RxJava Observer onError


In RxJava, the Observer interface is used to consume the emissions of an Observable. The Observer provides a set of callback methods to handle different events, such as onNext, onComplete, and onError. In this article, we will focus on the onError method and explore how it is used to handle errors in RxJava.

Understanding onError

The onError method is called by the Observable when an error occurs during the emission of items. The method signature is as follows:

void onError(Throwable throwable)

The onError method takes a Throwable parameter that represents the error that occurred. This could be any type of exception, such as IOException, NullPointerException, or a custom exception.

Handling Errors with onError

When an error occurs in an Observable, the onError method is called, and it marks the sequence as terminated. After the onError method is invoked, the Observer will not receive any more events.

To handle errors gracefully, you can implement the onError method in your Observer implementation. This method allows you to define the behavior for handling errors, such as logging the error, showing an error message to the user, or retrying the operation.

Let's take a look at an example to see how onError is used in practice.

Example: Handling Network Errors

Suppose we have an application that fetches data from a remote server using RxJava. We want to handle any network errors that may occur during the data fetch operation.

public class NetworkDataFetcher {

    public Observable<String> fetchData() {
        return Observable.create(emitter -> {
            try {
                // Simulate fetching data from a remote server
                String data = fetchDataFromServer();
            } catch (IOException e) {

    private String fetchDataFromServer() throws IOException {
        // Simulate network error
        throw new IOException("Network error occurred");

In the above example, the NetworkDataFetcher class has a method fetchData that returns an Observable of type String. Inside the fetchData method, we create an Observable using the Observable.create method. Then, we simulate fetching data from a remote server by calling the fetchDataFromServer method.

If an IOException occurs during the data fetch operation, we call the emitter.onError method and pass the exception as a parameter. This will notify the Observer that an error has occurred.

Now let's create an Observer implementation that handles the network errors:

public class NetworkDataObserver implements Observer<String> {

    public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
        // Not used in this example

    public void onNext(String data) {
        // Process fetched data
        System.out.println("Received data: " + data);

    public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
        // Handle network error
        System.out.println("Network error occurred: " + throwable.getMessage());

    public void onComplete() {
        // Not used in this example

In the NetworkDataObserver class, we implement the onError method to handle the network error. In this example, we simply log the error message to the console. In a real-world application, you could show an error message to the user or perform any other necessary error handling logic.

Now, let's test the code:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        NetworkDataFetcher dataFetcher = new NetworkDataFetcher();
        Observable<String> dataObservable = dataFetcher.fetchData();
        dataObservable.subscribe(new NetworkDataObserver());

In the Main class, we create an instance of NetworkDataFetcher and call the fetchData method to get an Observable of network data. Then, we subscribe to the Observable with an instance of NetworkDataObserver. When we run the code, we should see the network error message logged to the console.

Class Diagram

Here is a class diagram that illustrates the relationship between the Observable, Observer, and Throwable:

    class Observable {
        +subscribe(Observer observer)
    class Observer {
        +onNext(T value)
        +onError(Throwable throwable)
    class Throwable {

The Observable class has a subscribe method that takes an Observer as a parameter. The Observer interface defines the onError method, which takes a Throwable parameter. The Throwable class provides a getMessage method to get the error message.


The onError method in the RxJava Observer interface is used to handle errors that occur during the emission of items. By implementing this method, you can define the behavior for handling errors in your application. In this article, we explored how to handle network errors using