MacBook Mysql Access Denied for User


When working with Mysql on a MacBook, you may encounter an error message that says "Access Denied for User". This error occurs when the user does not have the necessary permissions to access the Mysql database. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide solutions to resolve it.

Possible Causes

  1. Incorrect Username or Password: One of the main reasons for this error is entering an incorrect username or password. Make sure that you are using the correct credentials to connect to the Mysql database.

  2. Insufficient Privileges: Another cause for this error is when the user does not have sufficient privileges to access the database. By default, Mysql creates a root user with all privileges, but it is recommended to create a separate user with restricted privileges for security reasons. If the user does not have the necessary privileges, it will result in an Access Denied error.

  3. Incorrect Hostname or Port: It is also possible that the hostname or port specified in the connection settings is incorrect. Double-check the hostname and port to ensure they are accurate.


Solution 1: Correct Username and Password

mysql -u <username> -p

Replace <username> with your actual username, and you will be prompted to enter the password. Make sure you are entering the correct username and password combination.

Solution 2: Grant Sufficient Privileges

To grant the necessary privileges to a user, you can use the following Mysql command:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON <database>.* TO '<username>'@'<hostname>';

Replace <database> with the name of the database you want to grant access to, <username> with the actual username, and <hostname> with the hostname (usually 'localhost' for local connections). After running this command, the user should have the necessary privileges to access the specified database.

Solution 3: Verify Hostname and Port

mysql -u <username> -p -h <hostname> -P <port>

Replace <username> with your username, <hostname> with the hostname, and <port> with the port number. This command will attempt to connect to the Mysql server using the provided hostname and port. If the connection is successful, then the hostname and port are correct. Otherwise, double-check the values and try again.


The "MacBook Mysql Access Denied for User" error usually occurs due to incorrect credentials, insufficient privileges, or incorrect hostname/port. By following the solutions provided in this article, you should be able to resolve this error and establish a successful connection to the Mysql database. Remember to double-check your credentials, grant sufficient privileges, and verify the hostname and port.