IRedisClientManager in C#

In the world of software development, managing connections to external data stores is a common task. One popular way to interact with a Redis server in C# is by using the StackExchange.Redis library. To simplify the process of managing Redis connections and communication, developers often create a custom IRedisClientManager interface.

What is IRedisClientManager?

IRedisClientManager is an interface that defines the contract for managing connections to a Redis server in C#. It typically includes methods for acquiring and releasing Redis clients, as well as executing commands against the server.

Here is an example of what the IRedisClientManager interface might look like:

public interface IRedisClientManager
    IDatabase GetDatabase();
    void ReleaseClient(IDatabase database);

In this interface, the GetDatabase method is used to acquire a connection to the Redis server, while the ReleaseClient method is used to release the connection back to the manager.

Implementing IRedisClientManager

To implement the IRedisClientManager interface, you would need to create a class that provides the necessary functionality. Here is an example of a simple implementation using the StackExchange.Redis library:

public class RedisClientManager : IRedisClientManager
    private ConnectionMultiplexer _connection;

    public RedisClientManager(string connectionString)
        _connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(connectionString);

    public IDatabase GetDatabase()
        return _connection.GetDatabase();

    public void ReleaseClient(IDatabase database)
        // No action needed as ConnectionMultiplexer manages connections

In this implementation, the RedisClientManager class initializes a ConnectionMultiplexer object using a connection string provided in the constructor. The GetDatabase method returns an IDatabase object that can be used to interact with the Redis server.

Class Diagram

The following class diagram illustrates the relationship between the IRedisClientManager interface and the RedisClientManager class:

    interface IRedisClientManager {
        +IDatabase GetDatabase()
        +void ReleaseClient(IDatabase database)

    class RedisClientManager {
        -ConnectionMultiplexer _connection
        +RedisClientManager(string connectionString)
        +IDatabase GetDatabase()
        +void ReleaseClient(IDatabase database)

    IRedisClientManager .up.|..> RedisClientManager : implements

State Diagram

The following state diagram shows the lifecycle of a RedisClientManager instance, including acquiring and releasing database connections:

    [*] --> Disconnected
    Disconnected --> Connected: Initialize
    Connected --> Connected: GetDatabase
    Connected --> Connected: GetDatabase
    Connected --> Connected: GetDatabase
    Connected --> Connected: GetDatabase
    Connected --> Connected: ReleaseClient
    Connected --> Disconnected: Dispose
    Disconnected --> [*]: Dispose


In this article, we explored the concept of IRedisClientManager in C# and how it can be used to manage connections to a Redis server. By defining a common interface and implementing it with a custom class, developers can simplify the process of interacting with Redis in their applications. IRedisClientManager provides a flexible and extensible way to handle Redis connections and commands, making it easier to work with the popular in-memory database in C#.