Swift UI Button

Swift UI is a modern framework for building user interfaces across Apple platforms. It provides a declarative syntax that allows developers to describe the desired UI state and let the framework handle the rest. In this article, we will explore how to use buttons in Swift UI and provide code examples to illustrate their usage.

Introduction to Buttons

Buttons are one of the fundamental UI elements used to trigger actions or events in an application. In Swift UI, the Button view is used to create buttons. Buttons can have different styles, such as plain, bordered, or circular, and can be customized with various modifiers.

Creating a Button

To create a basic button in Swift UI, we use the Button view and provide a closure that defines the action to be performed when the button is pressed. Here is an example of a simple button that displays "Click Me" as its label:

Button(action: {
    // Action to be performed when the button is pressed
    print("Button pressed!")
}) {
    Text("Click Me")

In the above code snippet, the Button view takes two parameters. The first parameter is a closure that defines the action to be performed when the button is pressed. In this case, we simply print a message to the console. The second parameter is a closure that provides the content of the button, which is a Text view displaying "Click Me" as the label.

Button Styles

Swift UI provides several built-in button styles that can be applied using modifiers. Let's explore a few of them:

Plain Button

A plain button has no visible border or background. It is the default style applied to buttons if no other style is specified. Here is an example of a plain button:

Button(action: {
    print("Button pressed!")
}) {
    Text("Click Me")

Bordered Button

A bordered button has a visible border and no background. It provides a visual distinction from plain buttons. Here is an example of a bordered button:

Button(action: {
    print("Button pressed!")
}) {
    Text("Click Me")

In the above example, we use the .border modifier to specify the border color of the button. We set it to blue, but you can choose any color you prefer.

Circular Button

A circular button is a visually appealing rounded button. It is commonly used for actions that require more attention from the user. Here is an example of a circular button:

Button(action: {
    print("Button pressed!")
}) {
    Image(systemName: "plus")

In this example, we use the Image view to display the system icon "plus" as the button's content. We apply various modifiers to customize the button's appearance, such as padding, background color, foreground color, and clip shape. The Circle() shape is used to create a circular button.

Custom Button

Swift UI allows you to create fully customized buttons by combining different views and modifiers. Here is an example of a custom button:

Button(action: {
    print("Button pressed!")
}) {
    HStack {
        Image(systemName: "heart")

In this example, we use the HStack view to horizontally stack the heart icon and the "Like" text. We apply various modifiers to customize the appearance, such as font color, font weight, padding, background color, and corner radius.


Buttons play a crucial role in user interaction and engagement in mobile applications. Swift UI simplifies the process of creating buttons by providing a declarative approach. In this article, we explored the basics of creating buttons in Swift UI and learned about different button styles, including plain, bordered, circular, and custom buttons.

Buttons are just one of the many UI elements Swift UI offers. You can combine buttons with other views and modifiers to create complex and interactive user interfaces. Experiment with different styles and customization options to enhance the user experience in your applications.

Remember to check out the official Apple documentation for more details and advanced topics related to Swift UI buttons.


    title Swift UI Button
    section Introduction
    section Creating a Button
    section Button Styles
    section Conclusion


  • [SwiftUI Button - Apple Documentation](