MySQL Server is Running with the skip-grant-tables Option


The MySQL server is a powerful and widely used relational database management system. It provides an access control mechanism called a grant table, which allows administrators to define user privileges and restrict access to data and operations. However, there are situations where it may be necessary to bypass this security mechanism temporarily. One such situation is when the MySQL server is running with the skip-grant-tables option.

In this article, we will explore what the skip-grant-tables option is, why it might be used, and how to enable and disable it. We will also discuss the potential risks and security implications of running the MySQL server with this option enabled.

Understanding the skip-grant-tables Option

The skip-grant-tables option is a MySQL server configuration setting that allows the server to start without loading the grant tables, effectively bypassing all user authentication and privilege checks. This means that any user can connect to the MySQL server and have full administrative privileges, without providing any credentials.

This option is primarily intended for troubleshooting purposes or for situations where the administrator has lost access to the MySQL server due to a forgotten password or misconfiguration. By enabling skip-grant-tables, the administrator can regain access to the server and make necessary changes to the user accounts and privileges.

Enabling skip-grant-tables

To enable the skip-grant-tables option, you need to modify the MySQL server configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini). Locate the [mysqld] section and add the following line:


Save the configuration file and restart the MySQL server. After the restart, the server will be running with the skip-grant-tables option enabled.

Modifying User Accounts

With the skip-grant-tables option enabled, you can connect to the MySQL server without providing any credentials. You will have full administrative privileges and can modify user accounts, including resetting passwords.

Here is an example of how to reset a password for an existing user using the MySQL command-line client:

mysql -u root

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD('new_password') WHERE User = 'username';

Replace new_password with the desired password and username with the appropriate username.

After making the necessary modifications to the user accounts, it is important to disable the skip-grant-tables option and restart the MySQL server to restore the normal authentication and privilege checks.

Disabling skip-grant-tables

To disable the skip-grant-tables option, you need to remove or comment out the skip-grant-tables line in the MySQL server configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini).

Save the configuration file and restart the MySQL server. After the restart, the server will be running without the skip-grant-tables option, and the normal authentication and privilege checks will be enforced.

Risks and Security Implications

Running the MySQL server with the skip-grant-tables option enabled poses significant security risks. Since any user can connect to the server with full administrative privileges, it is important to restrict access to the server during this time. Limiting network access and ensuring that only trusted individuals have access to the server is crucial.

Furthermore, it is crucial to disable the skip-grant-tables option and restore the normal authentication and privilege checks as soon as the necessary modifications to the user accounts have been made. Failure to do so can leave the MySQL server vulnerable to unauthorized access and potential data breaches.


The skip-grant-tables option in MySQL allows the server to start without loading the grant tables, bypassing all user authentication and privilege checks. It is primarily used for troubleshooting and password recovery purposes. However, running the server with this option enabled should be done with caution due to the significant security risks involved.

In this article, we discussed how to enable and disable the skip-grant-tables option, as well as how to modify user accounts with this option enabled. We also highlighted the risks and security implications of running the MySQL server with this option enabled. It is important to exercise caution and follow best practices when using this option to ensure the security of your MySQL server.