Redis Unknown Publish


Redis is an in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It provides various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets, and supports various operations on these data structures. One of the features of Redis is Pub/Sub, which allows publishers to send messages to channels and subscribers to receive those messages. However, there might be cases where subscribers receive unknown or unexpected messages. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons for this issue and how to handle it.

Possible Reasons for Unknown Publish

1. Subscribing to Multiple Channels

When subscribing to multiple channels, it's possible that a subscriber receives messages from channels it didn't expect. This can happen if the subscriber is also subscribed to channels that are not of interest. To avoid this, it's important to ensure that the subscriber is only subscribed to the relevant channels.

2. Incorrect Channel Name

Another possible reason for unknown messages is an incorrect channel name. If the publisher is sending messages to a channel with a different name than the one the subscriber is listening to, the subscriber will receive unknown messages. It's crucial to double-check that the channel names used by publishers and subscribers match.

3. Expired Messages

Redis Pub/Sub does not guarantee message persistence. Once a message is published, it is delivered to all subscribers who are currently listening to the channel. If a subscriber subscribes to a channel after a message has been published, it will not receive that message. To avoid missing messages, subscribers should be aware of the message retention policy and ensure they are actively listening to the channels of interest.

Handling Unknown Publish

To handle unknown publish in Redis, the following practices can be implemented:

1. Channel Filtering

Before processing received messages, subscribers can filter them based on the channel name. This ensures that only the messages from the relevant channels are processed, reducing the chances of unknown messages affecting the application.

import redis

def message_handler(message):
    # Process only messages from the relevant channels
    if message['channel'] == 'my_channel':

r = redis.Redis()
p = r.pubsub()

for message in p.listen():

2. Message Validation

Another approach is to validate the content of the received message before processing it. This can be done by adding a specific format or structure to the messages and checking if they adhere to that format. Messages that don't meet the expected criteria can be discarded.

import redis
import json

def message_handler(message):
        data = json.loads(message['data'])
        # Process only valid messages
        if 'id' in data and 'content' in data:
    except json.JSONDecodeError:

r = redis.Redis()
p = r.pubsub()

for message in p.listen():

3. Error Handling

In some cases, unknown publish might occur due to temporary issues such as network problems or high server load. Implementing appropriate error handling mechanisms can help handle such situations gracefully. For example, a subscriber can retry subscribing to channels or reconnect to Redis in case of connection failures.


Redis Pub/Sub is a powerful feature that allows publishers to send messages to channels and subscribers to receive those messages. However, it's important to handle unknown publish scenarios to ensure the smooth operation of Redis-based applications. By applying channel filtering, message validation, and error handling practices, developers can minimize the impact of unknown publish and build robust and reliable systems.

Class Diagram

    class Redis {
    class Subscriber {
    class Publisher {
    Redis -- Publisher
    Redis -- Subscriber
    Subscriber --|> Redis
    Publisher --|> Redis


flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B{Receive Message}
    B --> C{Filter Channel}
    C -->|Yes| D[Process Message]
    C -->|No| B
    D --> E{Validate Message}
    E -->|Valid| F[Process Valid Message]
    E -->|Invalid| B
    F --> G{Any More Messages?}
    G -->|Yes| B
    G -->|No| H[End]

In the flowchart, the subscriber starts by receiving a message. Then, it checks if the message belongs to the relevant channel. If it does, the message is validated, and if it's valid, it is processed. The process continues until there are no more messages, at which point the flowchart ends.

By following these practices and implementing appropriate error handling, developers can effectively handle the issue of unknown publish in Redis and ensure the reliable functioning of their applications.