Loki Helm Chart: A Comprehensive Guide

Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, and multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to store and index log data, making it easy to search, filter, and visualize logs in real-time. In this article, we will explore how to use the Loki Helm Chart to deploy Loki on Kubernetes.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Kubernetes cluster up and running.
  2. Helm package manager installed.
  3. Basic understanding of Kubernetes concepts.

Installing Loki Helm Chart

To install Loki using Helm, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add Loki Helm repository

Before installing the Loki Helm Chart, you need to add the Loki Helm repository to your local Helm setup. Run the following command:

helm repo add loki 

Step 2: Update Helm repositories

Next, update the Helm repositories to fetch the latest versions of charts. Run the following command:

helm repo update

Step 3: Install Loki Helm Chart

Now, we can install Loki using the Helm Chart. Run the following command:

helm install loki loki/loki

This command will install Loki with default configuration values. If you want to customize the installation, you can provide a values.yaml file with your desired settings.

Configuring Loki

After installing Loki, you may want to customize its configuration to suit your needs. Loki provides several configuration options that can be set via the values.yaml file.

Basic Configuration

You can set basic configuration options such as log level, retention period, etc. Here's an example:

    auth_enabled: true
    log_level: info
    retention_period: 7d

Storage Configuration

Loki supports multiple storage backends. By default, it uses a local file system for storing logs. However, you can configure it to use other storage options like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc. Here's an example:

        access_key: "your-access-key"
        secret_key: "your-secret-key"
        bucketnames: "your-bucket-name"

Ingestion Configuration

Loki can handle high volumes of logs by distributing the workload across multiple instances. You can configure the number of parallel workers, maximum line length, etc. Here's an example:

      max_line_length: 1024
      max_parallel_http_requests: 100

Upgrading Loki

To upgrade Loki to a newer version, follow these steps:

Step 1: List installed Helm releases

To view the list of installed Helm releases, run the following command:

helm list

Step 2: Upgrade Loki release

To upgrade a specific Loki release, run the following command:

helm upgrade loki loki/loki

You can also provide a values.yaml file with your desired configuration changes.


In this article, we learned how to install and configure Loki using the Loki Helm Chart. We explored various configuration options and saw how to upgrade Loki to a newer version. By leveraging the power of Loki, you can easily manage and analyze your logs in a Kubernetes environment. Happy logging!

Note: This article assumes basic knowledge of Kubernetes and Helm. If you need help with these concepts, refer to their respective documentation for more information.


  • [Loki Helm Chart GitHub repository](
  • [Loki documentation](