Android Failed to Find GeneratedAppGlideModule


When developing an Android application, we often use external libraries to enhance our app's functionality. One such popular library is Glide, which is used for image loading and caching. However, sometimes we may encounter an error message saying "android failed to find generatedappglidemodule". In this article, we will explain what this error means, why it occurs, and how to resolve it.

Understanding the Error

The error "android failed to find generatedappglidemodule" typically occurs when Glide is unable to locate the generated AppGlideModule class. This class is generated by Glide during the build process and is responsible for configuring Glide and providing necessary dependencies.

Causes of the Error

There can be several reasons why Glide fails to find the generated AppGlideModule class:

  1. Missing Annotation Processor: Glide requires the annotation processor to generate the AppGlideModule class. If the annotation processor is not configured properly in your project, Glide will not be able to find the generated class.

  2. Obsolete Generated Code: Sometimes, the generated AppGlideModule class may become outdated or corrupted. This can happen if there were changes made to the project's dependencies or if the build process was interrupted.

  3. Incorrect Configuration: If the Glide configuration is not set up correctly in your project, Glide may not be able to locate the generated AppGlideModule class.

Resolving the Error

To resolve the "android failed to find generatedappglidemodule" error, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure Annotation Processor is Configured: Make sure that the Glide annotation processor is properly configured in your project. To do this, open your project's build.gradle file and add the following lines to the dependencies block:
dependencies {
    // Other dependencies
    annotationProcessor 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:<version>'

Replace <version> with the latest version of Glide.

  1. Clean and Rebuild: Clean and rebuild your project to regenerate the Glide-related files. This will ensure that the AppGlideModule class is generated correctly.

  2. Check Dependencies: Verify that all the necessary dependencies for Glide are included in your project. Open your project's build.gradle file and make sure the following dependencies are present:

dependencies {
    // Other dependencies
    implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:<version>'
    annotationProcessor 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:<version>'

Replace <version> with the latest version of Glide.

  1. Verify Glide Configuration: Ensure that the Glide configuration is set up correctly in your project. Open your AppGlideModule class and make sure it includes the necessary methods and annotations. Here's an example of a basic AppGlideModule implementation:
import com.bumptech.glide.annotation.GlideModule;
import com.bumptech.glide.module.AppGlideModule;

public class MyAppGlideModule extends AppGlideModule {
    // Glide configuration methods

Make sure your AppGlideModule class is located in the same package as your Application class.

  1. Check Build Variants: If you are using multiple build variants (e.g., debug, release), ensure that the AppGlideModule class is generated for each variant. You can check this by navigating to the generated folder in your project directory and verifying that the AppGlideModule class is present for each variant.


The "android failed to find generatedappglidemodule" error can be caused by various factors, such as missing annotation processor, obsolete generated code, or incorrect configuration. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve this error and successfully integrate Glide into your Android application.

Remember to check the configuration, dependencies, and build variants to ensure that Glide can locate the generated AppGlideModule class. With Glide properly configured, you can efficiently load and cache images in your Android app without encountering this error.