Android Pop Menu


In Android development, a pop menu is a common UI component used to display a menu of options when a user interacts with a specific view. It provides a convenient way to present a list of actions or settings related to the current context. This article will explore how to create and implement a pop menu in an Android application, along with code examples.


To follow along with the code examples in this article, you will need:

  • Android Studio installed on your machine.
  • Basic knowledge of Android development, including XML layout files and Java programming.

Creating a Pop Menu

The Android framework provides the PopupMenu class, which allows us to create and display a pop menu. Here's how you can create a pop menu using the PopupMenu class:

// Step 1: Create a PopupMenu instance
PopupMenu popupMenu = new PopupMenu(context, anchorView);

// Step 2: Inflate the menu XML file
popupMenu.getMenuInflater().inflate(, popupMenu.getMenu());

// Step 3: Set a listener to handle menu item clicks
popupMenu.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
    public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
        // Handle menu item clicks here
        switch (item.getItemId()) {
                // Action for menu item 1
                // Action for menu item 2
            // Add more menu item cases as needed
        return true;

// Step 4: Show the pop menu;

Let's break down the code above:

  1. We create an instance of PopupMenu, passing the context and an anchor view. The anchor view is the view from which the pop menu will be displayed.
  2. We inflate the menu XML file using the getMenuInflater().inflate() method. The menu XML file defines the list of items to be shown in the pop menu.
  3. We set a listener using setOnMenuItemClickListener() to handle the click events of menu items. Inside the listener, we use a switch statement to determine which menu item was clicked and perform the corresponding action.
  4. Finally, we call show() to display the pop menu.

Creating the Menu XML File

The menu XML file defines the list of items to be shown in the pop menu. It can be created under the res/menu/ directory in your Android project. Here's an example of a menu XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android="
        android:title="Menu Item 1"/>
        android:title="Menu Item 2"/>
    <!-- Add more menu items as needed -->

In the example above, we define two menu items with their respective IDs and titles. You can add more menu items by adding additional <item> tags.

Customizing the Pop Menu

The PopupMenu class also provides methods to customize the appearance and behavior of the pop menu. Here are a few commonly used methods:

  • setGravity(int gravity): Sets the gravity of the pop menu. This determines the position of the menu relative to the anchor view.
  • setOnDismissListener(PopupMenu.OnDismissListener listener): Sets a listener to be called when the pop menu is dismissed.
  • getMenu(): Returns the underlying Menu object, allowing you to modify the menu items programmatically.


In this article, we explored how to create and implement a pop menu in an Android application using the PopupMenu class. We learned how to create a pop menu, define its items using a menu XML file, and handle menu item clicks. We also briefly discussed customization options available for the pop menu.

Creating and using a pop menu can greatly enhance the user experience in your Android application by providing a convenient way to access actions and settings. Experiment with different customization options to make your pop menu fit seamlessly into your app's design.

Remember to check the official Android documentation for more information and additional features of the PopupMenu class.


  • [Android PopupMenu Documentation](