PyTorch GPU Reserved Memory


When using PyTorch with a GPU, it is important to understand the concept of reserved memory. Reserved memory refers to the memory that PyTorch sets aside on the GPU for various operations. This reserved memory is not available for storage or computation by the user's code. In this article, we will explore the concept of PyTorch GPU reserved memory, its importance, and how to manage it effectively.

Why is GPU Reserved Memory Important?

GPU reserved memory plays a crucial role in the efficient execution of deep learning models on GPUs. It allows PyTorch to manage memory allocation and deallocation efficiently, which can have a significant impact on the overall performance of the model. By reserving memory upfront, PyTorch avoids unnecessary overhead during runtime and ensures that memory is readily available when needed.

Understanding GPU Reserved Memory in PyTorch

PyTorch reserves GPU memory for various purposes, including:

  1. Model Parameters: The memory required for storing the model's parameters is reserved upfront. These parameters are used during the forward and backward passes of the model.

  2. Intermediate Activation Tensors: During the forward pass, PyTorch allocates memory to store intermediate activation tensors. These tensors store the outputs of each layer in the model and are necessary for the backward pass during gradient computation.

  3. Gradient Buffers: During the backward pass, PyTorch reserves memory to store the gradients of the model's parameters. These gradients are computed with respect to the loss function and are used to update the model's parameters during optimization.

  4. Optimizer States: If an optimizer with state is used (e.g., Adam or SGD with momentum), PyTorch reserves memory for storing the optimizer's internal state, including momentum buffers, running averages, etc.

All these reserved memory blocks contribute to the overall GPU reserved memory.

Managing GPU Reserved Memory

It is essential to manage GPU reserved memory effectively to avoid out-of-memory errors and maximize performance. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Batch Size

Batch size significantly affects the GPU memory usage. Larger batch sizes require more memory, potentially leading to out-of-memory errors. Reducing the batch size can help free up GPU memory, but it may also increase training time due to more frequent weight updates. Therefore, finding the right balance between batch size, memory usage, and performance is crucial.

2. Gradient Accumulation

Gradient accumulation is a technique where gradients are accumulated over multiple mini-batches before performing weight updates. This technique reduces the effective batch size, allowing for larger models to fit into GPU memory. However, it also increases the training time since weight updates are less frequent.

3. Memory Cleanup

PyTorch provides mechanisms to clear GPU memory explicitly. For example, calling torch.cuda.empty_cache() releases all unused memory cache from the GPU. This can be useful in situations where memory is not freed up automatically after certain operations, such as model evaluation.

4. Mixed Precision Training

Using mixed precision training can reduce GPU memory usage. It involves performing computations in lower precision (e.g., float16) for activation tensors while keeping the model parameters in higher precision (e.g., float32). This technique can significantly reduce memory usage without sacrificing too much model accuracy.

5. Model Optimization

Reducing the model size or optimizing the architecture can also help in managing GPU reserved memory. Techniques such as model pruning, quantization, or using more memory-efficient models can be considered to reduce memory requirements.

Code Example

Here is a code example that demonstrates how to check the GPU reserved memory using PyTorch:

import torch

# Check if CUDA is available
if torch.cuda.is_available():
    # Get the current device
    device = torch.cuda.current_device()
    # Get the reserved memory statistics
    reserved_memory = torch.cuda.memory_reserved(device)
    allocated_memory = torch.cuda.memory_allocated(device)
    # Print the reserved memory statistics
    print(f"Reserved Memory: {reserved_memory / 1024**3} GB")
    print(f"Allocated Memory: {allocated_memory / 1024**3} GB")

In this code, we first check if CUDA is available (i.e., if a GPU is present). Then, we get the current device and use torch.cuda.memory_reserved() and torch.cuda.memory_allocated() functions to obtain the reserved and allocated memory on the GPU, respectively. Finally, we print the memory statistics in GB.


Understanding and managing GPU reserved memory is crucial when working with PyTorch on GPUs. By effectively managing the reserved memory, we can avoid out-of-memory errors and optimize the performance of deep learning models. In this article, we explored the concept of GPU reserved memory, its importance, and provided some strategies and code examples to manage it effectively. Remember to experiment with different techniques and find the best approach for your specific use case. Happy training!