Title: Introduction to Drawing Upper Half Rounded Rectangles on Android


In this article, we will explore how to draw upper half rounded rectangles on Android using the Android Graphics API. Rounded rectangles are commonly used in user interface design to create aesthetically pleasing elements. By understanding the process, we can enhance our ability to create visually appealing Android applications.


flowchart TD
    Start --> Draw Rounded Rectangle
    Draw Rounded Rectangle --> Draw Rounded Corners
    Draw Rounded Corners --> Draw Arc
    Draw Rounded Corners --> Draw Line
    Draw Arc --> Draw Line
    Draw Line --> Draw Arc
    Draw Arc --> Draw Line
    Draw Line --> Draw Arc
    Draw Arc --> End

State Diagram:

    [*] --> Idle
    Idle --> Drawing
    Drawing --> Idle


Rounded rectangles are rectangles with rounded corners. They can be used to create buttons, dialogs, and other UI elements. In this article, we will focus on drawing upper half rounded rectangles on Android using the Android Graphics API.

To draw a rounded rectangle, we need to follow a series of steps:

  1. Define the dimensions and position of the rectangle.
  2. Calculate the radius of the rounded corners.
  3. Start drawing the rounded rectangle.
  4. Draw the rounded corners using arcs and lines.
  5. Complete the drawing.

Let's dive into the code and explore each step in detail.

Step 1: Define the dimensions and position of the rectangle.

To begin, we need to define the dimensions and position of the rectangle. We can use the RectF class provided by Android to specify the dimensions. The RectF class represents a rectangle with floating-point coordinates.

RectF rect = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);

Step 2: Calculate the radius of the rounded corners.

Next, we need to calculate the radius of the rounded corners. This can be done by dividing the height of the rectangle by 2. We will use this radius to draw the arcs for the rounded corners.

float cornerRadius = rect.height() / 2;

Step 3: Start drawing the rounded rectangle.

To draw the rounded rectangle, we need to use the Canvas object provided by Android. The Canvas class provides methods for drawing shapes and text on the screen.

Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
Paint paint = new Paint();
canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, paint);

Step 4: Draw the rounded corners using arcs and lines.

To draw the rounded corners, we will use the drawArc method of the Canvas class. This method allows us to draw an arc of a circle.

canvas.drawArc(left, top, right, bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, paint);

We will draw the upper half of the rounded rectangle by drawing two arcs and two lines. The arcs will form the top corners, and the lines will connect the arcs to the rectangle's top edges.

// Draw the upper left corner arc
canvas.drawArc(rect.left, rect.top, rect.left + 2 * cornerRadius, rect.top + 2 * cornerRadius, 180, 90, true, paint);

// Draw the upper right corner arc
canvas.drawArc(rect.right - 2 * cornerRadius, rect.top, rect.right, rect.top + 2 * cornerRadius, 270, 90, true, paint);

// Draw the left line
canvas.drawLine(rect.left, rect.top + cornerRadius, rect.left, rect.top, paint);

// Draw the right line
canvas.drawLine(rect.right, rect.top + cornerRadius, rect.right, rect.top, paint);

Step 5: Complete the drawing.

Finally, we need to complete the drawing by calling the invalidate method to update the view.


By following these steps, we can successfully draw upper half rounded rectangles on Android.


Drawing upper half rounded rectangles on Android can enhance the visual appeal of user interface elements. By understanding the steps involved and utilizing the Android Graphics API, we can create engaging and aesthetically pleasing applications. Remember to define the dimensions and position of the rectangle, calculate the radius of the rounded corners, and draw the rounded corners using arcs and lines. By incorporating these techniques into your Android development, you can elevate the visual experience for your users.