Input Hidden in jQuery

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In this article, we will explore how to work with hidden input fields using jQuery. Input fields are commonly used to collect data from users on a web page. However, sometimes we may have certain input fields that we want to hide from the user's view but still collect data from them. jQuery provides convenient methods to manipulate and work with hidden input fields.

What is a Hidden Input Field?

A hidden input field is an HTML element that is not visible to the user on a web page. It can be used to store and transmit data without displaying it to the user. Hidden input fields are useful in various scenarios, such as passing data between different pages or storing internal values in forms.

Creating a Hidden Input Field

To create a hidden input field, we need to add an <input> element to the HTML markup with its type attribute set to "hidden". Here is an example:

<input type="hidden" id="myHiddenField" value="Hello, World!">

In this example, we have created a hidden input field with an id of "myHiddenField" and a value of "Hello, World!". The value is the data that we want to store in the hidden input field.

Accessing the Value of a Hidden Input Field

To access the value of a hidden input field using jQuery, we can use the .val() method. This method allows us to get or set the value of an input element.

Here is an example of how to access the value of a hidden input field:

var hiddenValue = $('#myHiddenField').val();

In this example, we are using the $('#myHiddenField') selector to target the hidden input field with the id of "myHiddenField". The .val() method retrieves the value of the hidden input field and assigns it to the hiddenValue variable. We can then use console.log(hiddenValue) to print the value to the console.

Setting the Value of a Hidden Input Field

To set the value of a hidden input field using jQuery, we can also use the .val() method. Here is an example:

$('#myHiddenField').val("New Value");

In this example, we are using the $('#myHiddenField') selector to target the hidden input field with the id of "myHiddenField". The .val() method sets the value of the hidden input field to "New Value".

Hiding and Showing Hidden Input Fields

jQuery provides methods to hide and show elements on a web page, including hidden input fields. To hide a hidden input field, we can use the .hide() method. Here is an example:


In this example, we are using the $('#myHiddenField') selector to target the hidden input field with the id of "myHiddenField". The .hide() method hides the hidden input field from the user's view.

To show a hidden input field, we can use the .show() method. Here is an example:


In this example, we are using the $('#myHiddenField') selector to target the hidden input field with the id of "myHiddenField". The .show() method displays the hidden input field to the user.


In this article, we have learned how to work with hidden input fields using jQuery. We have seen how to create a hidden input field, access its value, set its value, hide it, and show it. Hidden input fields are a powerful tool in web development for collecting and transmitting data without displaying it to the user.

Remember to carefully consider the security implications when working with hidden input fields, as the data stored in them can still be accessed and manipulated by malicious users. Always validate and sanitize the data received from hidden input fields on the server-side to ensure its integrity.

Happy coding!