    title How to Hide Android Route Table
    section Explain the Process
        You -> Teach the newbie the process: 
        newbie -> Learn the process: 
    section Steps
        You -> newbie: Step 1: Open Android Studio
        You -> newbie: Step 2: Open the project where you want to hide the route table
        You -> newbie: Step 3: Locate the AndroidManifest.xml file
        You -> newbie: Step 4: Add the following code inside the application tag:
        newbie -> You: Confirm completion of steps
        You -> newbie: Step 5: Save the file and rebuild the project
        You -> newbie: Step 6: Verify that the route table is hidden

引用形式的描述信息:在Android Studio中隐藏路由表的步骤


  1. 首先,打开Android Studio。
  2. 打开你想要隐藏路由表的项目。
  3. 找到AndroidManifest.xml文件。
  4. 在application标签内添加以下代码:
    android:value="true" />
  1. 保存文件并重新构建项目。
  2. 验证路由表是否已隐藏。

