, let's create an instance of TravelItinerary and populate it with some data:

TravelItinerary itinerary = new TravelItinerary();

Destination destination1 = new Destination();

Flight flight1 = new Flight();
flight1.setAirline("Air France");



Accessing Properties

With Apache Commons JXPath, you can easily access properties of objects in the graph using a simple syntax. Let's say we want to retrieve the flight number of the first flight in the first destination:

JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(itinerary);
String flightNumber = (String) context.getValue("destinations[1]/flights[1]/flightNumber");
System.out.println("Flight Number: " + flightNumber);

In this example, we use the getValue() method of JXPathContext to retrieve the flight number property. The XPath-like expression "destinations[1]/flights[1]/flightNumber" specifies the path to the desired property.

Updating Properties

Not only can you retrieve properties, but you can also update them using Apache Commons JXPath. Let's say we want to change the airline of the first flight:

JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(itinerary);
context.setValue("destinations[1]/flights[1]/airline", "Lufthansa");

In this example, we use the setValue() method of JXPathContext to update the airline property. The XPath-like expression "destinations[1]/flights[1]/airline" specifies the path to the property we want to update.


Apache Commons JXPath is a powerful library that simplifies the navigation and manipulation of Java object graphs. Its simple and expressive syntax allows developers to easily retrieve and update properties of complex object hierarchies. By leveraging its capabilities, you can create more flexible and maintainable code.

So next time you find yourself working with a complex object graph, consider using Apache Commons JXPath to make your life easier!

    title Travel Itinerary
    section Paris
    section Flight
    section Lufthansa
flowchart TD
    A[Create TravelItinerary object] --> B[Add Destination object]
    B --> C[Add Flight object]
    C --> D[Retrieve Flight Number]
    D --> E[Update Airline]