jQuery Tree API: A Complete Guide


In web development, trees are a common way to represent hierarchical data structures. jQuery Tree API is a powerful tool that allows developers to easily create and manipulate tree structures in their web applications. In this article, we will explore the basics of using jQuery Tree API, including how to create, update, and delete nodes in a tree.

Setting up jQuery Tree API

To get started with jQuery Tree API, you first need to include the jQuery library in your project. You can either download the library and include it in your HTML file or use a CDN link. Once you have included jQuery, you can then include the jQuery Tree API plugin by adding the following code snippet to your HTML file:

<script src="jquery.tree.js"></script>

Creating a Tree

To create a tree using jQuery Tree API, you can simply call the tree() method on a DOM element. You can customize the tree by passing options as an argument to the tree() method. Here is an example of how to create a simple tree:

  data: [
    { label: 'Node 1', children: [
      { label: 'Node 1.1' },
      { label: 'Node 1.2' }
    ] },
    { label: 'Node 2' }

In this example, we are creating a tree with two root nodes, each with child nodes.

Updating a Tree

To update a tree using jQuery Tree API, you can use various methods such as addNode(), removeNode(), and updateNode(). Here is an example of how to add a new node to the tree:

$('#tree-container').tree('addNode', { label: 'New Node' });

This code snippet adds a new node with the label "New Node" to the tree.

Deleting a Node

To delete a node from the tree, you can use the removeNode() method. Here is an example of how to delete a node with a specific label:

$('#tree-container').tree('removeNode', 'Node 1');

This code snippet removes the node with the label "Node 1" from the tree.


In this article, we have covered the basics of using jQuery Tree API to create, update, and delete nodes in a tree structure. By leveraging the power of jQuery Tree API, developers can easily manipulate tree structures in their web applications. With its simple and intuitive API, jQuery Tree API is a valuable tool for handling hierarchical data in web development projects.

By following the examples provided in this article, you can quickly get started with jQuery Tree API and incorporate tree structures into your web applications. Happy coding!


  • [Official jQuery Tree API Documentation](
  • [jQuery Tree API GitHub Repository](

Table: jQuery Tree API Methods

Method Description
tree() Initializes a tree on a DOM element
addNode() Adds a new node to the tree
removeNode() Removes a node from the tree
updateNode() Updates a node in the tree