OpenStack and KVM: A Powerful Combination for Cloud Computing

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OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing platform that provides a set of software tools for building and managing cloud infrastructure. It is designed to be flexible, scalable, and interoperable, making it ideal for both public and private clouds. One of the key components of OpenStack is the use of the KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) hypervisor, which provides virtualization capabilities.

In this article, we will explore the integration of OpenStack and KVM and discuss how they work together to create a powerful cloud computing environment. We will also provide code examples to illustrate the concepts discussed.

Understanding OpenStack and KVM

OpenStack Overview

OpenStack is made up of several components, each serving a different purpose in the cloud infrastructure. Some of the main components include:

  • Nova: Provides the compute service and manages the lifecycle of virtual machines.
  • Neutron: Offers networking services and manages the virtual network infrastructure.
  • Glance: Handles image management, including storing and retrieving virtual machine images.
  • Cinder: Manages block storage devices and provides persistent storage for virtual machines.
  • Horizon: The OpenStack dashboard, offering a web-based interface for managing and monitoring the cloud infrastructure.

These components work together to provide a comprehensive cloud computing platform, allowing users to create and manage virtual machines, networks, storage, and other resources.

KVM Overview

KVM is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware. It allows multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical host, each with its own instance of the operating system. KVM operates as a kernel module, leveraging the built-in virtualization capabilities of the Linux kernel. It provides a lightweight and efficient virtualization solution, ensuring excellent performance and scalability.

KVM supports a wide range of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and BSD. It provides features such as live migration, memory overcommitment, and dynamic resource allocation, making it an ideal choice for building cloud infrastructure.

Integration of OpenStack and KVM

OpenStack uses KVM as one of its supported hypervisors. This integration allows OpenStack to take advantage of the virtualization capabilities provided by KVM to create and manage virtual machines.

When a user requests the creation of a virtual machine through the OpenStack API, the Nova component interacts with the KVM hypervisor to create the virtual machine. Nova communicates with the KVM hypervisor using the libvirt library, which provides a high-level API for managing virtualization technologies.

Below is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a virtual machine using the OpenStack API:

# Import the necessary Python libraries
from novaclient import client

# Create a connection to the OpenStack API
nova = client.Client("2.1", username="admin", password="password", project_name="admin", auth_url="http://openstack/api/v2.1")

# Define the virtual machine specifications
flavor = nova.flavors.find(name="m1.small")
image = nova.images.find(name="ubuntu18.04")
network = nova.networks.find(label="private")

# Create the virtual machine
vm = nova.servers.create(name="my_vm", flavor=flavor, image=image, network=network)

# Wait for the virtual machine to be created
vm_status = nova.servers.get(
while vm_status != "ACTIVE":
    vm_status = nova.servers.get(

# Print the IP address of the virtual machine
print("Virtual machine IP address: " + vm.networks["private"][0])

This code snippet demonstrates the basic steps involved in creating a virtual machine using the OpenStack API. It retrieves the necessary information about the flavor, image, and network, and then uses the nova.servers.create method to create the virtual machine. Finally, it waits for the virtual machine to become active and prints its IP address.


OpenStack and KVM together provide a robust and flexible cloud computing platform. OpenStack leverages the virtualization capabilities of KVM to create and manage virtual machines, networks, and storage, while KVM provides a lightweight and efficient hypervisor solution.

In this article, we discussed the integration of OpenStack and KVM and provided a code example demonstrating the creation of a virtual machine using the OpenStack API. This is just a glimpse into the capabilities of OpenStack and KVM, which offer much more in terms of scalability, performance, and resource management.

By combining OpenStack and KVM, organizations can build powerful and scalable cloud infrastructure that meets their specific requirements. Whether it is for public or private clouds, OpenStack and KVM are an excellent choice for building and managing cloud computing environments.


  • [OpenStack](
  • [KVM - Kernel-based Virtual Machine](