Python Error while loading shared libraries


When running a Python program, you may come across an error message similar to "error while loading shared libraries." This error occurs when the required shared library files are not found or cannot be loaded. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this error and how to resolve it.

Understanding Shared Libraries

Shared libraries, also known as dynamic link libraries, contain reusable code and data that can be used by multiple programs simultaneously. They provide a way to share code among different applications without duplicating it. When a program is executed, it dynamically links with the required shared libraries to access the functions and resources provided by them.

Shared libraries have file extensions like ".so" (on Linux) or ".dll" (on Windows). These files need to be present in the system's library search path for programs to access them.

Reasons for the Error

There are several reasons why you may encounter the "error while loading shared libraries" in Python:

  1. Missing or Incorrect Library Installation: If the required shared library is not installed on your system or is installed in the wrong location, Python won't be able to find and load it.

  2. Incorrect Library Version: If the installed version of the shared library is incompatible with the version expected by the Python program, it may result in a loading error.

  3. Incorrect Library Path: Python may not be able to find the shared library because its path is not included in the system's library search path. This can happen if the library is installed in a non-standard location.

Resolving the Error

Now that we understand the reasons behind the error, let's explore some solutions to resolve it.

1. Check Library Installation

The first step is to ensure that the required shared library is installed on your system. You can search for the library using the package manager specific to your operating system.

For example, on Ubuntu, you can use the apt command to search for a library package:

$ apt search <library_name>

If the library is not found, you can install it using the package manager. For example, to install the "libssl" library on Ubuntu, you can use the following command:

$ sudo apt install libssl-dev

2. Check Library Path

If the library is installed but Python still cannot find it, you may need to add its path to the system's library search path. You can do this by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/library:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ python

Make sure to replace "/path/to/library" with the actual path to the shared library.

3. Check Library Compatibility

In some cases, the installed version of the shared library may not be compatible with the Python program. You can check the library version using the ldd command:

$ ldd

The output will display the shared libraries used by the program and their respective versions. Compare the library version with the one expected by the program. If they are different, you may need to install a different version of the library.

4. Use Virtual Environments

Using virtual environments is a good practice to isolate Python environments and ensure consistent library versions. Create a virtual environment using venv or virtualenv and install the required libraries within it.

$ python3 -m venv myenv
$ source myenv/bin/activate
$ pip install <required_libraries>
$ python

This will create a virtual environment named "myenv" and activate it. Any libraries installed within this environment will not conflict with the system-wide installations.


The "error while loading shared libraries" can occur when Python is unable to find or load the required shared library files. This can happen due to missing or incorrectly installed libraries, incorrect library versions, or incorrect library paths. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve this error and run your Python programs successfully. Remember to check library installation, library paths, library compatibility, and consider using virtual environments to isolate your Python environments.