Android Native Binder Interface Inheritance

With the growing complexity of Android applications, it has become necessary to establish secure and efficient communication channels between different components of the system. One such mechanism is the Android Native Binder framework, which allows for inter-process communication (IPC) between different components of an Android system. In this article, we will explore how to create and inherit interfaces in Android Native Binder.

What is Android Native Binder?

Android Native Binder is a framework that enables communication between different processes in an Android system. It is based on the Binder framework, which was originally developed by the Android team at Google. The Binder framework provides a high-performance, low-overhead mechanism for inter-process communication.

In Android, a Binder interface is defined using an interface definition language (IDL) file. This file specifies the methods that can be called on the interface and the data types that can be passed between the client and the server. Once the interface is defined, it can be implemented by both the client and the server components.

Creating a Binder Interface

To create a Binder interface, we need to define the interface in an IDL file. Let's create a simple interface called IMyInterface that has a single method called doSomething which takes an integer parameter and returns a string.

interface IMyInterface {
    String doSomething(int value);

The above code snippet defines the IMyInterface interface with a single method doSomething that takes an integer parameter value and returns a string.

Implementing the Binder Interface

Once the interface is defined, we need to implement it in both the client and the server components. Let's create a server component that implements the IMyInterface interface.

public class MyService extends Service {
    private final IMyInterface.Stub mBinder = new IMyInterface.Stub() {
        public String doSomething(int value) throws RemoteException {
            return "Received: " + value;

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return mBinder;

In the above code snippet, we have created a MyService class that extends Service and implements the IMyInterface interface. The mBinder object is an instance of IMyInterface.Stub which provides an implementation for the doSomething method.

Inheriting a Binder Interface

In Android Native Binder, it is possible to inherit interfaces to create new interfaces that extend the functionality of the base interface. Let's create a new interface called IMyExtendedInterface that inherits from IMyInterface.

interface IMyExtendedInterface extends IMyInterface {
    void doSomethingElse();

The IMyExtendedInterface interface extends the IMyInterface interface and adds a new method doSomethingElse. This allows us to create components that implement both the IMyInterface and IMyExtendedInterface interfaces.

Implementing the Extended Binder Interface

Now, let's create a server component that implements the IMyExtendedInterface interface.

public class MyExtendedService extends Service {
    private final IMyExtendedInterface.Stub mBinder = new IMyExtendedInterface.Stub() {
        public String doSomething(int value) throws RemoteException {
            return "Received: " + value;

        public void doSomethingElse() throws RemoteException {
            Log.d("MyExtendedService", "Doing something else...");

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return mBinder;

In the above code snippet, we have created a MyExtendedService class that extends Service and implements the IMyExtendedInterface interface. The mBinder object is an instance of IMyExtendedInterface.Stub which provides implementations for both the doSomething and doSomethingElse methods.


In this article, we have explored how to create and inherit interfaces in Android Native Binder. By defining interfaces in IDL files and implementing them in server components, we can establish secure and efficient communication channels between different parts of an Android system. By inheriting interfaces, we can extend the functionality of existing interfaces and create more versatile components.

Using Android Native Binder, developers can build robust and scalable Android applications that can communicate effectively with each other. By leveraging the power of Binder interfaces, developers can create complex systems that are easy to maintain and extend.

In conclusion, Android Native Binder interface inheritance is a powerful tool for building modern Android applications that require secure and efficient communication between different components.

    class IMyInterface {
        String doSomething(int value)
    class IMyExtendedInterface {
        void doSomethingElse()
    IMyExtendedInterface <|-- IMyInterface

By following the principles outlined in this article, developers can create robust and scalable Android applications that leverage the power of the Android Native Binder framework. With interface inheritance, developers can extend the functionality of existing interfaces and create more versatile components that can communicate effectively with each other.