Android Layout Behavior and ViewPager


In Android development, layout behavior plays a crucial role in designing and creating user interfaces. It allows us to define how the views in our layout should interact with each other. One of the common use cases is using layout behavior with a ViewPager, which allows us to create swipeable screens with multiple fragments.

In this article, we will explore how to use layout behavior with a ViewPager and provide code examples to demonstrate the concept.

Understanding Layout Behavior

Layout behavior is a concept introduced in the Android Support Library to define how views within a layout should behave in certain situations. It allows us to customize the interactions and animations between views.


ViewPager is a layout manager that allows the user to swipe left or right to navigate through a set of fragments. It is commonly used to create tabbed interfaces or image galleries.

To use a ViewPager, we first need to include the ViewPager in our XML layout file. Here is an example:

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Next, we need to set up the adapter for the ViewPager. The adapter is responsible for providing the content of each page. Here is an example of setting up a simple adapter with three fragments:

val viewPager = findViewById<ViewPager>(
val adapter = MyPagerAdapter(supportFragmentManager)
viewPager.adapter = adapter

Layout Behavior with ViewPager

To apply layout behavior to views within a ViewPager, we need to use the layout_behavior attribute. This attribute allows us to specify a custom behavior for the view.

Here is an example of applying a layout behavior to a view within a ViewPager:

    app:layout_behavior="@string/my_custom_behavior" />

In the above example, we set the layout_behavior attribute to @string/my_custom_behavior, which refers to a custom behavior defined in our app.

Creating a Custom Layout Behavior

To create a custom layout behavior, we need to extend the CoordinatorLayout.Behavior class. This class provides methods that allow us to define how our view should behave in certain situations.

Here is an example of a custom layout behavior that hides the view when the user scrolls down:

class HideOnScrollBehavior<V : View>(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) :
    CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<V>(context, attrs) {

    override fun onStartNestedScroll(
        coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout,
        child: V,
        directTargetChild: View,
        target: View,
        axes: Int,
        type: Int
    ): Boolean {
        return axes == ViewCompat.SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL

    override fun onNestedScroll(
        coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout,
        child: V,
        target: View,
        dxConsumed: Int,
        dyConsumed: Int,
        dxUnconsumed: Int,
        dyUnconsumed: Int,
        type: Int
    ) {
        if (dyConsumed > 0 && child.visibility == View.VISIBLE) {
            child.visibility = View.GONE
        } else if (dyConsumed < 0 && child.visibility == View.GONE) {
            child.visibility = View.VISIBLE

In the above example, we override the onStartNestedScroll and onNestedScroll methods to define the behavior of our view. The onStartNestedScroll method determines if the behavior should be triggered based on the scroll axes, and the onNestedScroll method defines what should happen when the view is scrolled.


Layout behavior is a powerful feature in Android development that allows us to define how views interact within a layout. When combined with a ViewPager, it provides a seamless user experience for navigating through different fragments.

In this article, we explored how to use layout behavior with a ViewPager and provided code examples to demonstrate the concept. By understanding and leveraging layout behavior, we can create more interactive and dynamic user interfaces in our Android applications.

    title Layout Behavior Components
    "ViewPager" : 40
    "Custom Behavior" : 60
flowchart TD
    Start --> ViewPager
    ViewPager --> Custom Behavior
    Custom Behavior --> End
    End --> Start


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