Spark Flatten: A Guide to Flattening Data Structures in Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a powerful framework for distributed data processing and analysis. One of the common challenges when working with data is dealing with nested structures, such as arrays or maps within a dataframe. Spark provides various functions to handle these nested structures, including the flatten function. In this article, we will explore what flatten does, how it can be used, and provide code examples to demonstrate its functionality.

Overview of Nested Data Structures in Apache Spark

In Apache Spark, a DataFrame is a distributed collection of data organized into named columns. Each column in a DataFrame can contain either primitive data types (e.g., integers, strings) or complex data types, such as arrays or maps. These complex data types allow for more flexibility in representing structured or semi-structured data.

Nested data structures, such as arrays or maps, can be useful when dealing with hierarchical or nested data. However, they can also present challenges when performing data analysis or transformations. For example, it may be necessary to flatten a nested structure to simplify querying or to perform certain operations.

Introducing the flatten Function in Apache Spark

The flatten function in Apache Spark is a utility function that allows you to flatten nested structures within a DataFrame. It takes a column as input and returns a new DataFrame with the nested structures flattened. This function can be especially useful when dealing with complex data types like arrays or maps.

How to Use flatten in Apache Spark

To use the flatten function in Apache Spark, you need to import the necessary libraries and create a DataFrame with nested structures. Let's consider an example where we have a DataFrame with a nested array column:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import flatten

# Create a Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

# Create a DataFrame with a nested array column
data = [("Alice", [1, 2, 3]), ("Bob", [4, 5])]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["name", "numbers"])

# Apply the flatten function to the nested array column
flattened_df ="name", flatten("numbers").alias("number"))

# Show the resulting DataFrame

In this example, we create a DataFrame df with two columns: "name" and "numbers". The "numbers" column is a nested array column. We apply the flatten function to the "numbers" column and rename the resulting column as "number". The select function is used to select the "name" and flattened "numbers" columns from the original DataFrame. Finally, we use the show function to display the resulting DataFrame flattened_df.

The output of the above code would be:

| name|number|
|Alice|     1|
|Alice|     2|
|Alice|     3|
|  Bob|     4|
|  Bob|     5|

As you can see, the flatten function has flattened the nested array column "numbers" into individual rows. Now, each value in the array has its own separate row, with the corresponding "name" value replicated for each row.

Use Cases for flatten in Apache Spark

The flatten function can be handy in various use cases. Here are a few examples:

Querying Nested Data

When dealing with complex nested structures, querying the data can be challenging. Flattening the nested structures using the flatten function can simplify the querying process. Once the data is flattened, you can easily apply filters, aggregations, or other transformations.

Exploding Array Columns

Sometimes, you may need to explode an array column into multiple rows. The flatten function can be used to achieve this. By applying the flatten function to the array column, each element of the array will be expanded into a separate row.

Working with Nested Maps

If you have a nested map column in your DataFrame, you can use the flatten function to flatten it. This will result in separate columns for each key-value pair in the map.


In this article, we explored the flatten function in Apache Spark, which is used to flatten nested structures within a DataFrame. We learned how to import the necessary libraries, create a DataFrame with nested structures, and apply the flatten function to flatten the nested structures. We also discussed some use cases where the flatten function can be helpful, such as querying nested data or working with arrays and maps.

By using the flatten function in Apache Spark, you can simplify the processing and analysis of nested data structures, making your data analysis workflows more efficient and effective.

    participant User
    participant Spark
    User->>Spark: Import necessary libraries
    User->>Spark: Create DataFrame with nested structures
    User->>Spark: Apply flatten function to nested column
    Spark->>Spark: Flattening the nested structures
    Spark->>User: Return flattened DataFrame
    title Spark Flatten Example

    section Data Preparation
    Import Libraries: 0, 1