Java Protocol Buffer


Java Protocol Buffer, also known as protobuf, is a language-agnostic binary serialization format developed by Google. It allows you to define the structure of your data using a simple language called Protocol Buffer Language and automatically generates code to serialize and deserialize your data in various programming languages, including Java. In this article, we will explore the basics of Java Protocol Buffer, including how to define protobuf messages, compile them into Java code, and use them in your applications.

Defining Protobuf Messages

Protobuf messages are defined using a .proto file, which contains the message definitions in Protocol Buffer Language. Let's start by defining a simple message called Person that represents a person's information:

syntax = "proto3";

message Person {
  string name = 1;
  int32 age = 2;
  repeated string hobbies = 3;

In the above example, we define a Person message with three fields: name, age, and hobbies. The name field is of type string and has the field number 1. The age field is of type int32 and has the field number 2. The hobbies field is a repeated field of type string and has the field number 3.

Compiling Protobuf Messages

Once we have defined our protobuf messages, we need to compile them into Java code. To do this, we need to install the Protocol Buffer compiler (protoc) and the Java Protocol Buffer compiler plugin. You can download the compiler and the plugin from the Protocol Buffers GitHub repository.

After installing the required tools, we can compile our .proto file using the following command:

$ protoc --java_out=src/main/java/ person.proto

The above command generates Java code for our Person message and places it in the src/main/java/ directory. The generated code includes Java classes for our message along with serialization and deserialization methods.

Using Protobuf Messages in Java

Now that we have our protobuf messages compiled into Java code, we can start using them in our Java applications. First, we need to make sure we have the Protocol Buffer Java runtime library in our classpath. You can download the library from the Protocol Buffers GitHub repository and add it to your project.

To create an instance of a protobuf message in Java, we simply use the generated builder class. The builder provides convenient methods to set the values of the message fields:

Person person = Person.newBuilder()
    .setName("John Doe")

In the above example, we create a new Person message with the name "John Doe", age 25, and hobbies "Reading" and "Golf". The addHobbies method is used to add values to the repeated hobbies field.

To serialize a protobuf message to a binary format, we can use the toByteArray method:

byte[] data = person.toByteArray();

The toByteArray method returns a byte array representing the serialized message.

To deserialize a protobuf message from a binary format, we can use the parseFrom method:

Person deserializedPerson = Person.parseFrom(data);

The parseFrom method takes a byte array as input and returns an instance of the protobuf message.


In this article, we have learned the basics of Java Protocol Buffer. We started by defining a simple protobuf message using Protocol Buffer Language and then compiled it into Java code using the Protocol Buffer compiler. We then explored how to use the generated Java code to create, serialize, and deserialize protobuf messages in our Java applications.

Java Protocol Buffer provides a fast and efficient way to serialize and deserialize structured data. It is widely used in various domains, including distributed systems, data storage, and communication protocols. By using protobuf, you can simplify your data serialization process and improve the performance of your applications.


    title Programming Languages
    "Java" : 35
    "Python" : 25
    "JavaScript" : 20
    "C++" : 15
    "Other" : 5


Name Age Hobbies
John 25 Reading, Golf
Jane 30 Running, Swimming
Robert 40 Cycling, Photography