iOS Dealloc


In iOS development, memory management is a crucial aspect to ensure the smooth running of an application. The process of deallocating or releasing memory is an essential step to prevent memory leaks and improve the overall performance of an app. In this article, we will explore the concept of dealloc in iOS and understand its significance in memory management.

Understanding Memory Management in iOS

iOS uses Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) to manage memory. ARC automatically keeps track of object references and deallocates them when they are no longer needed. However, there are cases where we need to manually release memory, and that's where dealloc comes into play.

What is dealloc?

In Objective-C, dealloc is a method that is automatically called when an object is about to be deallocated, i.e., when it is no longer needed and ready to be released from memory. It is the last chance for an object to clean up any resources it has acquired during its lifespan.

Usage of dealloc

To implement dealloc in an iOS app, we need to override the dealloc method in the class of the object we want to deallocate. Let's take an example of a custom Person class:

class Person: NSObject {
    var name: String
    init(name: String) { = name
    deinit {
        // Clean up any resources here

In the above code snippet, we have overridden the dealloc method using the deinit keyword. This method will be automatically called when the Person object is deallocated.

Steps during Deallocation

The dealloc method goes through a series of steps to clean up the resources associated with an object. Let's have a look at the steps involved:

  1. Remove Observers: If the object is observing any notifications or KVO (Key-Value Observing), it should remove itself as an observer before deallocation. This prevents crashes and memory leaks.

  2. Release Strong References: If the object has any strong references to other objects, it should release them to decrement their reference count.

  3. Clean Up Resources: This is the place to deallocate any resources acquired during the object's lifespan, such as closing files, stopping timers, or releasing memory allocated dynamically.

  4. Superclass Dealloc: Finally, call the dealloc method of the superclass to ensure any cleanup operations defined in the superclass are performed.

Potential Issues with dealloc

  1. Deallocating Strong References: It's important to release strong references to avoid retain cycles or memory leaks. If an object holds a strong reference to another object, and that object holds a strong reference back to the first object, a retain cycle is created, and the objects will not be deallocated.

  2. dealloc Not Called: In some cases, the dealloc method may not be called, leading to memory leaks. This can occur if there are still strong references to the object from other parts of the application.


dealloc is an essential method in iOS memory management. It provides an opportunity to clean up resources and prevent memory leaks. By understanding how to implement and use dealloc, developers can ensure efficient memory management and improve the overall performance of their iOS applications.

    title Dealloc Journey

    section Initialization
    Created --> "Object is initialized"

    section Usage
    "Object is used" --> Released: "No longer needed"

    section Cleanup
    Released --> "Dealloc is called"
    "Dealloc is called" --> "Remove observers"
    "Remove observers" --> "Release strong references"
    "Release strong references" --> "Clean up resources"
    "Clean up resources" --> "Superclass dealloc"

    section End
    "Superclass dealloc" --> "Object is deallocated"
    Person ||--o{ Phone: has
    Person ||--o{ Address: has
    class Person {
        name: String
    class Phone {
        number: String
    class Address {
        street: String
        city: String

In the above mermaid diagrams, we can visualize the journey of an object from initialization to deallocation and the relationships between the Person, Phone, and Address classes.

Overall, understanding the concept of dealloc and its usage in memory management is crucial for iOS developers. By effectively managing memory, developers can create high-performance and resource-efficient applications.