iOS assign

In iOS development, the assign keyword is used to declare a weak reference to an object. This article will explain what assign means, how it differs from other reference types, and provide code examples to demonstrate its usage. Additionally, a Gantt chart will be used to visualize the process, and a flowchart will illustrate the different steps involved.


In iOS development, memory management is a critical aspect to consider. When dealing with objects, it is important to understand the different reference types available and their implications for memory management. One such reference type is assign.

What is assign?

The assign keyword is used to declare a weak reference to an object. It is commonly used when creating a non-owning relationship between objects.

Reference Types in iOS

Before diving into assign, let's briefly explore the other reference types in iOS:

  1. Strong: A strong reference creates a strong ownership relationship with the object being referenced. When an object has a strong reference to it, it will not be deallocated as long as the strong reference exists.
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSObject *object;
  1. Weak: A weak reference creates a non-owning relationship with the object being referenced. When an object only has weak references to it, and there are no strong references, it can be deallocated and memory can be freed.
@property (weak, nonatomic) NSObject *object;
  1. Copy: A copy reference creates a new object with the same values as the original object. It is commonly used when dealing with objects that need to be immutable or to prevent unintended side effects caused by mutable objects.
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *string;
  1. Unsafe_unretained: This reference type is similar to assign, but it does not set the weak reference to nil when the object it points to is deallocated. It is rarely used in modern iOS development and has been mostly replaced by assign.
@property (unsafe_unretained, nonatomic) NSObject *object;

Usage of assign

The assign keyword is commonly used when creating delegate relationships or when dealing with objects that have a parent-child relationship, where the child object should not have a strong reference to its parent.

Let's consider an example where we have a Parent object and a Child object. The Parent object has a weak reference to the Child object, preventing a strong ownership relationship.

@interface Child : NSObject
@property (assign, nonatomic) Parent *parent;

@interface Parent : NSObject
@property (strong, nonatomic) Child *child;

In this example, the Child object has an assign property named parent of type Parent, and the Parent object has a strong reference to the Child object. This ensures that the Child object does not have a strong reference to its parent, preventing a retain cycle.

Code Example

Let's demonstrate the usage of assign with a simple code example. Consider a scenario where we have a Person class and a Car class. The Person owns a car, and the car has an assigned owner.

@interface Car : NSObject
@property (assign, nonatomic) Person *owner;

@interface Person : NSObject
@property (strong, nonatomic) Car *car;

In our code example, the Car class has an assign property named owner of type Person. The Person class, on the other hand, has a strong reference to the Car object. This ensures that the Car object does not have a strong reference to its owner.

Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
Car *car = [[Car alloc] init]; = car;
car.owner = person;

In this example, assigning the car object to the person sets up the ownership relationship. However, because the owner property of the Car class is declared as assign, it does not create a strong reference to the Person object.

Gantt Chart

The following Gantt chart illustrates the process of using assign in iOS development:

    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    title       iOS assign Gantt Chart

    section Initialization
    InitializeObjects      :done,   2022-01-01, 3d
    SetAssignProperty      :active,  2022-01-04, 2d
    section Usage
    UseAssignedProperty    :          2022-01-06, 3d

The Gantt chart shows the initialization phase, where objects are created, followed by setting the assign property. Finally, the usage phase demonstrates how the assigned property is utilized.


The following flowchart outlines the steps involved in using assign in iOS development:

flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B[Initialize Objects]
    B --> C[Set Assign Property]
    C --> D[Use Assigned Property]
    D --> E[End]

The flowchart provides a visual