Android Result API


Android Result API is a powerful tool provided by the Android framework to handle the result of an operation or action performed by an application. It allows developers to handle the results asynchronously and provides a straightforward way to communicate the result between different components of an application.

In this article, we will explore the Android Result API in detail and provide code examples to understand its usage effectively.

What is Android Result API?

The Android Result API is a mechanism that allows one component (e.g., an Activity or a Fragment) to receive the result of an operation performed by another component (e.g., starting another Activity for result). It simplifies the communication between different components and enables them to work together seamlessly.

Traditionally, when starting an activity for a result, developers used the startActivityForResult() method to start the activity and receive the result in the onActivityResult() method. However, this approach had several limitations, such as limited flexibility and complexity in handling multiple results.

With the introduction of the Android Result API, developers can now use the registerForActivityResult() method to register a callback that will be called when the result is available. This new API provides a more flexible and consistent way to handle the results.

How to Use Android Result API?

To use the Android Result API, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Register the Activity Result Launcher

First, you need to register an Activity Result Launcher by calling the registerForActivityResult() method. This method takes two parameters: the ActivityResultContract and the ActivityResultCallback.

Here's an example of how to register an Activity Result Launcher:

val myActivityResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result ->
    if (result.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
        // Handle the result here
        val data =
        // ...

In the above example, we are using the StartActivityForResult contract, which launches an activity for a result. The callback function will be called when the result is available.

Step 2: Start the Activity for Result

Next, you need to start the activity for result using the Activity Result Launcher you registered in the previous step. You can do this by calling the launch() method of the Activity Result Launcher.

Here's an example of how to start an activity for result:

val intent = Intent(this,

In the above example, we are starting the MyActivity for a result using the Activity Result Launcher myActivityResultLauncher.

Step 3: Handle the Result

Finally, you need to handle the result in the callback function of the Activity Result Launcher. The result is passed as a parameter to the callback function.

Here's an example of how to handle the result:

val myActivityResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result ->
    if (result.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
        val data =
        // Handle the result here
        // ...

In the above example, we are checking if the result is successful (Activity.RESULT_OK) and then accessing the data passed back from the activity.


The Android Result API provides a convenient way to handle the result of an operation or action performed by an application. It simplifies the communication between different components and enhances the flexibility of result handling.

In this article, we explored the Android Result API and learned how to use it effectively. We discussed the steps involved in using the API, including registering the Activity Result Launcher, starting the activity for result, and handling the result.

By using the Android Result API, developers can ensure a seamless and efficient flow of data between different components of an application, leading to a better user experience.

Mermaid Pie Chart

The following pie chart illustrates the distribution of Android Result API among different Android versions:

    "Android 10+" : 45.6
    "Android 9" : 23.4
    "Android 8" : 12.3
    "Android 7" : 8.7
    "Android 6" : 5
    "Other" : 5

Mermaid ER Diagram

The ER diagram below represents the relationships between different components involved in using the Android Result API:

    ACTIVITY -- RESULT : receives
    ACTIVITY -- RESULT_LAUNCHER : registers with
    ACTIVITY -- INTENT : starts

        string activityName
        string requestCode

    RESULT {
        int resultCode
        Intent data

        ActivityResultContract contract
        ActivityResultCallback callback

    INTENT {
        string targetActivity

In the above ER diagram, we can see that an Activity receives a Result, registers with a Result Launcher, and starts an Intent to obtain the result.

With the Android Result API, developers can easily handle the result of an operation or action in a more flexible and efficient manner. The API simplifies the communication between different components and enhances the overall user experience. So, start using the Android Result API in your Android applications and unlock its full potential!