Spark 3.0.1 Graphite Exporter Mapping


In this article, we will explore how to use the Graphite Exporter feature in Apache Spark version 3.0.1. We will cover what the Graphite Exporter is, how it works, and provide code examples to demonstrate its usage.

What is Graphite Exporter?

Graphite Exporter is a feature in Apache Spark that allows users to export Spark metrics to a Graphite server. Graphite is an open-source monitoring tool that specializes in real-time visualization and monitoring of application metrics. By exporting Spark metrics to Graphite, users can gain insights into the performance and health of their Spark applications.

How does Graphite Exporter work?

The Graphite Exporter works by periodically sending Spark metrics to a Graphite server. This is achieved by configuring Spark to use the Graphite Exporter class and providing the necessary configuration properties. Once the exporter is set up, Spark will automatically send metrics to the Graphite server, which can then be visualized and monitored using Graphite's dashboards and graphs.

Setting up Graphite Exporter in Spark

To set up the Graphite Exporter in Spark 3.0.1, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add Graphite Exporter dependency

First, we need to add the Graphite Exporter dependency to our Spark project. You can do this by including the following dependency in your pom.xml file:


Step 2: Configure Graphite Exporter properties

Next, we need to configure the Graphite Exporter properties in Spark. This can be done by adding the following configuration properties to your Spark application:

spark.conf.set("spark.metrics.conf.*.sink.graphite.class", "org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.GraphiteSink")
spark.conf.set("spark.metrics.conf.*", "localhost")
spark.conf.set("spark.metrics.conf.*.sink.graphite.port", "2003")
spark.conf.set("spark.metrics.conf.*.sink.graphite.period", "10")

In the above code, we are setting the Graphite Exporter class, host, port, and period. You can adjust these values according to your Graphite server configuration.

Step 3: Start Spark application

Finally, start your Spark application as you normally would. Spark will now start sending metrics to the Graphite server at the specified interval.

Visualizing Spark metrics in Graphite

Once the Spark application is running and exporting metrics to the Graphite server, we can visualize and monitor these metrics using Graphite's web interface. Graphite provides a powerful querying language that allows us to create custom graphs and dashboards based on the exported metrics.

To visualize Spark metrics in Graphite, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access Graphite web interface

Open your web browser and navigate to the Graphite server's URL. By default, the URL is http://localhost:8080. You should see the Graphite web interface.

Step 2: Create a graph

Click on the "Graphs" tab in the Graphite web interface. From here, you can create a new graph by clicking on the "New" button. Give your graph a name and configure the metrics you want to display.

Step 3: Customize the graph

Graphite allows you to customize your graph by adjusting various settings such as the time range, graph type, and colors. Experiment with these settings to create the visualization that best suits your needs.

Step 4: Save and share the graph

Once you are satisfied with your graph, click on the "Save" button to save it. You can then share the graph URL with others or embed it in your own applications.


In this article, we have explored how to use the Graphite Exporter feature in Apache Spark 3.0.1. We learned what the Graphite Exporter is, how it works, and provided step-by-step instructions to set it up and visualize Spark metrics in Graphite. By exporting Spark metrics to Graphite, users can gain valuable insights into the performance and health of their Spark applications.