QUASAR WARNING: Quasar Java Agent isn't running


In the world of software development, debugging and analyzing the performance of applications are essential tasks. To assist developers in this process, various tools and libraries have been developed. One such tool is Quasar, a lightweight Java agent that provides advanced capabilities for debugging and profiling applications. However, sometimes developers encounter the warning message "QUASAR WARNING: Quasar Java Agent isn't running." This article aims to explain the possible causes of this warning and provide a solution to address it.

Understanding Quasar Java Agent

Quasar Java Agent is a powerful tool that aids in debugging and profiling applications written in Java. It allows developers to gain insights into the behavior of their applications by instrumenting bytecode at runtime. This instrumentation enables capturing stack traces, thread states, and other valuable information for analysis. Quasar is particularly useful for troubleshooting multithreaded applications and detecting concurrency issues.

The Warning Message

When developers see the warning message "QUASAR WARNING: Quasar Java Agent isn't running," it indicates that the Quasar Java Agent has not been properly enabled or configured for the target application. This warning typically occurs when attempting to use Quasar features without starting the agent.

Possible Causes

  1. Missing Quasar Java Agent Jar: The Quasar Java Agent is distributed as a separate JAR file and needs to be included in the application's classpath. If the JAR is missing or not properly configured, the warning message will appear.

  2. Incorrect Configuration: The Quasar Java Agent requires specific configuration parameters to be set, such as the entry point class or package. If these configuration parameters are missing or incorrect, the agent will not start, and the warning message will be displayed.


To resolve the "QUASAR WARNING: Quasar Java Agent isn't running" warning, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Quasar Java Agent: Ensure that you have downloaded the Quasar Java Agent JAR file from the official website or a trusted source.

  2. Include the JAR in the Classpath: Add the Quasar Java Agent JAR to the classpath of your application. This can be done by either manually copying the JAR to the designated directory or configuring your build tool (e.g., Maven or Gradle) to include it as a dependency.

  3. Configure the Agent: Set the necessary configuration parameters for the Quasar Java Agent. This is typically done through command-line arguments or configuration files. Refer to the Quasar documentation for specific instructions on how to configure the agent for your application.

  4. Start the Application: Ensure that you start your application with the Quasar Java Agent enabled. This may involve modifying your startup scripts or command-line arguments. Consult the Quasar documentation for guidance on how to start your application with the agent.

Example Code

Here's an example of how to enable and configure the Quasar Java Agent using command-line arguments:

java -javaagent:path/to/quasar.jar=entrypoint:com.example.Application org.example.Main

In this example, the path/to/quasar.jar represents the actual path to the Quasar Java Agent JAR file. The entrypoint:com.example.Application is the configuration parameter specifying the entry point class for your application.


The "QUASAR WARNING: Quasar Java Agent isn't running" warning indicates that the Quasar Java Agent has not been properly enabled or configured. By following the provided solution and ensuring the agent is correctly set up, developers can leverage the powerful capabilities of Quasar for debugging and profiling their Java applications. Remember to consult the Quasar documentation for detailed instructions on how to configure and use the agent effectively. Happy debugging!