Android Native Backtrace: Understanding the Basics

When developing Android applications, it is common to encounter crashes or unexpected behaviors. In order to troubleshoot these issues, developers often rely on a technique called "native backtrace". In this article, we will explore what native backtrace is, why it is useful, and how to use it effectively.

What is Native Backtrace?

Native backtrace is a technique that allows developers to determine the sequence of function calls that led to a crash or an error in an Android application. It provides a stack trace of the native code, which includes functions from the Android framework or any native libraries used in the application. This information is valuable for understanding the root cause of a problem and fixing it.

How Does Native Backtrace Work?

In order to generate a native backtrace, the application must be built with debugging symbols enabled. These symbols contain information about the function names, line numbers, and other debugging metadata. When a crash occurs, the Android runtime captures the native backtrace and logs it.

Let's consider an example scenario where we encounter a crash in our Android application. Suppose we have the following native code snippet:

void func3() {
    // Do something

void func2() {
    // Do something

void func1() {
    // Do something

void crash() {
    // Do something

int main() {
    // Do something

If a crash occurs within the crash() function, the native backtrace will include the sequence of function calls that led to the crash. In this case, the backtrace might look like:

#00 pc 00001234 (crash+20)
#01 pc 00002468 (func1+12)
#02 pc 00003690 (func2+12)
#03 pc 000048C0 (func3+8)

Each entry in the backtrace represents a function call. The pc value indicates the memory address of the function, and the offset represents the location within that function.

Analyzing Native Backtrace

Now that we have generated a native backtrace, let's analyze it to understand the cause of the crash. In our example backtrace, we can see that the crash occurred in the crash() function, which called func1(), func2(), and func3() in that order.

By examining the code and the backtrace, we can identify the specific line of code that caused the crash. In this case, the crash likely occurred in the crash() function itself. We can then debug the issue by analyzing the code and fixing any potential bugs or memory access violations.

Using Native Backtrace in Android Studio

Android Studio provides a powerful tool called "ndk-stack" that can parse and analyze native backtraces. To use this tool, you first need to ensure that the debugging symbols are generated during the build process. Once you have the symbols, you can run the following command:

$ adb logcat | ndk-stack -sym <path-to-symbols-folder>

This command reads the logcat logs and looks for native crash logs. It then uses the debugging symbols to demangle function names and display a more readable backtrace.


Native backtrace is an essential tool for debugging native code in Android applications. By understanding how it works and how to analyze the backtrace, developers can effectively troubleshoot crashes and bugs. Utilizing tools like ndk-stack in Android Studio further simplifies the process. The next time you encounter a crash, don't panic – rely on native backtrace to identify and resolve the issue efficiently.

    participant App
    participant AndroidRuntime
    participant NativeCode

    App->>AndroidRuntime: Crash occurs
    AndroidRuntime->>NativeCode: Capture native backtrace
    AndroidRuntime->>App: Log native backtrace
    title Crash Analysis Workflow
    dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
    section Preparing
    Build with Debug Symbols :done, a1, 2022-01-01, 1d
    section Analyzing
    Generate Native Backtrace :active, a2, 2022-01-02, 1d
    Examine Code & Backtrace :active, a3, 2022-01-03, 2d
    Fix Bugs or Issues :active, a4, 2022-01-05, 3d
    section Using Tools
    Use ndk-stack in Android Studio :active, a5, 2022-01-08, 1d

In conclusion, native backtrace is a valuable tool for debugging crashes and bugs in Android applications. By understanding how to generate and analyze native backtraces, developers can effectively identify and resolve issues in their code. Combined with tools like ndk-stack in Android Studio, the troubleshooting process becomes even more streamlined. So, the next time you encounter an unexpected crash, rely on native backtrace to guide you towards a quick resolution