Redis DEL Command for Bulk Deletion with Wildcards

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It provides various commands to manipulate and manage the data stored in it. One of the commonly used commands is DEL, which is used to delete one or more keys from the database. In this article, we will explore how to use the DEL command for bulk deletion with wildcards.

Bulk Deletion with Wildcards

Redis does not provide a native command to delete keys based on wildcards. However, we can achieve this functionality by combining the KEYS command and the DEL command.

The KEYS command is used to search for keys that match a given pattern. It supports wildcards like * (matches any string) and ? (matches any single character). We can use this command to get all the keys that match a specific pattern, and then pass those keys to the DEL command for deletion.

Let's consider an example to understand this process better. Suppose we have a Redis database with keys like "user:1", "user:2", "user:3", "product:1", "product:2", "order:1", and so on. If we want to delete all the keys that start with "user:", we can use the following steps:

  1. Use the KEYS command with the pattern "user:*" to get all the keys that match the pattern.
  2. Pass the resulting keys to the DEL command for deletion.

Here is an example in Python to illustrate this process:

import redis

# Connect to Redis
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)

# Get all keys that match the pattern
keys = r.keys("user:*")

# Delete the matching keys
if keys:

In this example, we use the redis library in Python to connect to Redis. We first use the keys method to get all keys that match the pattern "user:*". Then, we pass those keys to the delete method for deletion. This way, we can delete all keys that start with "user:".

Performance Considerations

While the above method works for bulk deletion with wildcards, it is important to note that the KEYS command has a linear time complexity based on the number of keys in the database. This means that using the KEYS command on a large-scale production database with millions of keys may result in performance issues.

To overcome this, Redis provides the SCAN command, which can be used to iterate over keys in a more memory-friendly and performant way. The SCAN command returns a cursor-based iterator that allows us to retrieve keys in small batches.

Here is an updated example that uses the SCAN command instead of the KEYS command:

import redis

# Connect to Redis
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)

# Get all keys that match the pattern in batches
keys = []
cursor = '0'
while cursor != 0:
    cursor, batch_keys = r.scan(cursor, match="user:*")

# Delete the matching keys
if keys:

In this updated example, we use the scan method instead of the keys method to retrieve keys in batches. We keep iterating until the cursor returned by the scan method is zero, indicating that all keys have been scanned. This approach is more efficient and avoids potential performance issues with large databases.


In this article, we explored how to perform bulk deletion with wildcards in Redis. Although Redis does not provide a native command for this functionality, we can achieve it by combining the KEYS command and the DEL command. However, it is important to consider the performance implications, especially for large-scale production databases. In such cases, it is recommended to use the SCAN command to iterate over keys in a more memory-friendly and performant way.

Remember to use caution when deleting keys in Redis, as it is a non-reversible operation. Always double-check the keys to be deleted and make sure they are the ones intended for deletion.