Java Redisson Pub/Sub Example


In this article, I will guide you through the process of implementing a Java Redisson Pub/Sub (Publish/Subscribe) example. Redisson is a Java Redis client that provides easy-to-use API for Redis. Pub/Sub is a messaging pattern where senders (publishers) send messages to channels, and the receivers (subscribers) listen to these channels to receive messages.


Before starting, please make sure you have the following:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed
  • Redis server installed and running
  • Redisson Java client added to your project dependencies


Let's start by understanding the overall flow of the process. The following table summarizes the steps involved:

Step Description
1 Create a Redisson client
2 Create a Redisson topic instance
3 Implement a subscriber
4 Implement a publisher
5 Publish a message
6 Receive messages

Now, let's dive into each step and see what needs to be done.

Step 1: Create a Redisson Client

To interact with Redis using Redisson, we need to create a Redisson client. Here's the code to create a Redisson client:

// Initialize Redisson client
Config config = new Config();
RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

This code initializes a Redisson Config object and sets the Redis server address as redis://localhost:6379. Adjust the address based on your Redis server configuration.

Step 2: Create a Redisson Topic Instance

Next, we need to create a Redisson topic instance to handle the pub/sub operations. Here's the code to create a Redisson topic:

// Create a Redisson topic instance
RTopic<String> topic = redisson.getTopic("myTopic");

This code creates a Redisson RTopic instance named "myTopic". You can choose any name for your topic.

Step 3: Implement a Subscriber

Now, let's implement a subscriber that listens to messages published on the topic. Here's the code for the subscriber:

// Implement a subscriber
topic.addListener(String.class, (channel, message) -> {
    System.out.println("Received message: " + message);

This code adds a listener to the topic using the addListener method. The listener receives the channel name and the message whenever a new message is published.

Step 4: Implement a Publisher

Next, let's implement a publisher that publishes messages to the topic. Here's the code for the publisher:

// Implement a publisher
topic.publish("Hello, World!");

This code publishes a message "Hello, World!" to the topic using the publish method.

Step 5: Publish a Message

To publish a message, simply call the publish method on the topic instance. Here's an example:

// Publish a message
topic.publish("Hello, World!");

This code publishes the message "Hello, World!" to the topic.

Step 6: Receive Messages

To receive messages, the subscriber needs to be running and listening to the topic. Here's the code to start the subscriber:

// Start the subscriber
redisson.getTopic("myTopic").addListener(String.class, (channel, message) -> {
    System.out.println("Received message: " + message);

This code starts the subscriber and prints the received messages to the console.

State Diagram

Here's a state diagram depicting the flow of messages between the publisher and subscriber:

    [*] --> Subscriber
    Subscriber --> Publisher: Publishes message
    Publisher --> Subscriber: Sends message


In this article, we learned how to implement a Java Redisson Pub/Sub example. We saw the steps involved in creating a Redisson client, creating a topic instance, implementing a subscriber, implementing a publisher, publishing messages, and receiving messages. Redisson provides a convenient way to incorporate pub/sub functionality into your Java applications.