Redis Bind Option Configuration


Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more. Redis can be configured to bind to specific IP addresses or network interfaces to control which network interfaces it listens on.

In this article, we will discuss how to configure the "bind" option in Redis. We will cover the steps to configure Redis to listen on specific IP addresses or network interfaces, including code examples and diagrams to illustrate the process.


Before we begin, make sure you have Redis installed on your system. You can download Redis from the official website or install it using package managers such as apt or yum.

Configuration Steps

Step 1: Open Redis configuration file

The Redis configuration file is usually located at /etc/redis/redis.conf. Open the file using a text editor.

Step 2: Locate the "bind" directive

In the Redis configuration file, search for the "bind" directive. By default, it is commented out with a "#" symbol. Uncomment the line to enable it.


Step 3: Specify IP addresses or network interfaces

After uncommenting the "bind" directive, you can specify the IP addresses or network interfaces on which Redis should listen. You can provide multiple IP addresses or network interfaces by separating them with a space.


Step 4: Save and exit the configuration file

Save the changes you made to the Redis configuration file and exit the text editor.

Step 5: Restart Redis server

To apply the configuration changes, restart the Redis server using the following command:

sudo systemctl restart redis

Example Scenario

Let's consider an example scenario where we have a Redis server running on a machine with two network interfaces: "eth0" and "eth1". We want Redis to listen only on the "eth0" network interface.

Network Configuration

Here is the network configuration for the example scenario:

eth0 IP:
eth1 IP:

Redis Configuration

Open the Redis configuration file and locate the "bind" directive. Uncomment the line and specify the IP address of the "eth0" network interface.


Save the changes and restart the Redis server.

sudo systemctl restart redis

Now, Redis will only listen on the "eth0" network interface with IP address


Below is a diagram illustrating the configuration steps and network setup for our example scenario:

    participant A as User
    participant B as Redis Server
    participant C as eth0 Network Interface
    participant D as eth1 Network Interface

    A -- B: Requests Redis operations
    B -- C: Listens on eth0 IP (
    B -- D: Does not listen on eth1 IP (

The diagram shows the user (A) requesting Redis operations from the Redis server (B). The Redis server listens on the eth0 network interface (C) with IP address and does not listen on the eth1 network interface (D) with IP address


In this article, we discussed how to configure the "bind" option in Redis to specify the IP addresses or network interfaces on which Redis should listen. We provided step-by-step instructions along with code examples and diagrams to illustrate the configuration process. By following these steps, you can effectively control the network interfaces on which Redis is accessible, improving security and network management in your Redis deployment.